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121. -- Eduware: Test-Making, Test-Taking, & Review Solutions -- The Wizard Test Maker helps teachers to create exams for any subject or from our huge test banks of questions for Science, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, and math. Windows software only. http://www.eduware.com | |
122. The Glenn T. Seaborg Center For Teaching And Learning Science And Mathematics The mission of the Glenn T. Seaborg Center is to enrich the knowledge and understanding of the general public in the areas of science and mathematics; particularly that of students and teachers from preschool through college. http://seaborg.nmu.edu/ | |
123. Math In Daily Life Virtual exhibit looks at the ways people use math every day, from cooking to planning for retirement. Offers teachers labs and workshops. http://www.learner.org/exhibits/dailymath/ | |
124. Teacher2Teacher Resource Store A resource store for teachers and parents of inexpensive blackline masters and many free items in the areas of reading and math for grades K5 and Special Education. http://www.createdbyteachers.com | |
125. Hispanics In Math And Science: Attracting Student Teachers And Retraining Experi Provides fulltext access to the ERIC Digest of this name. http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-922/math.htm | |
126. National Center For Mathematics And Science Charged by the U.S. Department of Education in 1996 to build a research base to study ways that instruction can be improved within the math and science areas. Includes list of reports, publications and online articles for teachers. Located at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/ncisla/ | |
127. Issues In The Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation Of School Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School teachers Home Page. http://www.k-12prep.math.ttu.edu/site.shtml | |
128. The Teacher's Corner: Multidisciplinary Classroom Activities A multidisciplinary resource for lesson plans, study guides, and laboratory activities for middle school to college level. math, Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy are all taught through the single unifying theme of the exciting world of highenergy astrophysics! The Teacher's Corner also includes information on NASA programs and opportunities. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/teachers/teachers_corner.html | |
129. Hypatia-phd's Math Page! Devoted to mathematics and mathematics education. Original lesson plans and class information for teachers; links to NCTM, MAA, lateral logic puzzles and other resources. http://www.geocities.com/hypatia-phd/Math.html | |
130. Patterns In Mathematics teachers explore how patterns occur in numbers and in words in this interactive lab. http://www.learner.org/teacherslab/math/patterns/index.html | |
131. Making Math Personal: Meaning In Mathematics For Teachers And Students Wildwood math teacher Michael Conway listens to a 10th grade student When math coaches like Belcher or CESP s Shelly Berman can help teachers increase http://www.essentialschools.org/cs/resources/view/ces_res/326 | |
132. The Yellow Book Road: A Children's Bookstore By Teachers A bookstore for teachers by teachers with sets for guided reading, writing, math, geography and other subjects. http://www.yellowbookrd.com/ |
133. I Love That Teaching Idea! Worksheets, Reproducibles, Newsletters, Books, Lesson Resources for elementary school teachers in math, science, reading, writing, spelling, and assessment, as well as workshops and recommended books. http://www.ilovethatteachingidea.com | |
134. Beginner's Guide To Aeronautics Prepared at NASA Glenn by the Learning Technologies Project (LTP) to provide background information on basic aerodynamics and propulsion for secondary math and science teachers. Includes interactive animated illustrations of many concepts. http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/ | |
135. Expanding The Pool Of Math And Science Teachers | The San Diego Union-Tribune SignOnSanDiego.com, San Diego s city guide to arts and entertainment activities,events, bars, restaurants, hotels, shopping plus news, sports, http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20050601/news_lz1e1fox.html | |
136. St. Patrick's Day In The Classroom Site provides teachers and parents with art, language arts, math, social studies, and science activities related to St. Patrick's Day. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Forest/8483/stpatclass.html | |
137. Math Central Teaching resources, lesson plans for K12 Canadian mathematics teachers, a question and answer service, and a mailing list for teachers. http://MathCentral.uregina.ca/index.html | |
138. Bonnie Terry Learning Pack Presents educational games, reading, writing, and math lessons for teachers, tutors, home schooling, and independent study skills. http://www.bonnieterrylearning.com/ | |
139. Mr. Garber's Super Class Site Offers resources for teachers, parents, and students. Includes homework, math and reading activities, class news, and games. http://www.norwichpublicschools.org/mahan/garber/mrgarber.htm | |
140. SAMI HAS MOVED Resources, funding, and curriculum for math and Science teachers. http://www.learner.org/sami/ | |
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