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81. Pressure And Flow Calibration Software The unit of Measure converter is a free ActiveX control distributed by DHInstruments, Inc. (DHI). This program can be run stand alone or built into other http://www.dhinstruments.com/supp1/software/pcunitconv.htm |
82. Online Weights And Measurements Conversion / Metric Conversion Has Moved To Www. Measurements converter for time, length, volume, and weight. Requires JavaScript. http://www.mplik.ru/~sg/transl/ | |
83. EngNet - Metric Conversion Chart Online calculator provides conversions between a number of common (and not socommon) units. http://www.engnetglobal.com/tips/convert.asp | |
84. ABF-SOFT.COM - Outlook Express Backup, Outlook Backup, Password Recovery, And Ot Enduser applications for Windows system utilities, IE tools, Outlook backup, password recovery, image capturing application, and measurement units converter. Software overview, screenshots, and trial downloads. http://www.abf-soft.com/ | |
85. Convert-me.Com Download Units Conversion Calculator Download Measure Units converter Rating Top Of course, Convertme.Com is not the only units and metric conversion http://www.convert-me.com/en/ | |
86. Mass And Weight Conversion Online Try Weight Units converter! Rating Make 78764 different conversions with Interactive Units converter. Cannot figure out how to use Mass and Weight http://www.convert-me.com/en/convert/weight | |
87. Umrechnung Von Einheiten Umrechnung von Temperaturen; Currency converter (Xenon Laboratories Inc.) Weitere Einzelheiten entnehme man der ManualSeite zu units http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/general/units.html | |
88. Masterra Web Site - Software's New Frontier Program for conversion between units of measurements. http://www.mathterra.com/ | |
89. Cuisine Du Monde: The Most Tempting Recipes From Around The World Recipes classified by country, with glossary, units converter, and mailing list for updates. http://www.cuisinedumonde.com/ | |
90. ConvertIt.com Measurement Converter Webbased measurement converter that converts between 1000 measurements, units,prefixes, physical constants, abbreviations, foreign currencies, http://www.convertit.com/Go/ConvertIt/Measurement/Converter.ASP | |
91. Conversions - Online Metrics Conversion - US Customary & Metric System Converter Online metric converter gives US customary and metrics conversion for unitmeasurements including temperature, weight, volume, area, length, plus currency http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/conversions.html | |
92. IFP : Metric Conversion Tables : Convert Metric To Imperial For Length, Area, We Convert. select unit, METRIC , sq centimetre cm2, sq metre m2,hectare ha, sq kilometre km, IMPERIAL , sq inch in2 http://convert.french-property.co.uk/ | |
93. Height Weight Converter Standard - Metric (feet, Inches, Lbs - Kilograms, Centim Converts from American to metric units and vice versa. http://www.albireo.ch/bodyconverter/ | |
94. Joshmadison.com://convert Convert is an easy to use unit conversion program that will convert the mostpopular units of distance, temperature, volume, time, speed, mass, power, http://www.joshmadison.com/software/convert/ | |
95. AllMeasures.com-units Of Measure, Conversion Table, Converters CGS (centimetergram-second), two-way javascript converter, temperatureconversion table and converter, bibliography (selected books about units of measure) http://www.allmeasures.com/ | |
96. Unit Conversion Calculator Weight Units. Kilograms, Ounces, Pounds, Troy Pounds, Stones, Short Tons, Long Tons.Volume Units. Liters, Fluid Ounces, Quarts, Gallons, Imperial Gallons http://www.calculator.com/calcs/conv.html | |
97. Unit Conversions Online calculator Mississippi State University. http://webphysics.ph.msstate.edu/units/ | |
98. The FootRule - Units Converter Index Page http://www.omnis.demon.co.uk/conversn/convjvsc.htm |
99. Autodesk - AutoCAD - Units Converter This Units converter uses conversion factors referenced from source material fromthe National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in all possible http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=2758888&linkID=24751 |
100. Unit Conversion Table This conversion table package allows conversion from one set of units to another Degree, deg, Pi/180, Can be used to convert from degrees to radians for http://www.csgnetwork.com/converttable.html | |
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