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81. Biographies Of Women Mathematicians by women before 1930 and a list of prizes, awards, and honors granted to womenmathematicians. AG http//www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm http://anduin.eldar.org/~ben/scout/html/1272.html | |
82. Great Russian Women Mathematicians Great Russian women. Brief info on Russian women role in history of Russia. http://great.russian-women.net/russian-women_math.shtml | |
83. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Women Mathematicians women mathematicians. Most of the women we currently profile are from Next message Avinoam Mann Re HM women mathematicians ; Previous message http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jul98/0051.html | |
84. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Women Mathematicians HM women mathematicians. Moshe Machover (moshe.machover@kcl.ac.uk) Next inthread Avinoam Mann Re HM women mathematicians http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jul98/0054.html | |
85. L�nkdatabasen - 759. Women Mathematicians , Biographies of women mathematicians, part of an index of biographiesin mathematics. Library, Beurlingbiblioteket...... http://www.ub.uu.se/links/detailedRecord.cfm?lankID=759 |
86. Women In Mathematics: Press Release the best and the brightest women mathematicians in the United States, saysHenrion. Though certainly some of the top women mathematicians are included, http://www.indiana.edu/~iupress/books/0-253-21119-0pr.html | |
87. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb Extensive collection of women mathematicians biographies, African MathematicalUnion Commission on Women in Mathematics in Africa (AMUCWMA) http://www.anywho.com/cgi-bin/webdrill?catkey=gwd/Top/Society/People/Women/Scien |
88. IMA Update, Spring 2005 More than seventy women mathematicians participated in the workshop Career Options The talks by successful women mathematicians working in industry and http://www.ima.umn.edu/newsltrs/updates/spring05/diversity.shtml | |
89. AWM Advertisements Professional opportunities for mathematicians from the Association for women in Mathematics. http://www.awm-math.org/ads.html | |
90. San Diego Joint Mathematics Meetings 107th Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), 84th Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Annual meetings of the Association for women in Mathematics (AWM) and the National Association of mathematicians (NAM). San Diego, CA, USA; 69 January 2002. http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2049_intro.html | |
91. Women And Mathematics - Female Mathematicians - Math And Women's History Female mathematicians women in math from ancient times through recent years.Mathematics fields include arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, http://womenshistory.about.com/od/sciencemath1/ | |
92. School Of Mathematics - Women And Mathematics The Program for women in Mathematics brings together research mathematicians withwomen undergraduate and graduate students for an intensive 11day workshop http://www.math.ias.edu/womensprogram/ | |
93. Women In Math Paper 3 - Mathematicians Born After 1900 women in Math Paper 3 mathematicians Born after 1925. Work with at most 1 otherperson. (Only 1 group per mathematician allowed). http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~sjg/womeninmath/paper3.html | |
94. Great Mathematicians: Recommended Reading: Reference Services: Carnegie Library N68 1998 Notable women in Mathematics discusses female mathematicians fromHypatia to contemporary mathematicians such as Andrea Bertozzi. http://www.carnegielibrary.org/locations/reference/booklists/scitech/mathematici | |
95. African Women - Mathematicians women in category mathematicians Contemporary Africa Database. http://people.africadatabase.org/en/n/cat/fem/020/ | |
96. Other Meetings II womenmathematicians Suzdal (1993), Puschino (1994), Voronezh ( Mathematics.Modelling. Ecology , 1995), Volgograd ( Mathematics. Modelling. http://www.math.helsinki.fi/EWM/news/other.html | |
97. Science Blog -- New Book Explores, Explodes Stereotypes About Women In Mathemati True or false women and mathematics don1t mix. mathematicians do their best workin their youth. Only white males do math. Mathematics is a realm of pure http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/1997/A/199700538.html | |
98. The Association For Women In Mathematics (AWM) A nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging and promoting women and girlsin the mathematical sciences including pure and applied mathematics and http://www.awm-math.org/ | |
99. Black Women In The Mathematical Sciences History and biographies of black women in mathematics. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/wmad0.html | |
100. History Of Black Women In The Mathematical Sciences GO TO Who are the Black women in the Mathematical Sciences 1990 AMUCWMA The African Mathematical Union Commission on women in Mathematics in Africa is http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/wohist.html | |
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