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41. Interesting Mathematical Links Search math references. MathSciNet Search Mathematical Reviews Searchable Online.Mathematics Professional Organizations. The American Math Society s home http://www.math.wustl.edu/interesting.html | |
42. ProMath 4 - TeraTech Products Every single equation has been checked against standard math references and over80 corrections and improvements have been made. All the examples have been http://www.teratech.com/product/promath.dbm | |
43. Math.com Student References Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometryand beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to http://www.math.com/students/references.html | |
44. F. Conjectures (Math 413, Number Theory) A collection of easily stated conjectures which are still open. Each conjecture is stated along with a collection of references. http://www.math.umbc.edu/~campbell/Math413Fall98/Conjectures.html | |
45. Math.com References For Teachers Free math lessons, math help and lesson plans from basic math to algebra, geometryand beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions http://www.math.com/teachers/reference.html | |
46. Some Problems In Matroid Theory Thomas Zaslavsky of Binghamton State University of New York presents brief descriptions and references. Find information on Bonin's Projective Bound including the maximum rflat, covering and packing by flats. http://www.math.binghamton.edu/zaslav/Matroids/matroidprobs.html | |
47. Welcome To MacShareWare! Your Resource For Math & Science Shareware Internet reference library to assist K12 educators, parents and students in finding Macintosh math and science-related shareware, freeware, commercialware, and appropriate websites. Also includes items for a Teacher's Toolbox, including gradebooks. Also contains limited references for ESL Adult Phonics shareware. http://ecs.fullerton.edu/~jperryl/MacShareWare.html | |
48. PCMI Problem Solving Resources Overview of seminars oriented towards problem solving. Includes sample problem sets, list of online resources, college mathematics journals, and useful books. Maintained by Andrew Bernoff (Harvey Mudd College). http://www.math.hmc.edu/~ajb/PCMI/problem_solve.html | |
49. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Explains how these very large numbers (1 followed by a hundred zeroes, and 1 followed by a google of zeroes, respectively) were named. With links to references. From Swarthmore's Dr. math. http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/57575.html | |
50. Chaos, Fractals, And Arcadia Article on the mathematical ideas lurking in the background of Tom Stoppard's play Arcadia. Includes examples, illustrations and references. http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS/arcadia/ | |
51. Marshall Hampton Research Page Links, animations, references, and a brief description of research into nbody problems. http://www.math.washington.edu/~hampton/research.html | |
52. Fluid Dynamics Picture Gallery Collection of experimental flow visualizations with brief explanations and references. http://www-math.mit.edu/~bush/gallery.html | |
53. Bibliographies On Mathematics Search enabled database of citations for a large selection of mathematical specialties. Authors may add bibliographic lists or contextual references to their work. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Math/index.html | |
54. 26: Real Functions Real Functions entry from The Mathematical Atlas. Contains history, subfields, and many other references. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/26-XX.html | |
55. Magic Squares An introduction, with algorithms for generating odd, and doubly even (4k) squares. references. http://www.jcu.edu/math/vignettes/magicsquares.htm | |
56. Exambot Math University math exams with solutions. references Handy reference sheets,including integral tables, rules of differentiation, and geometric formulae. http://www.exambot.com/math.html | |
57. Michael Reid's Polyomino Page Michael Reid's numerous articles on polyominoes and tilnig, with references and links. http://www.math.ucf.edu/~reid/Polyomino/index.html | |
58. Voronoi Selected references and links. http://SciDiv.bcc.ctc.edu/Math/voronoi.html | |
59. John Oprea's Home Page This site includes references to the author's papers and books, including Differential Geometry and its Applications and The Mathematics of Soap Films Explorations with Maple. There are also Maple files available for downloading. http://www.csuohio.edu/math/oprea | |
60. Allmath.com - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math View the biographies of math, or Ask the Experts, your questions on math. Best forKids 12 and under. Teacher references(23) http://www.allmath.com/ | |
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