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         Wolf Prize:     more books (31)
  1. Wolf Prize in Mathematics
  2. Wolf Prize in Medicine 1978-2008
  3. Wolf Prize in Agriculture
  4. Wolf Prize in Agriculture
  5. Wolf Prize in Chemistry Laureates: Ryoji Noyori, John Pople, Richard R. Ernst, Ahmed Zewail, Carl Djerassi, Ada Yonath, Elias James Corey
  6. Wolf Prize in Arts
  7. German Film Awards: Teddy Award, Golden Bear, Deutscher Filmpreis, Bambi, Bavarian Film Awards, Bundesfilmpreis, Konrad Wolf Prize
  8. Wolf Prize Laureates: Wolf Prize in Chemistry Laureates, Wolf Prize in Mathematics Laureates, Wolf Prize in Medicine Laureates
  9. Wolf Prizes: Wolf Prize in Mathematics, Wolf Prize in Physics, Wolf Prize in Medicine, Wolf Prize in Agriculture, Wolf Prize in Chemistry
  10. Wolf Prize in Medicine Laureates: Barbara Mcclintock, Roger Wolcott Sperry, Stanley B. Prusiner, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Roger Y. Tsien
  11. Wolf Prize in Physics Laureates: Roger Penrose, Freeman Dyson, Benoît Mandelbrot, Leon M. Lederman, Riccardo Giacconi, John Archibald Wheeler
  12. Wolf Prize in Mathematics
  13. Agriculture Awards: Wolf Prize in Agriculture, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award, President's Award for Agricultural Development
  14. Wolf Prize in Medicine

1. Wolf Prize -- From MathWorld
Five or six wolf prizes are awarded yearly to outstanding living scientists andartists The table below summarizes wolf prize recipients in mathematics.
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MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon History and Terminology Prizes Wolf Prize Five or six Wolf prizes are awarded yearly to outstanding living scientists and artists for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples. In science, the fields are agriculture, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, physics; and in arts, the prize rotates annually among architecture, music, painting and sculpture. The prize in each area consists of a diploma and a cash award of $100,000. The prize has been awarded since 1978 by the Wolf Foundation, which was established in 1976 by Dr. Ricardo Wolf (1887-1981), inventor, diplomat, and philanthropist, and his wife Francisca Subirana-Wolf (1900-1981), to promote science and art for the benefit of mankind. The table below summarizes Wolf prize recipients in mathematics. year recipients Jean Leray (College de France, Paris, France) and andre Weil (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, U.S.A.)

Citations for the prizewinners.
For additional information please contact:
Yaron E. Gruder, Director General
Address: 39, Hamaapilim Str., Herzlia Pituach, Israel
Letters: P.O. BOX 398, Herzlia Bet 46103, Israel
Fax: 972 9 954 1253
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Last updated 26/02/2005.

3. Michael Berry Home Page
Address H H Wills Physics Laboratory Royal Fort Tyndall Avenue Bristol BS8 1TL United Kingdom

4. Mathematics Prizes -- From MathWorld
In rough order of importance, other awards are the $100000 wolf prize of the WolfFoundation of Israel, the Leroy P. Steele Prize of the American
INDEX Algebra Applied Mathematics Calculus and Analysis Discrete Mathematics ... Alphabetical Index
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MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon History and Terminology Prizes Mathematics Prizes Several prizes are awarded periodically for outstanding mathematical achievement. There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics, and the most prestigious mathematical award is known as the Fields medal . In rough order of importance, other awards are the Wolf Prize of the Wolf Foundation of Israel, the Leroy P. Steele Prize of the American Mathematical Society, followed by the Cole Prizes in algebra and number theory, and the Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize, all presented by the American Mathematical Society. The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts (CMI) has named seven "Millennium Prize Problems," selected by focusing on important classic questions in mathematics that have resisted solution over the years. A $7 million prize fund has been established for the solution to these problems, with $1 million allocated to each. The problems consist of the Riemann hypothesis Hodge conjecture Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture , solution of the Navier-Stokes equations , formulation of Yang-Mills theory , and determination of whether NP-problems are actually P-problems SEE ALSO: Abel Prize Cole Prize Fields Medal Mathematics Contests ... [Pages Linking Here] REFERENCES: American Mathematical Society. "AMS Funds and Prizes."

5. Benoit B. Mandelbrot
Reviews of other books. Interviews. Photographs. Japan Prize 2003. Links. Links to Festschrifts and the Like Links to Books and Videos

6. Wolf Prize Goes To Particle Theorists (January 2004) - News - PhysicsWeb
PhysicsWeb, The web site for physicists, PhysicsWorld, Institute of Physics,Electronic Publishing, online products and services.

