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121. IVP Software By Francesca Mazzia And Felice Iavernaro The code GAM numerically solves solves first order ordinary differential equations, either stiff or nonstiff in the form y'=f(x,y), with a given initial condition. The code GAMD is a generalization of GAM for the solution of Differential Algebraic Equations of index less than or equal to 3 in the form M y' = f(x,y), with a given initial condition. By Francesca Mazzia. http://pitagora.dm.uniba.it/~mazzia/ode/readme.html | |
122. Value Management Consultancy services to a wide range of clients across the UK. Expertise examined onsite includes value, risk and change management, benchmarking, decision and process analysis. http://www.valuesolutions.plus.com/ | |
123. Automatische Doorkoppeling Distributor of components and subassemblies, including discrete active and passive components, displays, power supplies, and electromechanical assemblies. Focuses on Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg). Lists manufacturers carried. http://www.ave-be.com | |
124. Financial Calculators WEB Hosted Try NOW - Low Cost Offers Webbased financial calculators for financial planning, mortgages and investing. http://www.customcalculator.com/ | |
125. Page Not Found Complex paper on his currency theory. http://pweb.netcom.com/~cameron0/Ricardo.htm | |
126. Value Investing The Ben Graham Way - Boost Your Roth IRA Or Retirement Savings A Screening and profiling of stocks for NCAV and Intrinsic value using the value investing techniques of Benjamin Graham. http://www.grahaminvestor.com | |
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129. Assigning Value: Science Assessment Brief document which discusses issues in science assessment. http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/curr/science/resource/Barb98.htm | |
130. Value Partners. Possiamo Darvi Una Mano? An international professional firm founded to help managers and entrepreneurs solve complex managerial problems and search for emerging opportunities. http://www.valuepartners.com/ | |
131. Project Management Resource For Project Managers First part of a series of articles on earned value management, a monitoring and controlling tool used to measure the progress of a project. http://www.projectmagazine.com/nov00/evm1.html | |
132. Value Pharmacy, Inc. Provides pharmacy services for long term health care facilities in massachusetts. http://www.valuepharmacyinc.com/ |
133. OAVAIN - AgInnovation (Ontario Agricultural Value-Added Innovation Network) Welc A notfor-profit resource for agriculture entrepreneurs wishing to develop value-added, innovative or alternate farming enterprises. http://www.aginnovation.ca/ |
134. IWily.com: Auction Price And Value Guide Online reference guide where subscribers can find the value of the most recent offer to sell or offer to buy on nearly any internet auction item. http://www.iwily.com | |
135. Value Investors Club An investment club for value investors to share their best stock ideas. Admission is free, but selective and limited to only 250 savvy investors. http://www.valueinvestorsclub.com | |
136. Index Invites the submission of ideas from the scientific community to describe a few grand challenges that appear to have the greatest scientific importance, research potential and practical value. http://www.nas.edu/gces/ | |
137. Forester Funds The Art Of Value Investing Offers two funds focusing on value and managed by Forester Capital Management. http://www.forestervalue.com | |
138. The Edgar Lomax Value Fund Home Page Noload fund invests primarily in the stocks of large, well-recognized companies it believes to be undervalued. http://www.edgarlomax.com | |
139. VBM Resources: Value Based Management Consultants The value Based Management Resource Center is a continually evolving source of shareholder value news, issues, research and opinions. http://www.vbmresources.com/ | |
140. Post Associates - Home Page Provides shareholder value leadership training for nonfinancial operating managers to create profitable growth and positive cash flow. finance for non- financial managers http://www.postassoc.com/ | |
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