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         Amnesty International:     more books (101)
  1. Amnesty International Handbook 1992
  2. Voices for Freedom by Amnesty International, 1986-12
  3. Menschenrechtspolitik von oben und von unten: Formen und Perspektiven der Menschenrechtsarbeit durch eine IGO und eine NGO am Beispiel der UNO und amnesty international (German Edition) by Jeanette Neij, 1997-01-01
  4. Amnesty International Report, 1986 by Amnesty International, 1986-09
  5. Amnesty in International Law by Ben Chigara, 2002-03
  6. Peter Benenson: Taking a Stand Against Injustice Amnesty International (People Who Have Helped the World) by David Winner, 1992-02
  7. Amnesty for Crime in International Law and Practice by Andreas O'Shea, 2002-02-13
  8. The poison river; foreword by Southeast Asia Coordination Group, Amnesty International, USA. by Steve, with Mal Karman Raymond, 1995
  9. Political Imprisonment in the People's Republic of China: An Amnesty International Report by Unnamed Unnamed, 1978
  10. Amnesty International Report 2000 (Amnesty International (Paper), 2000)
  11. Forbidden Films: The Filmmaker and Human Rights in Aid of Amnesty International, Toronto, October 18-28, 1984 by Marc Glassman, 1984-12
  12. Amnesty International gegen Folter: Eine kritische Bilanz (Beitrage zur Politikwissenschaft) (German Edition) by Uta Devries, 1998
  13. Amnesty International by Marsha Bronson, Joseph G. Oberle, 1994-06
  14. Amnesty international by Reg Grant, 2002-09-25

41. International Criminal Tribunals: Handbook For Government Cooperation - Amnesty
An amnesty international resource on improving laws and resources to combat war crimes.
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Nigeria: violence against women must stop
Srebrenica: 10 years is too long to wait for justice View this page in E-mail this page Printer friendly PDF LIBRARY ... UN AI Index: IOR 40/007/1996 August INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNALS
Handbook for government cooperation
August 1996
AI Index: IOR 40/07/96


A. The obligation to assist in gathering evidence and to arrest and transfer persons to the tribunals
... III. STATUS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO TRIBUNALS AS OF 31 MAY 1996 SUPPLEMENT ONE (AI INDEX: IOR 40/08/96) IV. SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS Security Council Resolution 827 (with Yugoslavia Statute) Security Council Resolution 955 (with Rwanda Statute) Security Council Resolution 978 V. GUIDELINES FOR LEGISLATION VI. LEGISLATION Australia (former Yugoslavia and Rwanda) Austria (former Yugoslavia and Rwanda) Belgium (former Yugoslavia and Rwanda) SUPPLEMENT TWO (AI INDEX: IOR 40/09/96) Bosnia and Herzegovina (former Yugoslavia) Croatia (former Yugoslavia) Denmark (former Yugoslavia) (order extending it to Rwanda omitted) Finland (former Yugoslavia) France (former Yugoslavia and Rwanda) Germany (former Yugoslavia) Hungary (former Yugoslavia) Iceland (former Yugoslavia) Italy (former Yugoslavia) Netherlands (former Yugoslavia) New Zealand (former Yugoslavia and Rwanda)

42. Iraq: Systematic Torture Of Political Prisoneres - Amnesty International
Report detailing types and specific examples of government sponsored torture and murder of prisoners and citizens.

43. Amnesty International - Israel Section
amnesty international, (AI), Israel Section is part of a worldwide voluntary amnesty international Israel Section is one of the leading human rights
Amnesty International - Israel section Amnesty International, (AI), Israel Section is part of a worldwide voluntary movement that works to prevent some of the gravest violations by governments of people's fundamental human rights. The main focus points of its campaigning are:
  • To free all prisoners of conscience ; people detained for their beliefs or because of their ethnic origin, sex, color, language, national or social origin, economic status, etc. -and who have not used or advocated violence. To ensure fair and prompt trial for all prisoners. To abolish the death penalty , torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners. To end extra-judicial executions and "disappearances".
Amnesty International also:
  • Opposes abuses by armed political groups. Assists asylum-seekers who are at risk of being returned to a country where they may suffer violations of their fundamental human rights. Organizing human rights education and awareness raising programs.
Amnesty International Israel Section is one of the leading human rights organizations in Israel. Its apolitical status and non-affiliation to any official or government body, confers the section's independence as well as certain privileges. AI Israel is not biased towards the left or the right, towards Jews or Arabs, nor towards Judaism, Islam or Christianity. Its staff, board and members are people who represent all sectors of the population, all political affiliations and all walks of life. It is important to note that following Amnesty International's guidelines

