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Math Competitions: more books (71) | ||
101. USMA-Harvard Math Competition USMAHarvard math Competition. The Harvard-United States Military Academy mathematics. Competition of 1933 Genesis of the William Lowell Putnam http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/about/history/mathcomp.htm | |
102. UR Students Compete In Math Competition - Campus Times - News UR students compete in math competition, , Campus Times, a newspaper of University of Rochester. http://www.campustimes.org/news/2003/03/27/News/Ur.Students.Compete.In.Math.Comp | |
103. South African Mathematics Olympiad Pierre Fermat math Competition (in Spanish). The Netherlands Information about the Dutch mathematics Olympiad (now also in English), maintained by Tom http://science.up.ac.za/samo/links.html | |
104. MATH COMPETITION - BERRY COLLEGE math COMPETITION. Berry College. Rome , Georgia. Contact Us Berry College. Fall 2004 Competition Dates. 6th Grade November 4. 7th/8th Grade- November 11 http://fsweb.berry.edu/academic/mans/cmoldavan/math_contest/ | |
105. PAGE NOT FOUND C. Continental math League Competition School winners 1) 900442 Wang, Alan 2) 693909 Farkas, David. Participation Certificats 1) 697129 Long, Jonathan http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/woottonhs/maths/mathletes05.html | |
106. UI Students Represent U.S. In International Math Competition UI students represent US in international math competition. IOWA CITY, Iowa Four University of Iowa students represented the United States at this http://www.uiowa.edu/~ournews/2000/august/0831mathmeet.html | |
107. KCSOS : News & Events : Math Competition A Field Day mathfieldwins042 math competition a field day Although it is not scored as a team competition, Fruitvale Junior High distinguished itself with nine http://kcsos.kern.org/news/stories/storyReader$1332 | |
108. Lettering And Contest Information TJ hosts an annual math competition for area middle schools; this year s was on November This is a national math competition for middle school students. http://activities.tjhsst.edu/vmt/lettering.phtml | |
109. University Of Manitoba: Mathematics - UofM Math Contest Group The William Lowell Putnam math Competition , generally regarded as the premier undergraduate math competition in the world; 12 questions in 6 hours; http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/science/mathematics/kopotun/psolving.shtml | |
110. Louisiana School For Math, Science, And The Arts The mathComputer Science Department of the Louisiana School for math, Science, and the Arts recently hosted the Fourth Annual math Competition, http://www.lsmsa.edu/Cool School/matcont.htm | |
111. Tufts University - Dean Of Arts And Sciences about the William Lowell Putnam math Competition Tufts finds success in a national math competition. In December 2003, a team of Tufts undergraduate http://ase.tufts.edu/dean-arts-sciences/focus-putnam.htm | |
112. Math Competition The Miami Valley School is Dayton s only independent, nonsectarian, collegepreparatory school. Established in 1964, the school serves 508 students from http://www.mvschool.com/main_04-05pages/press-releases/ms_mathaward.htm |
113. Lincoln Journal Star Alex Churchill accomplishments Sixth grade Placed 10th in state mathCOUNTS competition Won State Fair Education Competition math contest Seventh grade http://www.journalstar.com/articles/2005/07/11/homeroom/doc42cefa229f02978765964 | |
114. NM Tech Senior Ranks In Top 200 In Putnam Math Competition NM Tech Senior Ranks in Top 200 in Putnam math Competition. Alexander Rand. by George Zamora. SOCORRO, NM, March 23, 2004 Alexander Rand, http://infohost.nmt.edu/mainpage/news/2004/23mar01.html | |
115. Minister Provides Funding For Provincial Math Competition Minister provides funding for provincial math competition. Judy Foote, Minister of Education, presented a cheque in the amount of $4000 to Graham Wood, http://www.releases.gov.nl.ca/releases/2002/edu/0430n01.htm | |
116. Putnam Page The 2004 Putnam competition will take place at GMU in S+TI (room 242) on Saturday, The 2004 Virginia Tech math competition will be held on Saturday, http://math.gmu.edu/~dmanders/WEBDAN/putnam.htm | |
117. Walter Payton College Prep In 2004, Payton placed first in the State math Competition and aim to take first again at this year s competition scheduled to take place on April 30, 2005. http://www.payton.cps.k12.il.us/home/academics/departments/mathematics/math_team | |
118. School Board Of Alachua County, Florida Local Student Headed for National math Competition; Howard Bishop mathCounts Team Takes I like math, and I really like competition, said Minnow. http://www.sbac.edu/~wpops/spotlights/Mathcounts.html | |
119. McGann's Factors re MIT wins Putnam math competition 3/21/2005 503 PM madmatt. (solution from http//www.unl.edu/amc/aactivities/a7-problems/putnam/) A1. Yes. http://blogs.mit.edu/madmatt/posts/9205.aspx | |
120. Georgia Tech | HSMC Georgia Tech High School mathematics Competition information and application will be posted by December 1, 2005. Contact ugcomments@math.gatech.edu. http://www.math.gatech.edu/~pme/hsmc/ | |
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