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41. European Mathematical Trust (EMT) EMT is an Associate Member of the european Mathematical Society. The europeanMathematical Trust offers free trial licences expiring on June 15th, 1997. http://xml.coverpages.org/emt-ukc-index.html | |
42. Editors Of The Euromath Bulletin Euromath Bulletin is a journal published by the european Mathematical Trust.Chief editor is Stéphane Collart. Bulletins. Volume 1, number 2, April 1994 http://xml.coverpages.org/embSumm.html | |
43. European Mathematical Society - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The european Mathematical Society (EMS) is a european organization dedicated tothe development of mathematics in Europe. Its members are different http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Mathematical_Society | |
44. THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY History The european Mathematical Society (EMS) was founded in 1990 in The discussions were conducted within the european Mathematical Council, http://www.emis.unne.edu.ar/ems-general.html | |
45. Statutes Of The EMS The european Mathematical Society, informally EMS, is an association establishedin accordance with the laws of Finland. 2. Its seat is in Helsinki, http://www.emis.unne.edu.ar/statutes.html | |
46. MathGate | Overseas Web Servers In Mathematics ETH Zentrum ftp server european Mathematical Information Service (EMIS) europeanMathematical Society (EMS) european Women in Mathematics http://www.bham.ac.uk/ctimath/gateway/overseas.htm | |
47. EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY The genesis of the european Mathematical Society (EMS) lies in efforts (1976) by the The possibility of a european Mathematical Society without French http://mark.math.helsinki.fi/OM/Program/Seppala/EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY.ht | |
48. Electronic Sources For Mathematics european Mathematical Information Service supported by european MathematicalSociety (EMS); Library including MathSci, Zentralblatt, Electronic Journals. http://www.math.upenn.edu/MathSources.html | |
49. EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY This brief history of the european Mathematical Society covers a period of slightly The possibility of a european Mathematical Society without French http://www.fpv.utc.sk/sms/texty/historiaems.html | |
50. EMS Mathematical Weekend - Prague Meanwhile, a european sense of identity is slowly growing. The european MathematicalSociety (EMS) has helped bringing these changes to the european http://cms.jcmf.cz/emsweekend/ | |
51. European Mathematical Database The MR are produced by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and are also european Extension of the Databse MATH. Face aux importants moyens, http://www-zb.univ-mrs.fr/ZMATH/en/bdem.html | |
52. Mathematical Societies AMU African Mathematical Union; EMS - european Mathematical Society; SEAMS -South-East Asia Mathematical Society; UMALCA - Unión Matemática de América http://www.mathunion.org/Information/MathSocieties/ | |
53. \centerline{\bf RAISING PUBLIC AWARENESS OF MATHEMATICS} On March 35, 2000 the european Mathematical Society organized a meeting in Paris In the spring of 1999, the european Mathematical Society arranged a http://wmy2000.math.jussieu.fr/9-rpamaths.htm | |
54. Newsletter Item The european Mathematical Society has been in existence for 12 years. These can all be accessed at EMIS, the european Mathematical Information Service http://www.lms.ac.uk/newsletter/0211/articles.html | |
55. Newsletter Item The european Mathematical Society, being a young society, is run on a shoestring.So its ability to stimulate mathematical activity is limited, largely, http://www.lms.ac.uk/newsletter/0212/articles.html | |
56. Prizes Awarded At The 3rd ECM The EMS prizes were established by the european Mathematical Society. They aremeant to recognize excellent contributions in Mathematics by young http://emis.kaist.ac.kr/ECM3/ | |
57. Cornell Univeristy Mathematics Library EMIS The european Mathematical Information Service offered by the europeanMathematical Society (EMS); EMath The home page of the American Mathematical http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/other.php | |
58. EMS Prizes The EMS prizes are awarded by the european Mathematical Society in recognitionof distinguished contributions in Mathematics by young researchers not older http://www.math.kth.se/4ecm/prizes.ecm.html |
59. Keynote The european Mathematical Society (EMS) will organize a conference on applicationareas jointly with the French Société de Mathématiques Appliquées http://www.ercim.org/publication/Ercim_News/enw50/keynote.html | |
60. Mathematics Resources Sponsored by the european Mathematical Society. This database consists of testsets of varying size. european Mathematical Information Service EMIS. http://www.lib.duke.edu/mathphy/math.htm | |
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