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81. From Lrudolph@panix.com (Lee Rudolph) Newsgroups Sci.math If you cut a moebius strip M lengthwise, you get a single strip S. Which is anannulus. When you say a moebius strip in three dimensional space , http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/moebius_str | |
82. Moebius Music Inversus Sankyo 20Note moebius strip Plays Inverse Music A process similarto the one was used by Slonimsky in moebius strip Tease the music http://mmd.foxtail.com/Sounds/Sankyo20/tremblay.html | |
83. [cond-mat/0203366] Persistent Currents In Moebius Strips here for a system of noninteracting electrons on a moebius strip. in theability to experimentally identify a moebius strip is pointed out. http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0203366 | |
84. More Stuff - ExperiMENTALS - The Lab - ABC A moebius strip (pronounced moebee-us) is like any ordinary piece of paper, This is a moebius strip! It doesn t look like anything fancy, but wait til http://www.abc.net.au/science/experimentals/more/ep2.htm | |
85. Moebius Strip moebius strip. By Andrew Looney. Allen Murphey, President of Napoleon Industries,one of the country s largest manufacturers of useful household appliances, http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Andy/SecretWorld/MoebiusStrip.html | |
86. Escher Moebius Strip moebius strip . MC Escher woodcut, printed from 3 blocks. 1963, 45x20 cm.A moebius strip is a surface that has only one surface, as it is attached to http://www.fantasyarts.net/Escher_moebius_strip.htm | |
87. Beyazperde.com - Thru The Moebius Strip (2005) Babasinin öldügüne inanmak istemeyen 14 yasindaki cesur ve yetenekli Jac, onuaramak için uzayaa bir yolculuga çikar. On milyonlarca isik yili uzaktaki http://www.beyazperde.com/film/2274 | |
88. Plots Of G. Schwarz's Flat Moebius Strip -- From Mathematica Information Center Mathematica notebook containing animation of a few perspectives of G. Schwarz s flatmoebius strip S, and the Frenet frame on the central geodesic of S. http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/4585/ | |
89. Gluing Two Moebius Strips Into A Klein Bottle -- From Mathematica Information Ce Klein bottle is after projective plane the simplest closed, nonorientablesurface. It is well known fact that one can obtain it by gluing two Moebius http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/823/ | |
90. AMCA: The Moebius Strip And Viviani's Windows By Renzo Caddeo The moebius strip and Viviani s windows by Renzo Caddeo University of Cagliari,Italy Coauthors Stefano Montaldo (University of Cagliari), http://at.yorku.ca/c/a/d/q/99.htm | |
91. EconPapers: The Moebius Strip And A Social Choice Paradox By Juan Carlos Candeal and Esteban Indurain; The moebius strip and a social choiceparadox. http://econpapers.repec.org/article/eeeecolet/v_3A45_3Ay_3A1994_3Ai_3A3_3Ap_3A40 | |
92. Moebius Strip moebius strip. by. Richard S. Ellis. Walking through Forest Park. on a goldenOctober morning. with my son, grown up,. I seek a symbol for my life http://www.math.umass.edu/~rsellis/moebius.html | |
93. Moebius Strip - Flash And VRML Presentation This flash movie includes information about the moebius strip, who invented The moebius strip can have many fun uses, as demonstrated in this example, http://www.drastic-creations.com/projects/mobius/ | |
94. Moebius Scarf - The Original asking people to show me the right side and wrong side of a moebius strip. ;) that adds the half twist, identifying this scarf as a moebius strip. http://www.planetshoup.com/easy/knit/scarfmb.shtml | |
95. Science Jokes:1. MATHEMATICS : 1.6 MATHEMATIC PUNS Special Category Why the chicken crossed the road according to scientistsNovember 17 September 26 Q Why did the chicken cross the moebius strip? http://www.xs4all.nl/~jcdverha/scijokes/1_6.html | |
96. Artsadmin/Gilles Jobin/Moebius Strip/Text A moebius strip is a two dimensional surface with only one face. A moebius striprepresents infinity. When you cut a moebius strip in half, lengthways, http://www.artsadmin.co.uk/artists/gj/moebiusstriptext.html | |
97. Global Gallery - M.C. Escher - Moebius Strip II - Art Print MC Escher, moebius strip II art print. Explore our extensive MC Escher collectionof fine art prints. Global Gallery offer thousands of museum quality art http://www.globalgallery.com/enlarge/015-20773/ | |
98. Möbius (Moebius) Strip Möbius (moebius) strip. Written by Paul Bourke May 1996 The Möbius strip in3 dimensions can be represented parameterically f(s,t) as follows http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/surfaces/mobius/ | |
99. UNH Department Of Mathematics And Statistics Make a moebius band from a strip of paper by putting a halftwist in it and taping Double moebius Band Place two strips of paper together (as pictured http://www.math.unh.edu/cgi-bin/generatePage.cgi?moebius |
100. Mobius Strip This curious surface is called a Möbius strip or Möbius Band, But, as a resultof the half twist, the Möbius strip has only one side and one edge! http://scidiv.bcc.ctc.edu/Math/Mobius.html | |
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