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41. ST-Machine Benefits Deploying STEPNC AP-238 CC1 using our ST-machine tools helps your organization STEP-NC can reduce the cost of prove-out and enable better workload http://www.steptools.com/products/stmachine/benefits.html | |
42. Billmon get worse and that Iraqi security forces prove themselves ready for combat . I live in a Republican machine county myself, so I know how that goes. http://billmon.org/ | |
43. Experiments Prove Plants Have Feelings - Jun. 24, 2003 In another room, Backster set up a machine that would dump live brine shrimp atrandom into Experiments prove plants have feelings Inner Awareness http://www.inq7.net/lif/2003/jun/24/lif_22-1.htm | |
44. Power Line The Weekly Standard s Matthew Continetti has the papers that prove it. (if they spoke in an affected London accent and you owned a time machine). http://www.powerlineblog.com/ | |
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47. ETH - Computer Science - Prof. Robert Stärk to prove security properties of ASMs like that the machine does not read 3 RF Stärk, J. Schmid and E. Börger Java and the Java Virtual machine http://www.inf.ethz.ch/news/focus/res_focus/apr_2004/index | |
48. God Of The Machine We can, and should, admit that what would prove it wrong? Now is the timeon God of the machine when I play nice with the other blogchildren, http://www.godofthemachine.com/ | |
49. Project-Team-MACSI We present theoretical results concerning twomachine cases, we prove that thetwo-machine permutation flowshop with constant maximal time-lags is strongly http://www.inria.fr/rapportsactivite/RA2004/macsi2004/uid49.html | |
50. GamesIndustry.biz - Recent Revolution "leaks" Prove To Be Fake Recent Revolution leaks prove to be fake. Tue Fresh information on Nintendo sforthcoming machine not accurate. UK Charts Codemasters Brian Lara is http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=10511 |
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53. Minds Or Machines So the question is, can a machine have experiences of the sort which this implies?Admittedly one cannot prove that this cannot be the case but, http://www.leaderu.com/truth/2truth04.html | |
54. Long Bets [ 15: By 2050 No Synthetic Computer Nor Machine Intelligence Will Have It will be nothing more than a fancy inanimate object, a clever machine, After all, we cannot prove the existence of space or time eitherthese are http://www.longbets.org/15 | |
55. Stand To Reason Commentary - Weighing A Chicken With A Yardstick It may prove that it s possible for a machine to feel through its machinery whata human But it would not prove that a human being is a mere machine. http://www.str.org/free/commentaries/science/scisoul.htm | |
56. GNER.co.uk > Press Releases 2005 > GNERâS FASTTICKET MACHINES PROVE TO BE C Great North Eastern Railway GNER - Buy online train tickets at gner.co.uk. http://www.gner.co.uk/GNER/PressCentre/PressReleases05/GNERS FASTTICKET MACHINES | |
57. Peter Suber, "Turing Machines II" We will define a function about Turing machines themselves and prove that it is This completes the proof that L(n) is not computable by Turing machines. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/courses/logsys/turing2.htm | |
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59. Time Machines Correspondingly, a proof of the physical impossibility of time machines wouldtake the form of showing that this assertion is false for the actual laws of http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/time-machine/ | |
60. The Tail Recursive SECD Machine While specifying the details of the inductive proof for the SECD machine, The correctness proof for the TRSECD machine requires roughly 50% more CPU http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/boyer/ftp/nqthm/trsecd/trsecd.html | |
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