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21. Stephen Jordan's Homepage Graduate student at MIT. Physics and math puzzles, scientist quotes, and personal information. http://web.mit.edu/sjordan/www | |
22. Math Puzzles Math Problems Puzzles Brain Teasers Puzzle Corner Interactive math puzzles Kids Place at Cuisenaire Magic Squares Mazes and Mathematics. http://www.nhusd.k12.ca.us/ALVE/ace/MATH/Math_Puzzles.html | |
23. Math Magic If you have a math puzzle, discovery, or observation, please email me about it One of the best-known recreational math puzzles of all time is finding a http://www.stetson.edu/~efriedma/mathmagic/ | |
24. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles, Games Page Cool math 4 kids math games, math puzzles, math lessons Math games, problems, calculators, puzzles, and fun and for all levels. http://www.cut-the-knot.com/games.shtml | |
25. Brian's Main Page Programming and math puzzles, as well as songs from his album. http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~brothste/ | |
26. Interactive Fun Puzzles For Kids Puzzles that children can directly manipulate on the web page. Visual discrimination, mixedup puzzles, number puzzles, math puzzles, magic squares and http://www.vtaide.com/png/puzzles.htm | |
27. Puzzle Index Puzzle index for geometry puzzles, logic puzzles, math puzzles, weight puzzles, moves puzzles and misc puzzles. You can sort the puzzle list by clicking http://www.freepuzzles.com/puzzles/PuzzleIndex.asp?Category=Math&CategoryID=3 |
28. Math Goodies: Free Math Help, Interactive Math Lessons, Homework Help, Worksheet Free educational web site featuring interactive math lessons with a problemsolving approach and actively engage students in the learning process. Also offer a math chat board, math puzzles, a math image library, educational links, and homework suggestions. http://www.mathgoodies.com/ | |
29. Galileo Educational Network Association When we talk about math puzzles we are not talking about toys. Rather we are talking about puzzles from The math fair booklet, prepared by Ted Lewis http://www.galileo.org/math/puzzles.html | |
30. Math Games And Math Puzzles Enjoy the following games and puzzles!! Rubik s Cube Name Game Morph the Professor Let s Play Checkers Pick a Number http://www.mathpower.com/funstuff.htm | |
31. Mathematical Puzzles Mathematical Puzzles Your guide to the best web sites for math puzzles. The MathSoft Math Puzzle Page Mathematical puzzles featured here have been http://thinks.com/webguide/mathpuzzles.htm | |
32. Blueee Presents: 1, 2, TRON And The Cursors Online game that displays a random choice of one of 15,000 different math puzzles. Six nested equations are shown with icons instead of digits. Find the digits to solve the puzzle. http://www.tote-taste.de/X-Project/index.html | |
33. CRpuzzles Word Math Puzzles Index New free puzzles daily Word Math, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, Picture Scramble, Logic Problem, Cryptogram, Kriss Kross, Word Mine, and more. http://crpuzzles.com/math/ | |
34. IBM Research | Ponder This Monthly logic and math puzzles set by IBM researchers with solutions. http://www.research.ibm.com/ponder/ | |
35. Cool Math .com - Brain Benders - Math Puzzles That Will Bend Your Brain! Fun math related puzzles and problems! Cool geometry stuff! Great for kids, big kids and really big kids! Teachers too! http://www.coolmath.com/math_puzzles/ | |
36. Amby's Education Site -- Math Puzzles & Learning Activities Amby s Education Resources math puzzles and Learning Activities. http://amby.com/educate/mathgame.html | |
37. STARTDL TM - Puzzles And Word Games Collection of interactive anagrams, word and math puzzles. Games are available online or in printable form. http://www.startdl.com/ | |
38. Math Sites Even Discrete Math, Trigonometry and Calculus Sites! math puzzles and Math Brain Teasers Sites! Math Web Quest Sites! Math Humor! Elementary, Middle School http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/heal/siteslist.htm | |
39. Math Puzzles At Just Riddles And More math questions, math teasers, math puzzles, math tests, math quizzes, logic problems, and brain teasers to challenge your mind. http://www.justriddlesandmore.com/math.html | |
40. Math Puzzles And Games Architecture and Math go hand in hand. These activities use building design to explore mathematical concepts. http://architecture.about.com/od/mathpuzzles/ | |
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