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121. Fuzzy Sets And Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Sets, fuzzy logic. This information is taken from Fuzzy Sets and fuzzy logic Theory and Applications, George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, Prentice Hall, http://members.aol.com/btluke/fuzzy01.htm | |
122. Www.emsl.pnl.gov2080/proj/neuron/fuzzy/gateway/ fuzzy logic is a new media design companyA visual communications and brand development company specializing in new media. Site contains online portfolio. http://www.emsl.pnl.gov:2080/proj/neuron/fuzzy/gateway/ |
123. Combination Fuzzy Logic-Genetic Algorithms Bibliography A Classified Review on the Combination fuzzy logicGenetic Algorithms Recentely, numerous papers and applications combining fuzzy logic (FL) and genetic http://decsai.ugr.es/~herrera/fl-ga.html | |
124. Reason Magazine -- March 1999 REASON * March 1999. fuzzy logic. By Lynn Scarlett Principles for a Free Society Reconciling Individual Liberty with the Common Good, by Richard Epstein, http://www.reason.com/9903/bk.ls.fuzzy.html | |
125. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL fuzzy logic control has become an important methodology in control engineering. This volume deals with applications of fuzzy logic control in various http://www.worldscibooks.com/engineering/4059.html | |
126. FUZZY-LOGIC-BASED PROGRAMMING The number of fuzzy logic applications is very large. This book tells the reader how to use fuzzy logic to find solutions in areas such as control systems, http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/3413.html | |
127. Fuzzy Logic Topics covered include fuzzy logic, neural networks, artificial life, genetic algorithms, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA fuzzy logic MAILING LIST http://www.geneticprogramming.com/AI/fl.html | |
128. Fuzzy Logic - A CompInfo Directory Find the best sources of Internetbased information on fuzzy logic. http://www.compinfo.co.uk/ai/fuzzy_logic.htm | |
129. Using Fuzzy Logic For Molecular Modeling The benefit of using fuzzy logic in this manner is that it directly enables Fuzzy molecular modeling (FMM) is the application of fuzzy logic to http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/9908/Ress/Ress-9908.html | |
130. BISC Program; Soft Computing fuzzy logic 1973 BISC 1990 HumanMachine Perception 2000 - The principal constituents of soft computing (SC) are fuzzy logic (FL), http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~zadeh/ | |
131. BISC Program; Soft Computing fuzzy logic 1973 BISC 1990 HumanMachine Perception 2000 - Statistics on the impact of fuzzy logic. A measure of the wide-ranging impact of Lotfi http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~zadeh/stimfl.html | |
132. Fuzzy Logic This paper gives a general overview of fuzzy logic theory. The paper gives examples of the fuzzy logic applications, with emphasis on the field of http://www-pub.cise.ufl.edu/~ddd/cap6635/Fall-97/Short-papers/24.htm | |
133. Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks And Fuzzy Logic Models Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and fuzzy logic Models. http://www.support-vector.ws/ | |
134. Fuzzy Logic In Autonomous Robot Navigation The use of fuzzy logic has resulted in smooth motion control, robust performance in face of errors in the prior knowledge and in the sensor data, http://aass.oru.se/Agora/FLAR/HFC/ | |
135. ST | CHALLENGE 1st EDITION | A Clear Future For Fuzzy Logic STMicroelectronics is a global leader in developing and delivering Systemon-Chip (SoC) and semiconductor solutions across the spectrum of microelectronics http://www.st.com/stonline/press/magazine/challeng/1stedi99/chal02.htm | |
136. NetLingo.com Dictionary Of Internet Terms: Online Dictionary fuzzy logic. A type of logic that recognizes more than simple true and false values. With fuzzy logic, propositions can be represented with degrees of http://www.netlingo.com/right.cfm?term=fuzzy logic |
137. Xfuzzy Home Page fuzzy logic DESIGN TOOLS. The fuzzy system development environment Xfuzzy integrates a set of tools that ease the user to cover the several stages involved http://www.imse.cnm.es/Xfuzzy/ | |
138. 'Fuzzy' Logic Article Researchers explore agricultural applications of new computer software technology. http://cati.csufresno.edu/upda/95/winter/story1.html | |
139. Polyvalued Logic A general math defined first order and modal propositional logic based on degrees of truth other than fuzzy concepts. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-33552/logic/home/index.htm |
140. Geoscience - Www.icara.de Ergebnisberichte von Forschungsvorhaben aus dem Bereich Klima und Atmosph¤re fuzzylogic Filter f¼r die lufchemischen Messreihen an der GAW-Station Zugspitze. kobilanzierung (LCA) von Verkehrssystemen hinsichtlich ihrer umwelt- und klimarelevanten Wirkungen. http://www.icara.de/content/geo.htm | |
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