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61. Info For Math Majors Advising help Careers for math Majors Internships and Summer Programs Selected Readings for the However, much of the advice is quite general. http://math.wcupa.edu/~marano/ProjectNExT/mathMajors.html | |
62. Classic Math Solutions Resources 50 ProblemSolving Lessons The Best from 10 Years of math Solutions Newsletters, Grades 16 So You Have to Teach math? Sound advice for K6 Teachers http://www.mathsolutions.com/mb/content/publications/p_pub_01.html | |
63. Book Review: So You Have To Teach Math? So You Have to Teach math? Sound advice for K6 Teachers by Marilyn Burns and Robyn Silbey. Review 1 2. Review by Kari Augustine, Cottage Grove School, http://www.mathsolutions.com/mb/content/publications/reviews/rev_teachmath.html | |
64. Teachnology Teacher Forum - Advice For New Teacher Teaching Math Go Back, Teachnology Teacher Forum High School Reload this Page advice for new teacher teaching math. User Name, Remember Me? Password http://www.teach-nology.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33 |
65. Teachnology Teacher Forum - Advice For New Teacher Teaching Math View Full Version advice for new teacher teaching math I dont mean to bash my mathteaching friends, but most of the math teachers I have met are http://www.teach-nology.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-33.html | |
66. Salary.com Advice My company offered me $40000 a year, but when I do the math based on my paychecks, the amounts don t add up to $40000, but more like $36000. http://www.salary.com/advice/layoutscripts/advl_display.asp?tab=adv&cat=Cat8&ser |
67. Salary | Advice | Salary Talk | Paycheck Calculation Back to advice Series Home Will getting paid biweekly instead of hourly hurt My company offered me $40000 a year, but when I do the math based on my http://www.salary.com/advice/layouthtmls/advl_display_Cat8_Ser8_Par25.html | |
68. Mathematics Information advice for mathematics Students. How to Learn math and Do Proofs SIAM s WWW Undergraduate Page How to be a Good Graduate Student Advisor http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~neum/math.html | |
69. Expert Advice: Jerome J. Schultz, Ph.D. My fourthgrader, who has ADHD, struggles with math. Is there a disability associated with math computation? http://www.familyeducation.com/experts/advice/0,1183,23-28550,00.html | |
70. Expert Advice: Eileen S. Marzola, Ed.D. My fourthgrader is in danger of failing math. What can I do? advice given here is not intended to provide a basis for action in particular http://www.familyeducation.com/experts/advice/0,1183,23-28888,00.html | |
71. *Concerns Of Young Mathematicians* || Advice For Applying To REUs Several students have recently asked me for advice on the essay required for A genuine passion for math, I don t want to use one of my 18 spaces on a http://concerns.youngmath.net/story/2005/2/4/121914/8746 | |
72. Student Advice: Advice Home Page advice to Students. Over the years, I have collected some information that I hope beginning math students, to improve their study and learning habits. http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/courses/advice/welcome.html | |
73. Student Advice: Email Hints I can t figure out how to factor the equation x^3 2x^2 + 1 = 0 Can you give me any advice? HOME, Student advice web pages Created 26 Aug 2000 http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/courses/advice/email.html | |
74. ACC Math CPT Assessment Score Advice To use this page, you need your scores on the math test(s) that you took. skill level or that the advice we are giving is not appropriate for you, http://www.austin.cc.tx.us/mparker/advising/cpt1.htm | |
75. ACC Math COMPASS Assessment Score Advice (A 3page summary of math advising on the Web, for those of you who want to skill level or that the advice we are giving is not appropriate for you, http://www.austin.cc.tx.us/mparker/advising/compass1.htm | |
76. More Advice For Undergrads More advice for Undergrads I asked several friends who were professors and/or Empirically, I don t think the difference between math and CS is very http://www.paulgraham.com/undergrad2.html | |
77. Placement Advice For Mathematics mathematics placement advice for students new to RutgersNew Brunswick The prerequisite for math 025 is a placement of EAL (Elementary Algebra) on the http://www.math.rutgers.edu/placement.html | |
78. Rutgers University Mathematics Department math Placement advice Transfer Credit Special Permission Course Materials Courses Schedules Careers in math Gelfand Corresp. Program http://www.math.rutgers.edu/ | |
79. C.S.U.S. Math Department - Advise For Students The math Society (math Club) meets weekly during each semesterevery It is a good place to find commiseration, and advice about courses and instructors. http://www.csus.edu/math/students/advice.htm | |
80. Job Interview Advice Hunting for a Job in math Academia Job Interview advice During the 9697 academic year I finished my Ph.D. in math. At the same time, I was applying http://www.merrimack.edu/~thull/job/jobint.html | |
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