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101. POSC Universal Units Converter (The converter then lets you convert any of these units to any of the other The POSC Universal Units converter is based on POSC standard reference data http://www.posc.org/UConvert/ | |
102. Unit Conversion Form Selector A unit conversion system that is clear and easy to use. It is interlinked withlists of conversion factors. http://scphillips.com/units/convform.html | |
103. Convert It Convert It was developed by Christian Ramsviks and adapted and extended, withpermission, British (US) unit, British (US) VALUE, SI VALUE, SI NAME http://image-ination.com/test_maker/convert.html | |
104. FootRule - Unit Conversion, Weights & Measures Homepage Convert units from one measure to another (eg meters to yards, liters to gallons).A very extensive collection of units and categories. http://www.footrule.com/ | |
105. Unit Conversion Tool: Overview Convert between 2200 units in 78 measurement categories. Includes units forlength, mass, temperature, volume, area, speed, pressure, energy, power, force, http://www.accelware.com/Unit_Conversion_Tool/ | |
106. Unit Conversion Calculator In JavaScript English units of mass, weight and force are Avoirdupois; metric units are Click on From Value blank, type Value and select From and To Units. http://www.pmel.org/unitconv.htm | |
107. Unit Conversion Software Program: 32bit Convert It By ElectraSoft unit conversion software program. One of the many ElectraSoft free to try beforeyou buy software programs. http://www.electrasoft.com/32bc.htm | |
108. ABF Value Converter Is A Measurement Units Conversion Tool ABF Value converter is an application for measurement units conversion. This softwareeasily converts various measurement values into any other possible http://www.abf-soft.com/value-converter.shtml | |
109. Choose A Language English Francais Deutsch Search Unit unit Calculator. Click here for instructions Angstrom units = centimeters.Angstrom units = microns. Angstrom units = nanometers. ares = square meters http://www.minco.com/unitcalculator.aspx | |
110. AJ Unit Convert Area Energy Force Mass Power Pressure Speed Time Volume Measurem Convert area, energy, force, mass, power, pressure, speed, time, and volumebetween different unit measurements. http://www.ajdesigner.com/unit/index.php | |
111. KitchenMath.com Fraction Units Top Row Rounded To Nearest Eighth Free Online Units converter Rev. 2.10 © MotionNET.com while in a field orClick Calculate to convert that value to all of the other related units. http://www.kitchenmath.com/ | |
112. Online Conversion - Convert Just About Anything To Anything Else Convert just about anything to anything else. Over 5000 units, and 50000 conversions.You do not have JavaScript enabled. http://www.onlineconversion.com/ | |
113. Conversion & Calculation Center: Measurements, Currencies, World Time, Calculato Conversion calculator of physical measurements. Includes metric and English unitsand also a large range of other possible conversions. http://www.convertit.com/ | |
114. Unit Conversions And Calculations From MegaConverter MegaCalculator MegaKidstuff Best Place to Figure What Equals What. megaConverter is THE resource for units,weights, measures, calculators and converters. http://www.megaconverter.com/ | |
115. MegaConverter 2 More results from www.megaconverter.com A Dictionary of Measures, Units and ConversionsThis provides a summary of most of the units of measurement to be found in usearound For example to convert feet into metres you multiply by 0.3048 so, http://www.megaconverter.com/mega2/ |
116. BBA Reman. ABS, Ecu's, Throttle Bodies, Air Mass Meters, And Catalytic Converter Remanufactured components for a variety of cars. Products include ABS controllers, climate control compressors, catalytic converters and engine control units (ECUs). Includes catalogue, discussion forum and online ordering. http://www.bba-reman.com/ | |
117. Conversion Factors Online calculators for all engineering units of measurement from Process Associates. http://www.processassociates.com/process/convert/cf_all.htm | |
118. Online Converters FREE Measurements Converters And Calculators Provide online javascript converters and calculators for converting metric to imperial units and viceversa. http://onlineconverters.com | |
119. Joshmadison.com://download Convert Convert will run on the following supported operating systems If youroperating system is not listed above, Convert will not run on it. http://www.joshmadison.com/software/convert/download.asp | |
120. >:: World Wide Metric ::< Java metric conversion calculator for length, weight, pressure, and volume. http://www.worldwidemetric.com/metcal.htm | |
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