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81. JavaScript: Random Scripts Using the javascript math object and its random method to create random events . We ll use 5 random quotes, so we need 5 random numbers. http://www.pageresource.com/jscript/jrandom.htm | |
82. Math Miscellany - Department Of Mathematics & Statistics At The University Of Pr Here are some quotes from mathematicians or about math/mathematicians. One of myfavorites is by John von Neumann who said In mathematics, http://www.math.upei.ca/html/miscellany.html | |
83. Science Jokes: Math Jokes And Archimedes Albert Einstein Kids Science quotes math Archimedes Medicine Physics Newton math is like love a simple idea but it can get complicated. http://www.juliantrubin.com/mathjokes.html | |
84. KU Mathematics: Students' Quotes What is the academic atmosphere in our math department like? We encouragemore advanced students to become active in research math and interdisciplinary http://www.math.ku.edu/graduate/quotes.html | |
85. JALC - Mathematics Quotes quotes From Former Students I learned a lot from the professors in John A.Logan s math Department. Their professors are great teachers, http://www.jal.cc.il.us/math/quotes.html | |
86. Key Curriculum Press | Fathom - Community Exchange - Fun And Interesting Links - quotes and Quips. Sources Jerry Murdock, Gretchen Davis, Joachim Verhagen, Former math teacher of Michael Jordan, Chicago Bulls Basketball Player http://www.keypress.com/fathom/pages/community_exchange/fun_and_interesting_link | |
87. Jennifer Erway, Mathematics, UCSD These are outbursts made by fellow TA s while grading math exams late at night The outof-context quotes This is going to be a bad week for me . http://www.math.ucsd.edu/~jerway/quotes.html | |
88. University Of Connecticut - Department Of Mathematics The WWWebpages of the UConn math Department. mathematics quotes. I wish toGod these calculations had been executed by steam. http://www.math.uconn.edu/miscellaneous/quotes.php | |
89. Quotes I have had a series of quotes on my homepage, and rather than delete the old Although I try to only use accurate quotes, there s always the chance that http://torus.math.uiuc.edu/jms/quotes.html | |
90. MAT 007 I News Quotes Edition The 1995 quotes Edition. The following quotations are unadulterated excerpts frommath lectures given by Akcoglu, Hironaka, Kalai, McCool, Milman, Ray Ross, http://www.math.toronto.edu/007/quotes-95.html | |
91. Mathematical Quotation Server A collection of mathematical quotations culled from many sources. You may conducta keyword search through the quotation database. http://math.furman.edu/~mwoodard/mquot.html | |
92. A Random Mathematical Quotation A Random Mathematical Quotation. Newman, James R. The Theory of Groups is a branchof mathematics in which one does something to something and then compares http://math.furman.edu/cgi-bin/randquote.pl | |
93. Math Trial Quotations. about math, Education, and Life. Handley math Page. Many thanks toJaime GarciaRamirez for his javascript code which powers this page! http://www.pen.k12.va.us/Div/Winchester/jhhs/math/mquotes.html | |
94. What Is Mathematics?,a Voluntary Web Poll A Web poll based on math quotations. math·e·mat·ics n. (used with a sing.verb). The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of http://www.cut-the-knot.org/math_intro.shtml | |
95. Is Anything Wrong With Math Education? Is anything wrong with math education? This was an early warning about thegroup developing what came to be called the New math. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/manifesto/wrong.shtml | |
96. Gary McGuire Quotes A Few quotes An existence proof informs the world that a treasure exists withoutdisclosing its Quote me as saying I was misquoted Groucho Marx http://www.maths.may.ie/staff/gmg/mathqu.html | |
97. Basic Quotations - Famous Quotes By Famous People - Famous Quotations - Famous S Famous quotes and famous quotations by famous people about love, life, politics,money and all else important. Use for inspiration, motivation, education, http://www.basicquotations.com/ | |
98. The Math Forum - Math Library - Quotations The math Forum s Internet math Library is a comprehensive catalog of Web sitesand Web pages relating to the study of mathematics. This page contains sites http://mathforum.org/library/resource_types/quotations/ | |
99. Thoughts For The Days math. Monthly v. 104, no. 5. It is easier to square a circle than to get round a WS Anglin, math. Intellingencer, vol 4 no 4. His world was an ellipse, http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/R.A.Wilson/tftds.html | |
100. BSU Math Department math 124 LINKS. BSU. BSU math Department BSU math Learning Center BSU mathLearning Center Schedule BSU math Dept. Links. Help Online. SOS Algebra http://math.boisestate.edu/~tconklin/MATH124/Main/M124Links.html | |
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