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21. AVE IMPERATOR Limits In SWFActionScript math constants are represented by their double value. FLA-ActionScript like Math.PI + 5 will be comipled into one double value http://www.ave-imperator.com/pages/limits.html | |
22. Mathematical Functions The following values are defined as constants in PHP by the math extension. Táblázat 1. math constants. Constant, Value, http://www.pergel.hu/phpdoksi/ref.math.shtml | |
23. PGWeekly_September_03.txt *The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 498 Bernoulli Numbersmath constant 22brnllxxx.xxx 2586 Apr 2001 The first 1001 Fibonacci Numbersmath constant 21fbnccxxx.xxx 2585 Apr 2001 The http://www.gutenberg.org/newsletter/archive/PGWeekly_2003_09_03_Part_1.txt | |
24. Subject Project Gutenberg Newsletter PT 1 From Michael S. Hart And some of the new math constants will be reposed without notices Mar 1998 The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas Pere 21muskxxx.xxx1257 Nov 1999 http://www.gutenberg.org/newsletter/archive/PGMonthly_2000_06_07_Part_1.txt | |
26. PHP: Mathematical Functions - Manual Predefined Constants. The constants below are always available as part of the PHP core. Table 1. math constants. Constant, Value, http://php.planetmirror.com/manual/en/ref.math.php | |
27. Unicode Character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER PI' (U+03C0) Index entries, pi, mathematical constant. Upper case, U+03A0. Title case, U+03A0. Comments, math constant 3.141592 Version, Unicode 1.1.0 (June, 1993) http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/03c0/ | |
28. GameDev.net -- Game Development Showcase pi the math constant pi returns 3.14159 e the math constant e returns 2.71828 int round to the nearest integer 4.8 int returns 5 http://www.gamedev.net/community/gds/viewentry.asp?projectid=305753 |
29. Statistical Consulting Seminars: Visualizing Interactions For Logistic Models In this example, we hold math constant at 40 and science constant at 40. Likewise, we can set the covariates math constant at 60 and science constant at http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/seminars/stata_vibl/viblm.htm | |
30. Experimental Mathematics Website Clifford Lectures on Experimental Math at Tulane (Mar 31Apr 2, 2005). Clifford site Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah s site for famous math constants http://crd.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/expmath/ | |
31. A Passion For Mathematics A Smorgasbord of math puzzles, factoids, quotations, trivia, formulas, and much more famous and curious math constants (like Liouville s constant, http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/passion-math.html | |
32. Initially Known Names In Maple Pi, math constant pi; evalf(Pi) is approximately 3.14159265 printlevel, See printlevel (default is 1). Printlevel is an environment variable. http://oldweb.cecm.sfu.ca/projects/IntegerRelations/ininames.html | |
33. NERSC 2001 Annual Report: R&D: High Performance Computing R&D At Berkeley Lab While the evidence to date supports this assumption, no naturally occurring math constantsuch as pi, the square root of 2, or the natural logarithm of http://www.nersc.gov/news/annual_reports/annrep01/04RD.html | |
34. Mathematics Links The Math Forum Ask Dr. Math Regular Polygons Urban Legends Reference Feigenbaum Constants math constants Essays Euler-Mascheroni Constant http://www.alcyone.com/max/links/maths.html | |
35. Math Surprises Buffon's Needle simulation and a surprising demonstration of Barbier's theorem about shapes of constant width http://www.cut-the-knot.com/ctk/August2001.html | |
36. Karsten Grosse-Brauckmann: Research Differential geometry, especially surfaces of constant mean curvature. http://www.math.uni-bonn.de/people/kgb/Research/research.html | |
37. Mathcad Library: Constants DW Sweeney, On the computation of Euler s constant, math. Comp. 17 (1963) 170178; DW DeTemple, A quicker convergence to Euler s constant, Amer. math. http://www.mathcad.com/library/Constants/eulerrefs.htm | |
38. 112 Pieces Of Pi Images and illustrations created by using the digits of the circle constant. http://www.antigravitypress.com/Math/pi/ | |
39. Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math FAQ: About Pi Explains what the constant is and a brief history. Includes resource links. http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.pi.html | |
40. EXSLT - Math:constant The mathconstant function returns the specified constant to a set precision. Implementations of mathconstant are available in the following languages http://www.exslt.org/math/functions/constant/ | |
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