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101. Welcome To Play Kids Games.com - Online Kids Games, Alphabet Games, Math Games, Teachers Develop your own math pinball game! Create your own version of math pinball using your class math assignments. A fun way to know that your http://www.playkidsgames.com/mathGames.htm | |
102. IKnowthat.com - Online Multimedia Educational Games For Kids In Preschool, Kinde Offers webbased educational activities for kids ages 2-12. Activities include stickerbooks, simulation games, painting, math and phonics. http://www.iknowthat.com/ | |
103. EdVenture Software - Math, Geography And Keyboarding Programs Gold Medal math reinforces basic math skills through ten Olympic events games. http://www.edven.com | |
104. Educational Software, Word Games, Language Games, Word Puzzles, Math Games, Math Educational games and puzzles including Windows titles 'MixedUp math', 'French Connections', 'Stack Mates', 'Cell Mates', 'Elimination', 'math Mates'. http://www.kprobe.com/ | |
105. Perplexus.info :: Logic Puzzles, Brainteasers, Riddles And Math Tricks A forum and collection of brain teasers, logic problems, math problems, paradoxes, science games, probability, riddles, and geometric shapes. The puzzles are searchable and categorized, most have solutions. http://perplexus.info/ | |
106. Funtestiq! Fun Tests And More! Amuse youself with quizzes, puzzles, riddles and other little games on personality, popular culture, literature, history, and math. http://www.funtestiq.com | |
107. English Page math and engineering programs as well as games for the TI89. http://digilander.libero.it/fpirozzi/english.htm | |
108. Olympics Features games related reading, writing, spelling, geography and math activities. http://www.abcteach.com/Olympics/olympicsTOC.htm | |
109. K-8 Kids' Place Free games, activities, and resources for students studying math, reading, social studies and science. http://www.eduplace.com/kids/ | |
110. 2+2 Math For Kids Matematyka Dla Dzieci Matematica Per Bambini Mathe Für Kinder Helps teach grade school children the basics of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using exercises and online games. In Polish, Italian, and English. http://www.mathforkids.45.pl/ | |
111. Arithimetic,math For Kids, Math, Primary Math, Kids Stories,math,games And Singi Lots of educational primary math activities in Room 108. Children can read, sing, or do arithmetic and educational games also. http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/Math/math.htm | |
112. STARTDL TM - Puzzles And Word Games Collection of interactive anagrams, word and math puzzles. games are available online or in printable form. http://www.startdl.com/ | |
113. Horses And Trains: Fun Educational Childrens Shareware Software Provides downloadable educational games, including The math Race and Train Game . http://www.horsesandtrains.com/ | |
114. Room 108 Kids Stories, Math, Science, Art, Spelling, Games And Singing Activitie Stories for kids is central to the stories of Room 108. Children can read, sing, or do arithmetic and educational games also. The complete story books have http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/108.html | |
115. FunSchool More than 300 interactive games and activities for preschool through 6th grade with activities that range from matching numbers and shapes, geography, math and history. http://funschool.com/ | |
116. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles Features instructional games and puzzles based on a variety of math topics. Includes more serious articles about the language of math and related links. http://cut-the-knot.com/ | |
117. Bonnie Terry Learning Pack Presents educational games, reading, writing, and math lessons for teachers, tutors, home schooling, and independent study skills. http://www.bonnieterrylearning.com/ | |
118. For The 'healthy, Wealthy And Wise' Children Resources for math, art, health, computers, food, science and current events, including websites, games, and activities. http://www.swami4kids.com | |
119. Math / Math Online / Free Math Games Online - Ray Includes word problems, online games, and interactives quizzes. http://www.geocities.com/math_land/ | |
120. Elementary Sites Ghost Blasters 2 This games lets you choose to practice sums of the number math Magic - Timed practice of basic math facts in addition, subtraction, http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/ekowalcz/math/elementary_web_sites.htm | |
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