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41. Menasco's Home Page Menasco s knot theory Hot List. Check out the following knot theory web sites. KnotPlot A Circular History of knot theory. Knot Table courtesy of KnotPlot. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~menasco/knot-theory.html | |
42. Prof. W.B.R. Lickorish University of Cambridge. Topology, threedimensional manifolds, knot theory. http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/site2002/People/lickorish_wbr.html | |
43. Liverpool Pure Maths: Knot Theory knot theory Research Group. http://www.liv.ac.uk/~su14/knotgroup.html | |
44. Math Applications, Resources, Tutorials And More - Maple Application Center - Ma Covers techniques of distinguishing knots, types, applications, and Conway notations. Includes illustrations. http://www.mapleapps.com/categories/mathematics/Knot theory/html/Knots.htm | |
45. String Figures And Knot Theory: Part I String Figure Mathematics (or Trivial knot theory) theorems and examples. http://website.lineone.net/~m.p/sf/sfmaths1.html | |
46. Links To Low-dimensional Topology: Knot Theory The page of the knot theory Group at the Univ. of Liverpool. Picture of a link An introduction to knot theory which seems to be aimed at teachers of http://www.math.unl.edu/~mbritten/ldt/knots.html | |
47. Knot Theory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia knot theory is a branch of topology that was inspired by observations, knot theory concerns itself with abstract properties of theoretical knots the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knot_theory | |
48. List Of Knot Theory Topics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This list contains articles related to the mathematical theory of knots, links, Alternating knot Borromean rings Braid theory Braid group http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_knot_theory_topics | |
49. Knot Theory Invariants: The HOMFLY Polynomial A brief article on the HOMFLY polynomial and how it is calculated. http://library.thinkquest.org/12295/data/Invariants/Articles/HOMFLY.html | |
50. History Of Knot Theory Biographies of early knot theorists. Many early papers on knot theory (in pdf format) including papers by Tait, Kirkman, Little and Thomson. http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/knots/index.htm | |
51. The Knot Theory MA3F2 Page Includes examples, solutions, knot tables, pretty pictures. Course material includes colouring, Alexander and Jones polynomials, tangles and braids. http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~bjs/MA3F2-page.html | |
52. MA3F2 Knot Theory Content There has been an explosion of interest in knot theory in the last ten years. knot theory Washington, DC Math. Assoc. Amer., 1993. 240 p. http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/undergrad/pydc/pink/pink-MA3F2.html | |
53. Knot Theory knot theory. The use of knots goes back to prehistory, but the mathematical study of knots goes back This is listed in a bibilography of knot theory. http://grail.cba.csuohio.edu/~somos/knots.html | |
54. Knot Theory A very short introduction into knot theory. In the knot theory until 1984 the main tool to tell the knots apart was the Alexander polynomials so named http://www.cut-the-knot.org/do_you_know/knots.shtml | |
55. MATHnetBASE: Mathematics Online knot theory. Vassily Manturov. Read it Online! Buy it Today! Since discovery of the Jones polynomial, knot theory has enjoyed a virtual explosion of http://www.mathnetbase.com/ejournals/books/book_summary/summary.asp?id=1332 |
56. The KnotPlot Site Has a large number of beautiful graphics of knots created with KnotPlot. Contains an introductory section on mathematical knot theory. KnotPlot software for various platfroms can be downloaded. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/contributions/scharein/KnotPlot.html | |
57. Knot Theory And Cryptography Research Group knot theory and Cryptography Research Group. Department of Mathematics Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology http://knot.kaist.ac.kr/ | |
58. Mathematics And Knots High school level introduction to knot theory. Covers colourings, connected sums, torus knots, prime knots and applications of knot theory. http://www.bangor.ac.uk/cpm/exhib/ | |
59. Knot Theory knot theory is a great topic for exciting students about mathematics. Participants will be able to do research in knot theory. http://www.maa.org/prep/adams.html | |
60. Using Topology To Probe The Hidden Action Of Enzymes Describes how knot theory is used to understand the action of enzymes that affect DNA topolgy (in pdf format). http://www.ams.org/notices/199505/sumners.pdf |
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