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81. Games - Www.multiplication.com Classroom games. games to play in the classroom (and at home.) Multiplication Bingo, Flip Up, Buzz, Buzz Plus, Partner Number, math War http://www.multiplication.com/games.htm | |
82. Math math Brain Activities (25 Board games to teach skills) Absurd math.. Interactive prealgebra problem solving games Challenging http://www.k111.k12.il.us/king/math.htm | |
83. Life Games In Colour Black White, Rainbow Life, and RGB averaging, by Gunnar Johnsson. http://www.math.kth.se/~gunnarj/LIFE/lifegame5.html | |
84. Welcome To Benfold.com Original Java and Windows games, screensavers, math, and science programs with screenshots. http://www.benfold.com/ | |
85. Wonderful Ideas New Home Page Novelty dice intended for teaching purposes, including animals, addition and subtraction. Pricing and ordering information. Links to other mathematical games. http://members.aol.com/pigonmath/index.html | |
86. Math, English Software, Games, Worksheets For Grades K-8 - Dositey.com Education Free educational programs, games, and printable worksheets in math and English for grades K8. Fulfills supplemental educational needs of both homeschooled http://www.dositey.com/ | |
87. ERVLORDS Online Games - Javascript Games And DHTML Games Lots of games for version 4 or greater browsers including Coloring, Mastermind, Yahtzee, Dragon Slide Puzzles, math Study, Slots, Hangman, Boggle, and Crosswords. http://www.dynamicgames.org/ | |
88. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles math puzzles. Interactive education. A lot of math information for teachers, students and Number Guessing Game And much much more games Puzzles http://www.cut-the-knot.org/index.shtml | |
89. Education Learning Board Games Offers games of math, word, family, geography, logic, money, bible, and travel. http://www.educationallearninggames.com/ |
90. OCSD Interactive Games math Magic, Timed practice of basic math facts in addition, subtraction, You would need follow the steps below and I can create the game for you. http://www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/techno/games.htm | |
91. Sheppard Software - Brain Builder Math Edition Program uses puzzles and games to teach arithmetic skills. Includes free download. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathbb1.htm | |
92. Postings From Rec.games.abstract About Dots And Boxes Includes a survey of the mathematical and computational literature. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/uses-math/games/other/dots_n_boxes | |
93. Games And Puzzles Science games. Who Wants to Win $1000000? Answer 15 science and math based questions correctly Element math Game - Calculate the number of protons, http://education.jlab.org/indexpages/elementgames.html | |
94. Dino Trilogy By DynoTech - Award-Winning Educational Software Contains three games Dino Match (memory), Dino Numbers (math), and Dino Spell (spelling). Offers ordering information and download. http://www.dynotech.com/trilogy.htm | |
95. Math.com Puzzles, Games, And Contests Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to http://www.math.com/students/puzzles/puzzleapps.html | |
96. Game-Master.us Riddles, games, cryprograms, math puzzles, and forums. http://game-master.us/ | |
97. GirlsGoTech.org - Welcome Encourages girls to become interested in math, science, and technology. Also contains games, careers information, and other resources. http://www.girlsgotech.org/ | |
98. JCP TI89 : Games And Programs For TI-89 Assembly and basic games, science and math programs for the TI89. http://jcpti89.free.fr/indexang.php | |
99. BCIT ~ Mathematics | Entertainment Famous mathematical problems, puzzles, facts, games and trivia. http://www.math.bcit.ca/entertainment/ | |
100. TutorSmart Offers educational toys, games, and books in early education, math, science, reading, and language arts. http://www.etacuisenaire.com/parentsite/tutorsmart.jsp |
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