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41. Golden Ratio As well as constructions to divide a line in the golden ratio, Euclid gives Here is how the golden ratio comes into the construction of a pentagon. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Golden_ratio.html | |
42. The Golden Ratio You are @ The golden ratio Golden Rectangle Golden Spiral Biology Populations Botany Aesthetics Pythagorean Greeks Romans Renaissance http://library.thinkquest.org/C005449/home.html | |
43. The Golden Rectangle And The Golden Ratio The symbol often used for the golden ratio is ø (phi). The golden ratio (and the golden triangle) shows up (as an exact fit) in mathematics in many http://www.jimloy.com/geometry/golden.htm | |
44. Guardian Unlimited | Technology | 1.618 Is The Magic Number What makes the golden ratio special is the number of mathematical properties The golden ratio is the only number whose square can be produced simply by http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/science/story/0,12450,875198,00.html | |
45. The Golden Ratio And Aesthetics It was Euclid who first defined the b golden ratio /b , and ever since people have been fascinated by its extraordinary properties. http://plus.maths.org/issue22/features/golden/ | |
46. 'The Golden Ratio' The golden ratio The story of phi, the Extraordinary Number of Nature, Art and Beauty For Mario Livio, phi, the golden ratio, evokes this holy wonder, http://plus.maths.org/issue22/reviews/book2/ | |
47. The Golden Section And The Golden Rectangle It is incredible but the golden ratio number 1.618 is the most irrational among all What has the golden ratio to do with beauty or anatomy ? http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/GoldenSection.htm | |
48. Pentagram & The Golden Ratio The ratio has become known as the golden ratio or golden section. length of the side of the pentagon (AB) is the golden ratio . http://www.contracosta.cc.ca.us/math/Pentagrm.htm | |
49. CameraHobby - E-Book On The Golden Ratio, Chapter 16 Ancient Greeks were not the only ones who understood the golden ratio. Egyptians used the golden ratio for their pyramids and the layout of the three great http://www.camerahobby.com/Ebook-GoldenRatio_Chapter16.htm | |
50. Fotogenetic - 35mm Film And The Golden Rectangle The Golden Rectangle and golden ratio appear in some very interesting places. the ratio of consecutive numbers increasingly approaches the golden ratio. http://fotogenetic.dearingfilm.com/golden_rectangle.html | |
51. Good Stories, Pity They're Not True The great Leonardo Da Vinci is said to have used the golden ratio to proportion the It is also true that the golden ratio is linked to the pentagram http://www.maa.org/devlin/devlin_06_04.html | |
52. Mr. Narain's Golden Ratio WebSite Finally, the Links page will take you to a list of other golden ratio websites, The relationship of this sequence to the golden ratio lies not in the http://cuip.net/~dlnarain/golden/ | |
53. TLC Human Face Among them is the golden ratio, which is the ratio of 1.618to-1. Using the golden ratio one can also make golden triangles, pentagons and decagons. http://tlc.discovery.com/convergence/humanface/articles/mask.html |
54. Math & Art: The Golden Rectangle The special property of the Golden Rectangle is that the ratio of its length NoteFor more information of the golden ratio and Its appearance in nature http://educ.queensu.ca/~fmc/october2001/GoldenArt.htm | |
55. EFTel - High Speed Internet - Australian Broadband ADSL ISP The Golden Rectangle is said to be one of the most visually satisfying of all 3 is about 1;1.6 This is the so called golden ratio, or Golden Section, http://www.q-net.net.au/~lolita/symmetry.htm | |
56. Proportion And The Golden Ratio - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts The author shows how the golden ratio occurs in music and art. The author mentions Luca Pacioli s statements on the golden ratio in De Divina http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/Proportion.html | |
57. Golden Ratio (1985) constant known as the golden ratio, also known as the Golden Mean or Golden Section. In mathematical texts, the golden ratio is often represented by the http://www.frogsonice.com/quilts/golden-ratio/ | |
58. The Golden Ratio - The Story Of Phi - The World's Most Astonishing Number - The The golden ratio The Story of Phi The World s Most Astonishing Number Mario Livio Broadway Books, 320 pp, $24.95, reviewed by Christopher Grobe http://www.yalereviewofbooks.com/archive/winter03/review03.shtml.htm | |
59. 10000 Decimal Golden Ratio This is the first publication of the golden ratio to 10000 digits. I got the golden ratio by adding 0.5 to sqr(5) divided by 2. http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/webstuff/ratio.digits.html | |
60. Golden Ratio Linked To Beauty And Order In Nature - The Daily Cardinal - Science golden ratio linked to beauty and order in nature, Ratio of 1.618 appears in plants, art, human body, The Daily Cardinal, a newspaper of University of http://www.dailycardinal.com/news/2005/03/08/Science/Golden.Ratio.Linked.To.Beau | |
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