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41. The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page fuzzy math The Essential Guide to the Bush Tax Plan (Hardcover Edition, With fuzzy math, Paul Krugman dissects the Bush tax proposal and shows us who http://www.pkarchive.org/book/books.html | |
42. Fuzzy Math And Stock Options (washingtonpost.com) fuzzy math And Stock Options. By Warren Buffett Tuesday, July 6, 2004; Page A19.Until now the record for mathematical lunacy by a legislative body has been http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29807-2004Jul5.html | |
43. An Intrepid Foe Of Warm-and-Fuzzy Math (washingtonpost.com) An Intrepid Foe of Warmand-fuzzy math. By Jay Mathews. Washington Post StaffWriter Tuesday, December 23, 2003; Page A06 http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A23273 |
44. Fuzzy Math In Apple Harvest? | News.blog | CNET News.com fuzzy math in Apple harvest? Apple Computer saw its personal computer shipmentsjump considerably during the first quarter, as we reported Friday. http://netscape.com.com/2061-10792_3-5678002.html | |
45. Fuzzy Math The Center for a New American Dream helps Americans consume responsibly to protectthe environment, enhance quality of life, and promote social justice. http://www.newdream.org/newsletter/fuzzymath.php | |
46. TCS: Tech Central Station - AIDS And Fuzzy Math AIDS and fuzzy math. By Michael Fumento, Published, 07/15/2004. EMail Bookmark Print Save. TCS. At least 30 percent of the entire adult population http://www.techcentralstation.com/071504E.html | |
47. Tad DeHaven On Joshua Bolten & The Budget On NRO Financial Boltens fuzzy math His budget figures are misleading and suspicious. By TadDeHaven. Joshua Bolten, the president s budget chief, took to the opinion pages http://www.nationalreview.com/nrof_comment/dehaven200312190904.asp | |
48. Fuzzy Math, Fuzzy Reading, Fuzzy Science And Helter-Skelter Fuzzy Budget Math; Fuzzy Reading; Fuzzy Science. Fuzzy Budget Math. It is especiallyironic that we now see fuzzy math appear in the new Federal budget, http://nochildleft.com/2003/apr03fuzzy.html | |
49. Blogs For Bush: Fuzzy Math On Abortion Numbers fuzzy math On Abortion Numbers. Michelle Malkin has the story on Hillary Clintonusing bogus numbers to attack President Bush s record on abortion. http://www.blogsforbush.com/mt/archives/003564.html | |
50. Ezra Klein: Karl Rove's Fuzzy Math, Part #871 http//www.typepad.com/t/trackback/2958446. Listed below are links to weblogsthat reference Karl Rove s fuzzy math, Part 871 http://ezraklein.typepad.com/blog/2005/08/karl_roves_fuzz.html | |
51. Texas Public Policy Foundation fuzzy math has been shown to hurt children academically, The fuzzy mathtextbooks that were unsuccessfully promoted by the Statewide Systemic http://www.tppf.org/pau/1999/pau052499.html | |
52. Fuzzy Math Books To Avoid Warning against fuzzy math books. The advocates of the new, fuzzy math havepracticed their rhetoric well. They speak of higherorder thinking, http://www.homeschoolmath.net/fuzzy_math.php | |
53. An A-Maze-ing Approach To Math By BARRY GARELICK - Education Next - Spring 2005 standardsbased math, new new math, and, most commonly, fuzzy math.Although the education theories on which much of fuzzy math is based are http://www.educationnext.org/20052/28.html | |
54. Pejmanesque: FUZZY MATH fuzzy math. Jane Galt notes that the New York Times is playing around with numbersthe way younglings are oftentimes tempted to play around with electrical http://www.pejmanesque.com/archives/010593.html | |
55. Federal Drug Use Surveys And Fuzzy Math By Paul Armentano Federal Drug Use Surveys and fuzzy math. by Paul Armentano by Paul Armentano.Heres the good news. Only a tiny percentage of Americans indulge in the use http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig5/armentano-p2.html | |
56. Value Judgment: Fuzzy Math Jr. fuzzy math Jr. George Bush has a problem with math. Because he not only dividesAmerica but the budget numbers don t add up. The problems of the middle http://www.valuejudgment.org/archives/000772.html | |
57. Navistar's Fuzzy Math [Fool.com: Motley Fool Take] April 25, 2005 Navistar can t get things to add up, not even when paying its CFO. http://www.fool.com/News/mft/2005/mft05042510.htm | |
58. Salon.com Politics | Mitch Daniels' Fuzzy Math Mitch Daniels fuzzy math The Bush budget director has a little problem with thetruth. Editor s note With this column, we are proud to introduce to our http://www.salon.com/politics/col/spinsanity/2002/02/12/daniels/ | |
59. The Myths And Realities About Fuzzy Math The Myths and Realities about fuzzy math Monday, July 4, 2005 Sandra Stotsky.For almost two decades, mathematics education in K12 classrooms has been http://www.educationnews.org/myths-and-realities-about-fuzzy-math.htm | |
60. Fuzzy Math In Space - News Education Science Magazines Technology Science News E Discover Magazine Educator s Guide March 2004 fuzzy math in Space.An Educators Guide To. fuzzy math in Space. Guide by Michael DiSpezio http://www.discover.com/educators-guide/mar-04/ | |
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