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121. Paint-by-numbers Puzzles And IP Article and instructions on solving puzzles. http://www.oberlin.edu/math/faculty/bosch/pbn-page.html | |
122. Funtestiq! Fun Tests And More! Amuse youself with quizzes, puzzles, riddles and other little games on personality, popular culture, literature, history, and math. http://www.funtestiq.com | |
123. Milken Family Foundation - Mike's Math Club Includes puzzles and games to test knowledge of basic skills. http://www.mff.org/mmc | |
124. Mathematical Interactivities - Games, Puzzles And Other Interactive Multimedia R To find out what I m working on, read my math Games weblog. as 2 step and 1 step puzzles, for those of you who prefer to solve simpler math problems. http://mathematics.hellam.net/ | |
125. Number Puzzles 200 math Number puzzles, including arithmetic, rounding, fractions, decimals, algebra, multiplication, ratios, word problems, and order of operations. http://www.edhelper.com/number_puzzle.htm | |
126. Maths Puzzles And Quizzes math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum. For K12 kids, teachers and parents. http://www.mathsisfun.com/puzzle.html | |
127. The Contest Center - Classic Riddles Classic puzzles and riddles requiring only simple logic and elementary math. http://www.contestcen.com/classic.htm | |
128. The Contest Center - Puzzles & Riddles A listing of the riddle, brainteaser and verbal puzzle pages on the Contest Center website. Riddle, puzzle, brainteaser and math problem webpages http://www.contestcen.com/index03.htm | |
129. Dansmath - Kids Page! Gives examples of ways that numbers occur in the world around us. Includes puzzles that concern numbers, geometry, speed rates, and logic. http://www.dansmath.com/pages/danskids.html | |
130. Aplusmath.com Games Math Word Find Create your own word find puzzles and print them out! Instructions; Select a category and press Create Puzzle to create your puzzle. http://www.aplusmath.com/Games/Wordfind/ | |
131. Math, Puzzles, Magic, Mazes, Illusions Contains math, puzzle, geometry, illusions, mazes, links, articles and problems. http://www.g4g4.com/ | |
132. Sheppard Software - Brain Builder Math Edition Program uses puzzles and games to teach arithmetic skills. Includes free download. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathbb1.htm | |
133. Mathematical Curiosities A tribute to the lighter side of math including puzzles, humor, trivia, quotes, inspirations, and math links. http://www.geocities.com/mrsjennifercall/jennifer_math.htm | |
134. PUZZLES. Can You Believe It? Hypnotic site for active minds and puzzle enthusiasts enjoy making and solving Geometric O power, SQuizzes online, math droodles, Geotemplet puzzle http://www.archimedes-lab.org/ | |
135. Puzzles Of The Month math puzzle contest open to all! Solve the puzzle of the month and win a puzzle book , a magazine, an original puzzle or a set of mathemagical cards http://www.archimedes-lab.org/page10b.html | |
136. Math Logic puzzles/Games Virtual Manipulatives math Movies Mean/Mode/Median Measurement. Metric Missing Number in Series/Patterns Money Order of Operations http://www.k111.k12.il.us/king/math.htm | |
137. BCIT ~ Mathematics | Entertainment Famous mathematical problems, puzzles, facts, games and trivia. http://www.math.bcit.ca/entertainment/ | |
138. Educational Math Activities For Kids Features a large collection of interactive word problems, games and puzzles for elementary school students. http://www.mathplayground.com | |
139. Learn About Savings Bonds Worksheets, glossary, puzzles for learning about Savings Bonds as well as Money math Lessons for Life a FREE, four lesson curriculum supplement that uses real world personal financial scenarios to teach mathematical concepts and basic finance to students in grades 79. http://www.savingsbonds.gov/sav/savlearn.htm | |
140. Jon Basden's Web Site math Problems. math Problems by Category Logic and Number Sense Problems (16); Percent Problems (4); Rate Problems (4); Toothpick puzzles (11) http://www.highland.madison.k12.il.us/jbasden/problems/ | |
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