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61. Wired 12.01: Broken Machine Politics Introducing the UserFriendly, Error-Free, Tamper-Proof Voting machine of theFuture! (WARNING Satisfaction not guaranteed if used before 2006.) http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.01/evote.html | |
62. Bending Machines Prove Their Worth Over Long Time: News From Shear-Form Machine Salford based JW Entwhistle Co is a long time user of Jorns Bending Machines fromSwitzerland, which they have operated for over 20 years to make roofing http://www.subcontractingtalk.com/news/she/she102.html | |
63. Interactive Proof System - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia an interactive proof system is an abstract machine that models In thissystem, the verifier is a deterministic, polynomialtime machine (a P http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interactive_proof_system | |
64. Lecture 23 - Approximation Algorithms And Cook's Theorem Suppose we buy a guessing module peripherial for our Turing machine, The proofof Cook s Theorem, while quite clever, was certainly difficult and http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/lectures-good/node23.html | |
65. 15-859(A) Machine Learning Theory, Spring 2004 Use as proof of Hoeffding bounds. 02/17 Learning from noisy data. SQ model intro . Avrim Blum, OnLine Algorithms in machine Learning (a survey). http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~avrim/ML04/ | |
66. Soft Machines » Blog Archive » What Biology Does And Doesn’t Prove About What it does not show is that the approach to making molecular machines Appealing to biology to prove the possibility of radical nanotechnology of some http://www.softmachines.org/wordpress/index.php?p=109 |
67. PCWorld.com - Is E-Voting Safe? Millions will cast their ballots this year using voting machines based on PC Even if the machines work flawlessly, it ll be hard to prove that to a http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,115608,00.asp | |
68. Multivac - Better Packaging - Vacuum Packaging Machines - Thermoformers - Rollst Thermoforming Machines Thermoformers. Another proof of branch oriented More than 50 000 installed machines do prove MULTIVACs reliability and safety. http://www.multivac.com/ | |
69. Cheating Fruit Machines But it was impossible to prove it, because once you ve made your choice andpressed the button, Until now, that is. CHEATING FRUIT MACHINES THE PROOF http://www.fairplay-campaign.co.uk/fruit/fruit1.htm | |
70. Heller Ehrman And Venture Law Group Prove Case For RightFax And HP Heller Ehrman and Venture Law Group prove Case for RightFax and HP. Reams ofpaper and rows of fax machinescommon sights in busy law offices. http://www.captaris.com/news_and_events/case_studies/Heller_Ehrman.html | |
71. Defense Review - HK GMG (Grenade Machine Gun) Pics From SOF Week 2005/APBI We really want to get the HK Grenade machine Gun (GMG) out to the firing range Basically, the system looks solid, but the proof will be at the range. http://www.defensereview.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=762 |
72. Color MFPs Prove Capable And Costly | InfoWorld | Review | 2005-07-18 | By Dan L Our six MFPs prove featurerich, but their prices may be tough to justify The machines themselves are pricey. The MFPs in our roundup start at less than http://www.infoworld.com/article/05/07/18/29TCmfps_1.html | |
73. Disinformation From the vision of the Founding Fathers to the mythmaking machine of Hollywood, Administration officials have asserted, but have not offered proof, http://www.disinfo.com/ |
74. Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem The proof of Gödel s Incompleteness Theorem is so simple, and so sneaky, Someone introduces Gödel to a UTM, a machine that is supposed to be a Universal http://www.miskatonic.org/godel.html | |
75. Salon.com Technology | Hacking Democracy Her stories on voting machines are based not on her politics but on serious, She wonders how you can prove that everything went well when what goes on http://salon.com/tech/feature/2003/02/20/voting_machines/ | |
76. News@nature They need to provide scientific proof. Clonaid has so far refused to give the properties of the machine are moot. We need conclusive proof. http://www.nature.com/news/2003/030127/full/030127-13.html | |
77. Randomness And Mathematical Proof Input to and output from the machine are both in the form of binary digits. and the machine could be asked to ``judge the merits of the proof. http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/CDMTCS/chaitin/sciamer.html | |
78. 14th USENIX Security Symposium - Technical Program we require that the code comes with a machinecheckable, mathematical proof to automatically output the required proof at the machine-code level. http://www.usenix.org/events/sec05/tech/ | |
79. OWWM.com - Old Woodworking Machines Looking to buy or sell an old woodworking machine? How about parts? This shouldprove to be a valuable resource for other people who are trying to find http://www.owwm.com/ | |
80. Democracy Now! | Haitian Prime Minister: "Coup D'Etat Machine In Motion" Haitian Prime Minister Coup D Etat machine in Motion And if you want provethat terrorists are involved in the uprising, you have it right there. http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/02/18/1635222&mode=thread&tid=25 |
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