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Math Puzzles: more books (100) | ||||
141. Math Word Puzzles My fourth graders have written some word (math) puzzles for you and hope you will compute the Pablo and Luciano have written another math Puzzle. http://www.globalclassroom.org/math_puzzle.html | |
142. U Of T Mathematics Network -- Problems And Puzzles Includes interactive games, problems and puzzles including the Monty Hall Problem and the Tower of Hanoi and questions pages with answers and discussion. http://www.math.toronto.edu/mathnet/probpuzz.html | |
143. Mathematical Puzzles The mathSoft math Puzzle Page. Welcome to the mathSoft math Puzzle Page, math Problems puzzles From the Geometry Forum Newsgroup Archives. http://noppa5.pc.helsinki.fi/p2.html | |
144. Number Puzzles - Arithmetiles Math Puzzle Number puzzles at NabiscoWorld.com. Play the math puzzle Arithmetiles where the object of the game is to find the Discover Numbers hidden on the game board. http://www.nabiscoworld.com/Games/game_large.aspx?gameid=10089 |
145. Brain Teasers: Summer Contest Summer Contest. The six Grand Prize Winners have just been announced! Go to the Grand Prize Winners page to find out if you won. http://www.eduplace.com/math/brain/ | |
146. Maths On The Web Collection of exercises and puzzles for all ages and abilities. http://www.members.aol.com/ukhostmths/mathson/mathson.htm | |
147. Count On Features games, puzzles and competitions for all ages. Details of events, an online maths museum, newspaper and magazines. Resources for parents and teachers. http://www.counton.org/ | |
148. AIMS Education Foundation HS Exit Exam Activities Literature Links Puzzle Corner Sample Activities •Find Equipment and Manipulatives for handson math or science. http://www.aimsedu.org/ | |
149. Centre For Innovation In Mathematics Teaching - Puzzle Index puzzles Set 1 puzzles Set 2. Sliding Block puzzles. Introduction + puzzles. Recreational Mathematics. A guide to other sources. Other material http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/puzzles/puzzindx.htm | |
150. The Null Set: Puzzles And Games: Mathematical Puzzles Mathematical puzzles First year undergraduate knowledge might be needed. Hard puzzles- Heavier use of advanced undergraduate mathematics might be needed. http://www.princeton.edu/~mathclub/puzzles4.html | |
151. ::::: MathsNet.net ::::: Puzzles A selection of puzzles of various kinds. The Games Centre is collected from around the world and presented here wih the kind permission of many puzzle http://www.mathsnet.net/puzzles.html | |
152. MathsNet Daily Puzzle There are three daily puzzles, which change every day of the month. The second daily puzzle is taken from a book by the puzzle king Henry Ernest http://www.mathsnet.net/dailypuzzle.html | |
153. Erich's Puzzle Palace Home math Magic Packing Center Puzzle Palace Ambigrams Friendship Bracelets Movies Top Ten Lists Poker Pictures of Me Puzzle Collection http://www.stetson.edu/~efriedma/puzzle.html | |
154. Brain Boosters Offers Kids' Educational Activities Online. Number and math Play Reasoning Spatial Awareness Word and Letter Play. Categorization In Common The Barbershop Puzzle The Value of Months http://school.discovery.com/brainboosters/ | |
155. Maths Is Fun - Math Resources Includes lessons, games, puzzles, and offline activities. http://www.mathsisfun.com/ | |
156. Shared Activities Popular Categories, View activities in popular categories like Astronomy, Biology, math, Spanish, and many, many more. http://www.quia.com/shared/ | |
157. The Ultimate Puzzle Site: Mathematical Problems http://www.puzzle.dse.nl/math/ |
158. Puzzles -- LEGO This page exhibits more brainteasing mechanical puzzles all built out of LEGO bricks. Most of the puzzles were inspired by classic puzzles that have been http://www.ericharshbarger.org/lego/puzzles.html | |
159. NPR : Google Entices Job-Searchers With Math Puzzle Mysterious banners at a Cambridge, Mass., subway stop have commuters scratching their heads. The signs, challenging passersby to solve a complicated math http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=3916173 |
160. Period.Com Puzzles! A cute, fun, and useful interactive site to get you started on the Internet. Especially caters to kids (puzzles! and Virtual Safari! http://www.period.com/puzzles/ | |
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