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News for January 2004
Wolf prize goes to particle theorists
20 January 2004 Higgs independently came to the same conclusion as Brout and Englert and showed that the particles that carried the weak force acquired their mass through interactions with an all-pervasive field that is now known as the Higgs field, and that the interactions occurred via particles that are widely known as Higgs bosons. Although these particles have not yet seen in an experiment, many physicists believe that they will be observed when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) comes on-line at CERN in 2007.
About the author
Belle Dum© is Science Writer at PhysicsWeb Find more News like this every month in Physics World , the magazine for the international physics community. Every issue contains feature articles by leading physicists, news coverage from around the world, plus book reviews, careers advice and much more. To receive Physics World in full every month, please

7. Kleppner Awarded International Wolf Prize For Physics - MIT News
Professor Daniel Kleppner has won the 2005 wolf prize for physics for his groundbreaking work in atomic physics. The $100 000 prize was announced by

8. Neutrino Pioneers Win Wolf Prize (January 2000) - News - PhysicsWeb
PhysicsWeb, The web site for physicists, PhysicsWorld, Institute of Physics,Electronic Publishing, online products and services.

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News for January 2000
Neutrino pioneers win Wolf prize
21 January 2000 The 2000 Wolf Prize for physics has been awarded to Ray Davies of the University of Pennsylvania in the US and Masatoshi Koshiba of the University of Tokyo for their pioneering work in the field of neutrino astronomy. The prize, awarded by the Wolf Foundation in Israel, is often considered the most important prize in physics after the Nobel prize. Davis and Koshiba will be presented with the $100000 prize by the president of Israel in May. In 1967 Davis, then at the Brookhaven National Lab, built the first experiment to detect neutrinos produced by the Sun. Neutrinos only interact weakly with matter and are extremely difficult to detect. Davis's experiment, which consisted of 615 tonnes of dry-cleaning fluid in the Homestake gold mine in South Dakota, detected less than half the flux of neutrinos predicted by widely accepted models of the Sun. The results could only be explained if these models were wrong, or if the neutrino had mass. For 20 years Davis's detector was the world's only solar neutrino detector. Then, in 1987, Koshiba and colleagues started taking data with the Kamiokande detector, which was located 1000 metres underground in a lead and zinc mine.

9. Wolf Prize Goes To Atomic Physicist (January 2005) - News -
wolf prize goes to atomic physicist 18 January 2005

For additional information please contact:
Yaron E. Gruder, Director General
Address: 39, Hamaapilim Str., Herzlia Pituach, Israel
Letters: P.O. BOX 398, Herzlia Bet 46103, Israel
Fax: 972 9 954 1253
This Homepage was created by AquaNet Ltd. You can E-mail us or click here for more info.
Last updated 26/02/2005.

11. Wolf Prize Goes To Particle Theorists (January 2004) - News -
wolf prize goes to particle theorists 20 January 2004

The wolf prize, awarded by the Wolf Foundation in Israel, often goes to This is the first time that documents on wolf prize winners have been published
Home Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Bookshop New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Join Our Mailing List WOLF PRIZE IN MATHEMATICS
Volume 2

edited by S S Chern (Nankai University, China)
The Wolf Prize, awarded by the Wolf Foundation in Israel, often goes to mathematicians who are in their sixties or older. That is to say, the Prize honours the achievements of a lifetime. This invaluable book features bibliographies, important papers, and speeches (for example at international congresses) of Wolf Prize winners, such as R Bott, A P Calderón, A N Kolmogorov, M G Krein, P Lax, H Lewy, L Lovász, J Milnor, J Moser, I Piatetski-Shapiro, J P Serre, C L Siegel, Y Sinai, E M Stein, J Tits, A Weil, H Whitney, A Wiles and O Zariski. This is the first time that documents on Wolf Prize winners have been published together. Since the work of the Wolf laureates covers a wide spectrum, much of the mathematics of the twentieth century comes to life in this book.
Readership: Mathematicians.

