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81. Turing The turing machine could write a symbol on the tape, or delete a symbol from the It is impossible to decide (using another turing machine) whether a http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Turing.html | |
82. Boing Boing: Lego Turing Machine This person built a turing machine out of Lego, and has posted extensive buildnotes. Well, this turing machine is not entirely mechanical. http://www.boingboing.net/2005/07/14/lego_turing_machine.html | |
83. Turing Machine Definition of turing machine, possibly with links to more information and implementations. http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/turingMachine.html | |
84. Oracle Turing Machine Definition of oracle turing machine, possibly with links to more information and implementations. http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/oracleTur.html | |
85. The Myth Of The Turing Machine Since its invention in the late thirties, the turing machine has heavily influenced The turing machine often plays a central role in debates about the http://watarts.uwaterloo.ca/~celiasmi/Papers/Turing Myth.central.jetai.1ce.nofie | |
86. Turing Machine http://www.theatrefeuilleton2.net/np3turi/turing.htm |
87. Turing Machine A turing machine can be thought of as a black box that carries out a calculation A turing machine that can simulate any other turing machine is called a http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/T/Turing_machine.html | |
88. Untitled Document The Universal turing machine Anthology. 327347) (Yet while he makes this move, Brosl Hasslacher argues in the article Beyond the turing machine (The http://www.english.ucsb.edu/grad/student-pages/jdouglass/coursework/hyperliterat | |
89. Turing Machine Simulator ANOTHER turing machine SIMULATOR, IMPLEMENTED AS A JAVA(tm) APPLICATION Figure 12 shows the turing machine simulator with several tapes and tracks. http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~software/tm/tmdoc.html | |
90. Punknews.org | Turing Machine - Zwei Tours, News and Reviews about Punk, Emo and Hardcore. http://www.punknews.org/reviews.php?op=albumreview&id=4215 |
91. Link Right 2 » Blog Archive » Turing Machine turing machine. July 12th, 2005 1443 by Anton. turing machine. Cool LEGO creation. Although it is composed of pretty simple capabilities, Turing argued http://lr2.com/archives/2005/07/12/turing-machine/ | |
92. Turing Machines A turing machine has a twoway infinite tape, made of cells. Below, you can see the initial configuration of a turing machine on the input 101001 http://www.logique.jussieu.fr/~michel/tmi.html | |
93. PlanetMath: Deterministic Turing Machine The formal definition of a deterministic turing machine is a tuple A turing machine is conceived to be a box with a tape and a tape head. http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/DeterministicTuringMachine.html | |
94. Is The Brain Equivalent To A Turing Machine? || Kuro5hin.org I d have to say that the brain is not any kind of turing machine. The brain is not a turing machine by delmoi, 03/18/2003 121824 AM EST (3.00 / 1) http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/3/15/15956/6995 | |
95. [math/0209332] Hypercomputation: Computing More Than The Turing Machine Hypercomputation computing more than the turing machine. Authors Toby Ord Comments 57 pages, 9 figures Subjclass Logic; Other http://arxiv.org/abs/math.LO/0209332 | |
96. Turing Machines And Computability Such abstract computing machines are now called turing machines . A turing machine (TM) consists of a control unit and a read/write head positioned http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~mohrj/courses/1998.fall/csc110/lecture_notes/turing_ | |
97. Visual Turing: A Graphical IDE For Turing Machines Visual Turing is a graphical IDE that you may use to edit and debug with turing machines. http://www.cheransoft.com/vturing/ | |
98. The Turing Machine (from Computer) -- Encyclopædia Britannica The turing machine (from computer) Alan Turing, while a mathematics student at the University of Cambridge, was inspired by German mathematician David http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-216036 | |
99. Cover Pages: Turing Machine Markup Language (TMML). I created TMML and the Universal turing machine stylesheet to have some TMML was designed to be a superset of these various turing machine definitions. http://xml.coverpages.org/ni2001-03-19-b.html | |
100. TP: The Paranoid Machine The turing machine follows classical mechanical (hierarchic) logic it The turing machine is program driven the representations it writes on its http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/19/19187/1.html | |
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