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41. Peoria District Needs Special-ed, Math Teachers The Peoria Unified School District has hired more than 150 new teachers for theupcoming school year, but it s still hurting in math and special education. http://www.azcentral.com/community/westvalley/articles/0727wvteachers0727Z1.html | |
42. INFORMS For Math Teachers INFORMS Education and Student Affairs For math teachers. High School Math Materials.The INFORMS Public Awareness Committee, which works to give high http://www.informs.org/Edu/edu-math.html | |
43. WestEd: Inspired By Standards: Math Teachers In Their Classrooms Inspired by Standards math teachers in Their Classrooms spacer. spacer Producedby Shelley Goldman spacer This CDROM is a tool for exploring http://www.wested.org/cs/we/view/rs/627 | |
44. Teacher Enhancement Home Page trains 120 additional middle school science and math teachers each year.Our target is to train a pair of science and math teachers from each middle http://www.math.fau.edu/Teacher/Teacher_homepage.htm | |
45. HometownAnnapolis.com, When he does go, Mr. Gott will be hard to replace math teachers are scarcenationwide. The math teachers Job Fair will be at the Board of Education, http://www.hometownannapolis.com/cgi-bin/read/2005/08_08-24/TOP | |
46. WANTED: Math Teachers With more and more teachers retiring and fewer entering the profession, why notconsider a career in Math? Chicago needs math teachers, can you help fill http://math.about.com/b/a/073723.htm | |
47. Summertime Boot Camp For Math Teachers Teachers throughout Massachusetts are going back to school to learn how to teachmath with more confidence to enable students to learn the tougher math http://math.about.com/b/a/109126.htm | |
48. RESOURCES FOR MATH TEACHERS The Mathematics Teacher is the main journal for secondary math teachers. The UT libraries subscribe to the following journals for math teachers The http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/teachers/resources.html | |
49. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I ve heard about a conference called CAST for science teachers. Is there anythingsimilar for math teachers? Yes. CAMT (Conference for the Advancement if http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/teachers/teachFAQ.html | |
50. Resources For Math Teachers math teachers. The Art of Problem Solving Forum is for students, parents,and teachers to discuss various math problems and other topics of interest to http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Guide/AoPS_G_Teachers.php | |
51. Sisu: Some Needs Are More Special Than Others 1 priority for math teachers was teaching respect for human differences, Why limit it to math teachers. Shouldn t all of us in all walks of life just http://sisu.typepad.com/sisu/2005/01/some_needs_are_.html | |
52. World's Stupidest Conspiracies Contains publicly submitted conspiracies. Topics include Martians, psychic gypsies and secret agent math teachers. http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/Conspiracy/ | |
53. Math Teacher Training This homepage was created to give new math teachers ideas and suggestions to This site contains ideas from math teachers on basic facts, factoring, http://www.amatyc.org/OnlineResource/TeacherTraining.html | |
54. Top Science And Math Teachers Testify Before Science Committee This comment by Joyce Dodd, a sixth grade math teacher at the Bryson Middle The math teachers at the witness table praised the programs, seminars, http://www.aip.org/fyi/2005/059.html | |
55. NRC Report Addresses Education Of Science And Math Teachers FYI Number 107 NRC Report Addresses Education of Science and math teachers. http://www.aip.org/fyi/2000/fyi00.107.htm | |
56. Va. To Provide Bonuses For Middle-Grades Math Teachers Virginia wants a few good math teachers for middle schools in academic troubleandwill pay annual bonuses of $10000 to snag them. http://www.edweek.org/agentk-12/articles/2005/05/25/38teach.h24.html |
57. `Help Wanted' At Schools / Severe Shortage Of Trained Math And Science Teachers trained teachers in math and science threatens to undermine many of The statewould need at least 4000 math teachers for middle school and high school http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1998/10/06/MN5 |
58. The North Carolina Partnership For Improving Mathematics And Science - WCPS Math I am proud of the leadership shown by the lead math teachers. It is excitingto work with the lead math teachers as they work to improve the http://ncpims.northcarolina.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=64&Ite |
59. MSNBC - Error When school starts for Wichita public school students, the district will needmore math teachers. Like many districts across the country, http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8838221/ | |
60. DMS: Links For Math Teachers Math.com Lessons and resources for math teachers of all ages. She does,however, include some ideas that any math teacher could use. Flashcards http://www.fcasd.edu/schools/DMS/tm.htm | |
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