13. - Margulis To Receive The Wolf Prize
Register to receive daily headlines!!! Published Friday, February 25, 2005 Margulis to receive the wolf prize. BY ALBERTO MASLIAH Staff Reporter

The wolf prize, awarded by the Wolf Foundation in Israel, often goes to This is the first time that lectures by some wolf prize winners have been
Home Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Bookshop New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Join Our Mailing List WOLF PRIZE IN MATHEMATICS
Volume 1

edited by S S Chern (University of California, Berkeley)
The Wolf Prize, awarded by the Wolf Foundation in Israel, often goes to mathematicians who are in their sixties or older. That is to say, the Prize honours the achievements of a lifetime. This invaluable book features bibliographies, important papers, and speeches (for example at international congresses) of Wolf Prize winners, such as L Ahlfors, H Cartan, L Carleson, S S Chern, E de Giorgi, S Eilenberg, P Erdös, F Hirzebruch, L Hörmander, K Itô, J B Keller, K Kodaira, R Langlands and J Leray. This is the first time that lectures by some Wolf Prize winners have been published together. Since the work of the Wolf laureates covers a wide spectrum, much of the mathematics of the twentieth century comes to life in this book.
Readership: Mathematicians.
Pub. date: Sept 2000 ISBN 981-02-3945-9
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Updated on 16 September 2005

15. Hebrew University Professor Wins Wolf Prize In Medicine For Work
Hebrew University professor wins wolf prize in Medicine for work in cancer research 18 Jan 2005

16. C&EN: TODAY'S HEADLINES - Harry Gray Wins Wolf Prize In Chemistry
The 2004 Wolf Foundation Prize in chemistry has been awarded to Harry B. Gray,the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry and founding director of the
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January 26,
Volume 82, Number 4 CENEAR 82 4 p. 12 ISSN 0009-2347 AWARDS Harry Gray Wins Wolf Prize In Chemistry MITCH JACOBY PHOTO BY RUDY BAUM T he 2004 Wolf Foundation Prize in chemistry has been awarded to Harry B. Gray , the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry and founding director of the Beckman Institute at California Institute of Technology. Gray is being recognized for pioneering work in bioinorganic chemistryspecifically, for contributions to unraveling novel principles of structure and long-range electron-transfer processes in proteins. Electron-transfer reactions in proteins provide the basis for energy production in cells of all living organisms. Yet "until Gray's work, little was known about the chemical factors that govern electron transfer in biological systems," the award panel notes. "It's really great to be recognized for work that was done with students and very close friends," Gray tells C&EN. "We've been collaborating on this work for years, and it has been a lot of fun. The recognition is icing on the cake for work that has been so enjoyable."

17. Cornell News Tanksley Wins Wolf Prize
Cornell plant breeder Steven Tanksley is a corecipient of the international Wolf Foundation Prize in Agriculture. FOR RELEASE Jan. 19, 2004

18. C&EN: Latest News - Richard Zare Wins 2005 Wolf Prize
The wolf prize jury notes that in making seminal contributions to the theoryand practice of both physical and analytical chemistry, Zare has profoundly
September 12, 2005
Vol. 83, Iss. 37
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January 31,
Volume 83, Number 5
p. 8
Richard Zare Wins 2005 Wolf Prize
Award cites his seminal contributions to physical and analytical chemistry

Zare COURTESY OF RICHARD ZARE Stanford University chemistry professor Richard N. Zare has been selected to receive the 2005 Wolf Foundation Prize in Chemistry for "his ingenious applications of laser techniques for identifying complex mechanisms in molecules and their use in analytical chemistry." The $100,000 prize will be presented on May 22 by the president of Israel, Moshe Katsav, at a special ceremony at the Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem. Asked for his reaction to the honor, Zare, 65, tells C&EN, "I am thrilled to be selected but also mindful that so many others are also well deservingso it is humbling." The Wolf Prize jury notes that in making "seminal contributions" to the theory and practice of both physical and analytical chemistry, Zare has "profoundly influenced developments in these two areas of science. He is an outstanding spokesman for science [and] has worked relentlessly and successfully for chemistry on the national and international stage." Zare's research "has taken chemistry to its limits," according to the Israel-based Wolf Foundation. He has used lasers to probe the details of how electrons distribute themselves in atoms and molecules and thus dictate their chemical properties. And he has applied high-resolution and ultrasensitive physical techniques to both chemical and biochemical analysis. Zare's work has generated an impressive collection of new spectroscopic tools for investigating chemical dynamics and studying biochemical processes.

19. Tanksley Wins Wolf Prize
CU's Steven Tanksley is a corecipient of the prestigious wolf prize Tanksley By Susan Lang

20. Wolf Prize In Mathematics: Information From
wolf prize in Mathematics wolf prizes Agriculture Arts Chemistry Mathematics Medicine Physics Past winners of the wolf prize in Mathematics
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