44. Amnistia Internacional De Macau, Amnesty International South China, Chinese, Eng
Covers the organizations history in Macau, campaigns, and membership information.
Amnesty International
Macau South China
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Premier July 1 '97

45. - Amnesty International Filmfestival
Ieder voorjaar vindt in Amsterdam het amnesty international Filmfestival Het achtste amnesty international Filmfestival vindt plaats van woensdag 22
Filmfestival home Home Jongeren-
... ENGLISH 8e Amnesty International Filmfestival Amsterdam
22 t/m 26 maart 2006
Amnesty International Filmfestival
Ieder voorjaar vindt in Amsterdam het Amnesty International Filmfestival plaats. Sinds 1995 is dit filmevenement een podium voor geëngageerde filmproducties over mensenrechten en menselijke waardigheid. Het festival vertoont zowel documentaires als speelfilms. In discussies en talkshows naar aanleiding van films wisselen filmmakers, mensenrechtenactivisten en publiek van gedachten.
Het achtste Amnesty International Filmfestival vindt plaats van woensdag 22 maart tot en met zondag 26 maart 2006 in Amsterdam.
Al ruim veertig jaar ijvert Amnesty International voor naleving van de rechten van de mens, overal ter wereld. Het geschreven en gesproken woord – in de vorm van rapporten, brieven aan gevangenen, overheden en internationale organisaties etc.– bleek en blijkt een machtig medium. De mondiale verschuiving richting beeldcultuur kan en wil Amnesty nadrukkelijk niet negeren. De betekenis van (film)beeld als informatiebron neemt toe. Beelden hebben de kracht om onverschilligheid te doorbreken. De laatste jaren hebben talloze voorbeelden laten zien van de camera die internationale actie ontketende. Het filmen zelf kan ook als vorm van actievoeren worden beschouwd. Met de steeds meer geavanceerde en kleine DV-camera’s wordt het makkelijker regimes waar ook ter wereld op de vingers te kijken.
Film by the Sea en Amnesty International presenteren Afrikaprogramma

46. Amnesty International Gruppe Gegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen An Frauen
Die Sektionskogruppe Frauen wendet sich gegen die Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Frauen, wertet Informationen zu Verst¶Ÿen aus und organisiert Podiumsdiskussionen, Lesungen und Vortr¤ge. Sie informiert ¼ber Themen und Aktionen und bietet ein L¤nderarchiv von Frauenf¤llen der Jahre 1995 bis heute.
Sektionskoordinationsgruppe "Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Frauen"
amnesty international

Sektion Deutschland
(Deutscher Zweig des internationalen Sekretariats von ai) tionen Mit einer im März 2004 gestarteten globalen Kampagne stellt amnesty international unter dem Motto "HINSEHEN & HANDELN: Gewalt gegen Frauen verhindern" die Abschaffung von Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen zwei Jahre lang in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Aktionen. ai möchte den Stimmen der Frauen und Männer, die die Beseitigung von Diskriminierung und Gewalt fordern, weltweit Gehör verschaffen und Entscheidungsträger/innen, Organisationen und Einzelpersonen dazu ermutigen, sich öffentlich zum Schutz der Menschenrechte von Frauen zu bekennen.
Postadresse: Gunda Opfer amnesty international
Sektionskogruppe Menschen- rechtsverletzungen an Frauen Tel: 0228 983730
Fax: 0228 630036 (Gruppennummer 2914)
53 108 BONN Frauenrechte unsere Arbeit Themen: FGM Aktionen ... amnesty international Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Frauen in der Schweiz

47. United States Of America: Memorandum To The US Government On The Rights Of Peopl
Full text of the document released on April 15., 2002 html and pdf.\U

48. Amnesty International Report 1999: Africa Index Page
Summary of concern with links to country reports.
Highlights of Amnesty International Report 1999
Covering events from January to December 1998
In 1998, the year of the 50 th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, armed conflicts, social and political unrest continued unabated leading to further appalling human rights abuses in Africa. Those responsible for these abuses were rarely brought to justice. On the positive aspect, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ICTR ) announced its first judgments in the cases of people accused of involvement in the 1994 genocide. In Nigeria , the new authorities released more than 140 political prisoners. In October, a law forbidding female genital mutilation was passed by the National Assembly of Togo Mali stated that he was opposed to the death penalty. That statement was echoed in December, by president Muluzi of Malawi who reaffirmed his promise made to Amnesty International that he "will never sign the death sentence for a fellow human being". Zambia and South Africa acceded to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. In June, Ethiopia acceded to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights.

