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41. Trinity University Mathematics Some math quotes. I have always regarded mathematics as an object of amusementrather than of ambition, and I can assure you that I enjoy the works of http://lagrange.math.trinity.edu/aholder/misc/quotes.shtml | |
42. Mathematical Quotes Favorite math quotes. If you enjoy the quotes found on this site, you can findmany more at the following site. Furman University Mathematical Quotations http://gateways2learning.com/Quotes.htm | |
43. MATH QUOTES FROM FAMOUS PEOPLE math quotes FROM FAMOUS PEOPLE. LEONARDO DA VINCI. 14521519. Florentine artist,engineer, musician, and scientist. No human investigation can be called http://maxfield.spps.org/MATH_QUOTES_FROM_FAMOUS_PEOPLE.html | |
44. Math Quotes Whatever your difficulties in mathematics, I can assure you mine are fargreater. Albert Einstein Life is good for only two things, http://www.unityrockets.com/unity/faculty/math/mcwherter/quotes.htm | |
45. Tom Snyder Productions: Contact Us: Tech. FAQs In the math quotes section of Essential Puzzles , my students have difficulty For this reason, you may consider dispensing with the math quotes section http://www.tomsnyder.com/contactus/FAQs/tech_faqs_ett.asp | |
46. Helpful Websites For Teachers http//www.pen.k12.va.us/Div/Winchester/jhhs/math/quotes.html math quotes.http//www.kaidy.com/Default.htm Math manipulatives and games http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/bparker/helpful websites for teachers.htm | |
47. Quotes Quotes. math quotes. Poetry is the art of giving different names to the same thing. Anonymous Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~kneezel/quotes.html |
48. Mathematics Resources For Educators Mr. Olson s Homepage From Hoxie High School; math quotes, cartoons, signs, mathpage. Pi Math Devote to Pi in math; history, activities, information video http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/math.htm | |
49. ;Gazette Of The Arts, Your Cultural Hot Dog Stand On The Web." Also see our extensive math quotes and Lewis Carroll links on our Liberal Arts Page Arithmetic math quotes, Lewis Carroll Geometry Fractal Links http://www.gazetteofthearts.com/maintable1.htm |
50. Math Resource Page presented and tricks for simple computations. Platonic Realms math quotes,minitexts and definitions. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles http://www.athabascau.ca/courses/math/resource.html | |
51. Leah S Math Quotes 1 Calculus As Currently Taught Is, Alas, Full Leah s math quotes. 1 Calculus as currently taught is, alas, full of inertmaterial . . . The real crisis is that at present calculus is badly taught; http://www.pitt.edu/~les31/quotes.html | |
52. Mathematics Education Resources On The Internet Platonic Realms site also includes a math quotes database. Although the PrimeMathematics Encyclopedia is freely available, the Platonic Realms site is a http://www.istl.org/03-summer/internet.html | |
53. Sources For Quotations In The Sciences: Science Reference Guide - Science Refere Platonic Realms Interactive Database of math quotes http//www.mathacademy.com/pr/quotes/index.asp. Salt Lake Community College. Physics Department. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/SciRefGuides/quotations.html | |
54. Math Quotes Useful and Brilliant math quotes to Lighten Your Life. Math isn t just anotherfourletter word. Decimals have a point. Logic lives. http://www.uinta6.k12.wy.us/UCSD6/SS/specialhomepage/math_quotes.htm | |
55. Librarian, INK: Math A well organized site housing a large database of math quotes. You can searchvia key words, name of author or by random. Posted to the Math Department http://www.galileoweb.org/librarianInk/newsItems/departments/math | |
56. Allmath.com - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math View the biographies of math, or Ask the Experts, your questions on math. Best forKids 12 and under. This site has math quotes and other anecdotes. http://www.allmath.com/links/Math_Humor.php | |
57. Mathematics Resources Includes math quotes, and links to other math sites. Copyright Alexander Bogomolny.Furham University Mathematical Quotations Server http://internet.ggu.edu/university_library/math.html | |
58. Jon Pakianathan's Home Page Click here for some of my favorite math quotes and propaganda. Click here forsome quotes on rationalism versus dogma. Click here for some quotes on freedom http://www.math.rochester.edu/people/faculty/jonpak/ | |
59. Stephen Jordan's Homepage Graduate student at MIT. Physics and math puzzles, scientist quotes, and personal information. http://web.mit.edu/sjordan/www | |
60. Philoman's Home Page Includes interesting facts, math questions and theorems, tips for the computer, quotes and a links page. http://members.tripod.com/philomanshomepage | |
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