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61. Monash University Probabilistic Footy Tipping Competition 2005 The School of Computer Science and Software Engineering runs 3 math based footy tipping competitions; Probabilistic, Gaussian and Normal. The top 10 primary or secondary school students are eligible to share in A$512 worth of prizes. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~footy/ | |
62. Tips And Tricks To Aid In Academic Competitions Offers tips and tricks to aid in competitions involving math and science. http://www.academiccompetition.org | |
63. The Continental Mathematics League And The National Olympiads math competition using six higher level thinking problems. There are also competitions in science, social studies and other areas. Competition is divided by grade level, generally second grade through high school. http://www.continentalmathleague.hostrack.com/ | |
64. Jump To Http://komal.elte.hu/ K¶MaL regularly reports on national and international competitions, prints articles on interesting results in mathematics and physics, and includes book reviews. For more than 30 years all the new problems have appeared in English as well as Hungarian. http://www.math.elte.hu/komal/index.e.html |
65. International Mathematical Olympiad / Olympiade Internationale De Mathématiques Information on past and future competitions, competing countries, exam problems and related materials. http://imo.math.ca/ | |
66. Bulgarian Competitions In Mathenatics And Informatics Introduction to the major national competitions in Bulgaria. Features comprehensive sets of past contest problems. http://www.math.bas.bg/bcmi/ | |
67. Singapore Mathematical Olympiad Society - Competition Home Page The largest and oldest mathematics competition in Singapore. Contains schuedule, results, rules, and photo gallery. http://sms.math.nus.edu.sg/competitions/CompetitionHomePage.aspx | |
68. The Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Qualifying round for the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad. Site includes registration and past problems. http://www.cms.math.ca/Competitions/COMC/ | |
69. Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) Include results, past problems and solutions. http://www.cms.math.ca/Competitions/CMO/ | |
70. Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad Competition regulations, past results, awards, and APMO Test Papers from 1989 to present. http://camel.math.ca/CMS/Competitions/APMO/ | |
71. International Mathematical Talent Search A free competitive yearround correspondence program in creative mathematical problem solving at the secondary school level. Open to students in every country. http://www.cms.math.ca/CMS/Competitions/IMTS/ | |
72. Competitions And Activities For K-12 Grades Other competitions. mathCounts for grades 7 and 8. math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS) for grades 4 8. American Regions math League http://www.math.ksu.edu/main/events/hscomp/index_html | |
73. Rose-Hulman Math Dept -- Competitions In early December comes the grande dame of mathematics competitions, The American Mathematics Competition (AMC) sponsors five national competitions at http://www.rose-hulman.edu/Class/ma/HTML/Activities/competitions.html | |
74. Rose-Hulman Mathematics In early December comes the grande dame of mathematics competitions, the William Lowell Putnam AMC math Problem Directory Putnam, IMO and many others http://www.rose-hulman.edu/math/competitions/competitions.php | |
75. 32nd Annual High School Math Competition The competitions will be held in Duckett Hall Auditorium, which is where we Those of you who are unfamiliar with the competition should bear in mind | |
76. Middle School Mathematics Competitions Number Sense, Calculator and mathematics competition Texas math Science Coaches Association Jo Kesner, Box 1485; Breckenridge, Texas 764241485 http://www.middleweb.com/MathComp.html | |
77. The World Of Stuff » Blog Archive » Competitions Lost Yesterday I went to a math competition with my friend Mark and our geometry teacher from last semester, Miss Cale. Since it was called math Day, http://www.theworldofstuff.com/archives/2005/05/01/competitions-lost/ | |
78. COLUMBUS EAST MATH DEPARTMENT Competitions And Activities COLUMBUS EAST math DEPARTMENT. competitions and Activities INFORMATION. JETS Teams Competition. Indiana math League. Indiana State math Contest http://www.bcsc.k12.in.us/eastHS/academics/math/competitions_information.htm | |
79. Author SpotLight: Willie Walker ... Project Motivational Math Mr. math, Willie Walker, rewards the 2002 math Competition winner with his Willie Walker s Motivational math program and mathematics competitions have http://www.atlasbooks.com/marktplc/00814asWalker.htm | |
80. MATC Mathematics Club Middle School Math Competition Page Middle School math Competition Page Madison Area Technical College The MATC math Club hosts annual competitions for local middle schools. http://matcmadison.edu/is/as/math/mathclub/MathEvents/MSMcomp.htm | |
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