49. Korea Kogruppe (Nr. 2225) Von Amnesty International
Informationen zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Nord und S¼dkorea. Mit Bildern und œberblick ¼ber die aktuellen politischen Ereignisse.
Willkommen bei der Gruppe 2225
Korea Konzentriert sowie zu unserer Gruppe.
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Zur Homepage der Deutschen Sektion
Zur internationalen ai-Homepage

50. Amnesty
amnesty international, Des délégués d amnesty international se sont rendus en février en Indonésie,

51. Amnesty International - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
amnesty international (commonly known as Amnesty or AI) is an international In 2000 alone, AI worked on behalf of 3685 named individuals – and in over a
Amnesty International
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Amnesty International (commonly known as Amnesty or AI ) is an international non-governmental organization with the stated purpose of promoting all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards. In particular, Amnesty International campaigns to free all prisoners of conscience ; to ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners ; to abolish the death penalty torture , and other treatment of prisoners it regards as cruel; to end political killings and forced disappearances ; and to oppose all human rights abuses, whether by governments or by other groups.

52. Amnesty International - South Africa
The South African coordinating structure of amnesty international. Shares the objectives of the international movement. Information and current news.

More Campaigns
© Giovanni Diffidenti / Oxfam
Control Arms
The Arms Trade is out of control. Worldwide arms are fuelling conflict, poverty, and human rights abuses. It doesn't have to be like this. Amnesty International, Oxfam and IANSA are calling for a global Arms Trade Treaty and for local action to protect civilians from armed violence. More hands of death row
The Death Penalty
The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. It violates the right to life. It is irrevocable and can be inflicted on the innocent. It has never been shown to deter crime more effectively than other punishments. More Japanese embassy
Amnesty International South Africa visited the Japanese embassy
Amnesty International South Africa visited the embassy of Japan to mark the International Day of Justice. The purpose of the visit was part of the campaign to urge the government of Japan to ratify and implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. More
Obasanjo must surrender Charles G. Taylor

53. Amnesty International Appeals Against Death Sentences Of Three Political Prisone
amnesty international appeals against death sentences of three political prisoners.
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 96 00:29:10 CST
Subject: ARMENIA: AI APPEALS AGAINST DEATH SENTENCES OF 3 POLITICAL PRISONERS This News Service is posted by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 8DJ (Tel +44-71-413-5500, Fax +44-71-956-1157) Sender: News Service 239/96
AI INDEX: EUR 54/01/96
11 DECEMBER 1996
Amnesty International appeals against death sentences of three political prisoners
From Amnesty International. 11 December, 1996
President Levon Ter-Petrosyan of Armenia should immediately commute the death sentences of Arsen Artsruni, Armen Grigorian and Armenak Mjnoyan three political prisoners who were sentenced to death yesterday amid continuing allegations that their year-long trial was unfair, Amnesty International said today. "The President has stated that he is personally opposed to the death penalty. We ask him to show this commitment in a more concrete way by not only refusing to sign execution warrants but also actually commuting all pending death sentences," the human rights organization said. Amnesty International is calling for a thorough and impartial judicial review of the case.

54. Documento Senza Titolo
Padova Gruppi ed attivisti, campagne ed iniziative, appelli, notiziario ed informazioni per l'adesione, calendario eventi. (Richiede Flash).

55. YouthRights Human Rights Education
I introduced the troop to amnesty international USA s AIKids website for children which featured a Children s Edition Urgent Action about 17year-old Rafik

56. Amnesty International - Brunei Darussalam
List of recent publications on human rights abuses in the Sultanate. DARUSSALAM?OpenView&start=1&a

57. Amnesty International
Nemzetk¶zi emberi jogi szervezet magyarorsz¡gi csoportja. Bemutatkoz¡s, h­rek, csatlakoz¡si ©s t¡mogat¡si lehetős©g.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL HÍREK EU-Kína csúcstalálkozó Az EU-nak továbbra is nyomást kell gyakorolnia annak érdekében, hogy Kínában az emberi jogok terén valódi elõrelépés történjen. 2005. szeptember 2. Sziget fesztivál - Amnesty a Szigeten: nem elszigetelt arcok 2005. szeptember 1. Sziget fesztivál - 10 000 Arc: az Amnesty International Magyarország kampánya a fegyverkereskedelem szabályozásáért 2005. augusztus 8. Kina - Emberi jogok: még sok a tennivaló az olimpiáig 2005. augusztus 4. Bosznia és Hercegovina - A srebrenicai áldozatoknak tíz év alatt sem szolgáltattak igazságot 2005. július 10. Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság - Gyilkosságok, tömeges erõszak és kínzás Közép- és Kelet-Európából származó fegyverekkel 2005. július 5. Magyarország - Elektromos sokkolók: Lépés jó irányban, de még van mit tenni 2005. június 28. Magyarország - azonnal függessze fel az elektromos sokkolók alkalmazását! 2005. június 21. Az Európa-erõd ára - A menedékeseket tisztességtelenül fogvatartják és kitoloncolják 2005. június 20. A volt-Jugoszlávia - A hágai Nemzetközi Törvényszék üzenete: ne zárkózzanak el az igazság elõl 2005. június 6.

