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81. Fuzzy Logic Tutorial. fuzzy logic list of books (through Amazon) http://www.fuzzy-logic.com/index.htm | |
82. Meteorological Applications Of Fuzzy Logic Cathy Kessinger, 2004 Applications of fuzzy logic Used at the NCAR Research Jim Murtha, 1995 Applications of fuzzy logic in operational meteorology, http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/AIMET/applications/ | |
83. Home Page Of Giangiacomo Gerla (fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control, Multi-valued Logic, University of Salerno, Italy fuzzy logic, percentage logic, pointless geometry. http://www.dmi.unisa.it/people/gerla/www/ | |
84. Fuzzy Logic And Musical Decisions Abstract This article presents some of the core concepts of fuzzy logic In fuzzy logic it is possible for items to have partial membership in a set. http://arts.ucsc.edu/ems/music/research/FuzzyLogicTutor/FuzzyTut.html | |
85. Fuzzy Logic Software: Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Software! Freeware! fuzzy logic software! Type2 fuzzy logic software will let you handle rule uncertainties using fuzzy memberships. http://sipi.usc.edu/~mendel/software/ | |
86. MultiSimplex Optimization Software Experimental design and multicriteria optimization software, based on fuzzy logic and the simplex method for sequential design of experiments. Windowsbased, download trial version. http://www.grabitech.com/Multisimplex.htm | |
87. Fuzzy Logic Book Introductory textbook on rulebased fuzzy logic systems, type-1 and type-2, that for the first time explains how fuzzy logic can MODEL a wide range of http://sipi.usc.edu/~mendel/book/ | |
88. Fuzzy Logic Singersongwriter duo comprising of vocalist Liz Sumner and composer and multi-instrumentalist Michael Cohen. Gig-list, recordings information, audio samples, and history. http://www.folkzone.com/FuzzyLogic/welcome.htm | |
89. PÁGINA DE FLAT EN PRUEBAS Spanish Association of fuzzy logic and Technologies http://decsai.ugr.es/flat/eflat.html | |
90. FANG Fuzzy Logic Page Technical University of Vienna fuzzy logic Mailing List. Send a mail with the following text in the body get fuzzymail info http://www.ie.ncsu.edu/fangroup/fuzzy.dir/indexfuzzy.html | |
91. Matriks Bina Kontrol Sistemleri DoÄru ve Erken Uyarı Ä°§in Milenyum Teknolojisi Detectomat Elektronik Adreslenebilir Interaktif Yangın Algılama ve Alarm Sistemi. T¼m saha cihazları MikroiÅlemci kontrollu(Kendi kimlikleri var). Dedekt¶rler yapay zeka temelli(fuzzy logic) geliÅmiÅ karar verme algoritmalarına sahip. Dedekt¶r algılar, analiz eder, kendisi karar verir. Hızlı ve Kolay kurulum nedeniyle ekonomik fiyatlar. Profesyonel ve Ekonomik ¶z¼mDetectomat. Alman Malı, 36 Ay Garanti, VdS, LPCB ve GOST Sertifikalı. Kaliteli ve Ekonomik r¼nHizmet Arıyorsanız! http://www.matrikstr.com | |
92. CSISS Classics - Lotfi Zadeh: Fuzzy Logic-Incoporating Real-World Vagueness Professor Zadeh s paper on fuzzy sets introduced the concept of a class with unsharp boundaries and marked the beginning of a new direction by providing a http://www.csiss.org/classics/content/68 | |
93. JFS A development environment for JFL, combining features from traditional programming languages with fuzzy logic and machine learning. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT and Linux. http://inet.uni2.dk/~jemor/jfs.htm | |
94. Fuzzy Logic Byte Craft Limited has a long history of using fuzzy logic to great advantage in embedded systems. http://www.bytecraft.com/fuzzy.html | |
95. LUT Department Of Information Technology Department of Information Technology. Research areas focus on neural computing, pattern recognition, computer vision, molecular computing, telecommunication applications and technology, optimization, fuzzy logic, industrial statistics and quality control. http://www.it.lut.fi/index_eng.html | |
96. Fuzzy Logic | This Headline Is (half) False | Economist.com In 1979, Dr Zadeh was the first to apply fuzzy logic to selfreferential sentences Rather than the infinite choices of fuzzy logic, or the two in binary http://www.economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2099851 |
97. IIC - Information Intelligence Corporation (IIC) provides advanced data analysis and system modelling software using fuzzy logic technology. The IIC fuzzy engine achieves greater accuracy and predicatability by a factor of 10% or greater over current data modelling applications. http://www.iicfuzzy.com | |
98. Fuzzy Logic Tutorial A 6part tutorial on fuzzy logic covering sets, rule matrices, membership functions, A instructive paper on fuzzy logic (by Tung Tran and Ali Zomorodi). http://www.cs.cofc.edu/~manaris/ai-education-repository/fuzzy-tutorial.html | |
99. PocketAI Digital Mind Assistant This decision wizard turns your PDA into an artificial intelligence thinking machine using boolean and fuzzy logic. http://www.3dnetproductions.com/pocketai/index.htm | |
100. Fuzzy Logic Resources Its reference section provides additional resources on fuzzy logic. An archive of fuzzy logic system software may be found at ntia.its.bldrdoc.gov. http://www.cs.cofc.edu/~manaris/ai-education-repository/fuzzy-resources.html | |
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