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Java Calculators: more detail | ||||
101. Online Converters FREE Measurements Converters And Calculators Online calculators Online Converters Unit Measurement Translators. A collection of measurement converters and calculators for all occasions. http://www.onlineconverters.com/ | |
102. Dalrymple S Coastal Engineering Java Page To run these applets, you only need a web browser that supports java, Wave Calculator Using incident deep water wave data, it calculates the local wave http://www.coastal.udel.edu/faculty/rad/ | |
103. HP Calculator Simulations This fantastic java simulation was written by Larry Leinweber and donated to To work the calculator, press the keys by clicking with the mouse and slide http://www.hpmuseum.org/simulate/simulate.htm | |
104. Triangle Calculators Mathematical technology for industry and education. http://www.saltire.com/applets/triangles/triangles.htm | |
105. Mkaz.com : Mathematics : Linear Algebra Matrix Calculator (java Application) UPDATED 200506-30 A java application which lets you calculate the determinant, adjoint, inverse, transpose, http://www.mkaz.com/math/line_alg.html | |
106. Bond Valuation Country Risk 2-assets Mean-Variance Graph 3-assets Graph of Options combinations (BlackScholes valuation) Efficient Frontier Option Pricer International Cost of Capital and Risk Calculator. http://www.duke.edu/~charvey/applets/java.html |
107. Java Scripts java for Astronomy. by Matt Oltersdorf. Astronomer s Digital Clock page Welcome to Mars Time Calculator, add and subtract hours, minutes and seconds http://users.zoominternet.net/~matto/Java/ | |
108. Legal Practice In Japan / Simulator Of Java Applet We have lawyer s fee calculator, damages calculator, pesonal injury calculator, interest calculator and Calculator with java. Lawyer s Fee Calculator http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zi3h-kwrz/javaindexe.html | |
109. Java Applets Calculator Java Applets Java Applets java Applets directory, java codes sites, java Applets tutorials java programs. http://www.ezgoal.com/java/applets/c.asp?list=Calculator |
110. Beer Math Calculator java beer math calculator for calulating alcohol percentage, specific gravity correction, attentuation, hop AAU as well as englishmetric conversions. http://www.leebrewery.com/beermath.htm | |
111. Mc Squared System Design Group, Inc. - JavaScript Calculator Features MC Squared System Design Group is an independent sound and video system design and acoustical consulting firm, specializing in the integration of the http://www.mcsquared.com/java.htm | |
112. Ray Hall Turbocharging - Java Calculation Applets Ray Hall Turbocharging Main page, Turbocharger kits, parts, fuel injection and java turbo calculator applets. http://www.turbofast.com.au/javacalc.html | |
113. Karl's Mortgage Calculator Mortgage calculator uses java to graph and chart your monthly payments. Calculator instructions History credits FAQ How much can I afford? http://www.jeacle.ie/mortgage/ | |
114. GE Quartz Tools This calculator determines window thickness in millimeters for quartz used GE Quartz offers an array of easyto-use calculators and other tools to help http://www.gequartz.com/en/tools.htm | |
115. STATLETS - Task List Statlets Task List. Choose from the following list of tasks. Plot. Plot a single column of data. Plot Y versus X. Plot Z versus X and Y. Create a barchart http://espse.ed.psu.edu/statistics/statlets/free/Tasklist.html |
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