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101. Aeon - The Radically Different OS Microkernel manages hardware, provides some services to core kernel, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), to support fuzzy logic (claims first OS to do so), objectorientation, parallel and distributed processing. Open Source, GPL http://aeonproject.sourceforge.net/ | |
102. FLLL - A Brief Course In Fuzzy Logic A brief course in fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Control. Authors. Peter Bauer Stephan Nouak Roman Winkler. Version 1.2 Date December 4, 1996 http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Reference/concepts/fuzzy/fuzzy.htm | |
103. Max-FORTH Glossary Documentation with all Forth words indexed, defined; in text and PDF. V3.5E is for F68HC11, has words for EEPROM. V5.0 is for 68HC12, has words for fuzzy logic instructions, flash memory; maximally modeled after v3.5E. http://www.ee.ualberta.ca/~rchapman/MFwebsite/V50/Alphabetical/Brief/ | |
104. FLLL - Applications Of Fuzzy Logic Applications of fuzzy logic. First, we shall look at the fitness of Fuzzy Control in general terms. The employment of Fuzzy Control is commendable http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Reference/concepts/fuzzy/fuzzy_appl.00.htm | |
105. ICSC fuzzy logic and Applications. Part of the International ICSC Congress on Computation Intelligence Methods and Applications (CIMA 2001). Bangor, Wales, UK; 1922 June 2001. http://www.icsc-naiso.org/conferences/cima2001/fla2001/ | |
106. Chp: Fuzzy Logic Research And Life fuzzy logic, invented by Professor Lotfi Zadeh of UCBerkeley in the mid-1960s It is interesting to note that the actual applications of fuzzy logic are http://www.wtec.org/loyola/kb/c5_s4.htm | |
107. Index.html.new fuzzy logic in Integrated Reasoning. FuzzyCLIPS FuzzyCLIPS is an extension of the CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) expert system shell from http://ai.iit.nrc.ca/IR_public/fuzzy/ | |
108. Mathtools.net : MATLAB/Fuzzy Logic Listing of MATLAB and Simulink fuzzy logic related links, tools , and resources. http://www.mathtools.net/MATLAB/Fuzzy_Logic/ | |
109. Improving Computer Control Of Batch Dyeing Operations Presentation of novel control algorithms, and specific simulation and experimental results for fuzzy logic and adaptive control systems in textile dye houses. Authors Brent Smith and Jun Lu. http://www.p2pays.org/ref/03/02348.pdf |
110. Mathtools.net : Java/Fuzzy Logic Listing of Java fuzzy logic related links, tools, and resources. http://www.mathtools.net/Java/Fuzzy_Logic/ | |
111. Domestic And Commercial Gas Fires From Drugasar Comprehensive range of heaters including basic gas heater needing no electrical power to electronic models utilising fuzzy logic. http://www.drugasar.co.uk | |
112. Introduction To Fuzzy Logic Zadeh developed fuzzy logic as a way of processing data; Today, fuzzy logic continues to be one of the fastest growing sectors of applied artificial http://www-ugrad.cs.colorado.edu/~cs3202/papers/Brigette_Krantz.html |
113. KnowledgeScape Adaptive Optimization And Expert Control Advanced process control software integrates fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, statistical process control techniques and client server architecture for solutions to the process control industry. http://www.kscape.com/ | |
114. Shadowback - Home ©2005 Warm and fuzzy logic All rights reserved. ShadowBack® is a registered trademark of Warm and fuzzy logic. Other brands and products appearing on this http://www.warmandfuzzylogic.com/ | |
115. Center For Applied Control Mission is to promote and conduct research in a broad spectrum of fields including acoustics, aeroacoustics, aeroelasticity, structural dynamics, nonlinear systems, pattern recognition, seismic structural vibration, fuzzy logic active control applications, active noise control, and active magnetic bearings. http://ceeweb.egr.duke.edu/~hpgavin/CAC/ | |
116. Fuzzy Logic Control With The Intel 8XC196 Embedded Microcontroller fuzzy logic Control with the Intel 8XC196 Embedded Microcontroller. fuzzy logic control is being increasingly applied to solve control problems in areas http://www.intel.com/design/mcs96/papers/esc_196.htm | |
117. Fuzzy Multidimensional Logic Bivalent, or two state, logic is just a subset of the more powerful methods of fuzzy logic, introduced here, which reject the law of the excluded middle. http://www.calresco.org/lucas/fuzzy.htm | |
118. Intelligent Machines And Systems Lab @ San Diego State University Engaged in research and teaching in broad areas of machine intelligence, including applications to robots and systems of such techniques as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, evolutionary and soft computing, rough sets, and data mining. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~tarokh/lab/ | |
119. Fuzzy Logic - A Whatis.com Definition fuzzy logic is an approach to computing based on degrees of truth More information is available in the FAQ fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Expert Systems . http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci212172,00.html | |
120. Course Technology--InfoWeb: Fuzzy Logic You can find loads of information on fuzzy logic at Aptronix s FuzzyNet Online Web site Aptronix makes fuzzy logic applications that are used in washing http://www.cciw.com/content/fuzzy.html | |
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