58. TUNISIA - Amnesty International
Recent AI publications on Tunisia.
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LIBRARY MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA NORTH AFRICA TUNISIA [ All ] News Reports Urgent Actions [1] Showing results 1 - 31 out of 123 Tunisia: Intimidation of the Tunisian League for Human Rights must stop MDE 30/015/2005 Tunisia: In total disregard for the spirit of the WSIS, restrictions on judges and journalists reinforced MDE 30/014/2005 Tunisia: Trial of lawyer raises concerns over freedom of expression MDE 30/006/2005 Tunisia: Prison conditions/ medical concern: Abdelatif Bouhajila (m), aged 35 MDE 30/005/2005 Tunisia: Preparing for the World Summit on Information Society starts with violence and arrests of human rights defenders and peaceful demonstrators MDE 30/002/2005 Tunisia: Releases of scores of political prisoners is positive step MDE 30/009/2004 Reservations to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women - Weakening the protection of women from violence in the Middle East and North Africa region IOR 51/009/2004 Tunisia: Amnesty International calls for greater respect for human rights as President Ben Ali is re-elected MDE 30/007/2004 Tunisia: Further Information on Prisoner of conscience / health concern, Zouheir Yahiaoui (m), aged 35

59. Amnesty International - Startsiden
amnesty international Norge. amnesty international er en verdensomspennende og medlemsstyrt menneskerettighetsorganisasjon. Organisasjonen er uavhengig av

Her finner du startsiden Her finner du aksjoner. Send et brev nå! Se at det nytter! Her finner du informasjon, nyheter og arkiv over pressemeldinger Her finner du informasjon om organisasjonen lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt Her finner du alle Amnestys dokumenter sortert etter land og tema (norsk og engelsk) Her finner du materiell for kursledere og lærere Her finner du informasjon for ungdom
- FN-forsamlingen svikter menneskerettighetene
Amnesty International fordømmer den åpenbare kapitulasjon som verdens ledere har latt seg presse til av et lite antall stater. Det har ført til at nesten alle menneskerettslige reformer av betydning uteblir fra dagens debatt i FN-forsamlingen i New York.
Les mer...

- Vi skal presse ny, norsk regjering
Amnesty hilser den nye, norske regjeringen med løfte om at vi vil måle den på respekt for menneskerettighetene. Vi håper på samarbeid, men er klar med kritikk, protest og om nødvendig aksjoner.
Les mer...

Myanmar: Titusenvis i fare for tvangsarbeid og mishandling
"De kastet meg av traktoren. Jeg falt. Jeg lå på bakken, og en soldat hoppet på armen min så den brakk. Så lot de meg bli liggende."

60. BAHRAIN - Amnesty International
Publications on the human rights conditions in Bahrain.
Document library
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LIBRARY MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA MIDDLE EAST BAHRAIN All News [ Reports ] Urgent Actions [1] Showing results 1 - 18 out of 18 Bharain: Ghada Jamsheer at risk of imprisonment MDE 11/002/2005 Reservations to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women - Weakening the protection of women from violence in the Middle East and North Africa region IOR 51/009/2004 USA: Who are the Guantánamo detainees? Case Sheet 2, 5 Bahraini detainees AMR 51/033/2004 Amnesty International Annual Review 2001 ORG 10/002/2002 The Wire, March 2002. Vol. 32, No.2. NWS 21/002/2002 The Wire, May 2001. Vol.31, No.3. NWS 21/004/2001 Amnesty International News, January 2001. Vol.31, No.1. NWS 21/001/2001 Bahrain: Human rights developments and Amnesty International's continuing concerns MDE 11/003/2000 Amnesty International Newsletter March 2000 NWS 21/002/2000 Worldwide Appeals August 1999 NWS 22/005/1999 Annual report updates POL 10/005/1999 State injustice: Unfair trials in the Middle East and North Africa MDE 01/002/1998 MDE 01/003/1998 Defend the defenders of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ACT 30/004/1997 Middle East: Fear, flight and forcible exile in the Middle East

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