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61. Acrenet Ltd Finnish applied mathematics consultancy services company fuzzy logic, neural networks, numerical analysis, signal processing and matrix algebra. http://www.formaths.com/ | |
62. What Is Fuzzy Logic ? fuzzy logic is a powerful problemsolving methodology with a myriad of In a sense, fuzzy logic resembles human decision making with its ability to work http://www.aptronix.com/fide/whatfuzzy.htm | |
63. Wilf2005 > Home ( DNN 3.0.13 ) International Workshop on fuzzy logic and Applications. University of Milan, Crema, Italy; 1517 September 2005. http://dsa.uniparthenope.it/wilf2005/ | |
64. Fuzzy Math Sets, Quick Tutorial On Fuzzy Logic And Sets. Top/Computers/Artificial_Intelligence/Fuzzy http://www.answermath.com/fuzzymath.htm | |
65. Fuzzy Logic Tools And Companies Assistum Strategic Knowledge Management using fuzzy logic Fuzzy Java code Fuzzy Java Toolkit from Rick Hillegas *NEW* AB Flex Tool*NEW* http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~rij/tools.html | |
66. Stefano Pizzuti ENEA. Evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic based systems, evolutionary neural networks. Application to financial and energy industrial problems. http://home.tele2.it/stefanopizzuti/ | |
67. Artificial Intelligence And Statistical Analysis Software: TISEC's Super ICEPak Software based on different AI tools including neural networks, statistical pattern recognition and fuzzy logic for pattern recognition and classification. http://www.supericepak.com |
68. PC AI - Fuzzy Logic See fuzzy logic and Neural Networks Practical Tools for Process Management (PC AI May/June 17) for a clear and concise explanation of fuzzy logic. http://www.pcai.com/web/ai_info/fuzzy_logic.html | |
69. Michael Cohen Web Site Comic book and art projects including Washouts, Strange Attractors, and The Forbidden Book; also, music of band fuzzy logic. http://home.ne.rr.com/michaelcohen/index.html | |
70. EUSFLAT - European Society For Fuzzy Logic And Technology on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC10), September 19 October 7, 2005. Member of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) http://www.eusflat.org/ | |
71. Fuzzy Logic - Computerworld fuzzy logic is an extension of classic Boolean logic designed to work with imprecise or vague data. Where classical reasoning requires yes and no values, http://www.computerworld.com/databasetopics/data/software/story/0,10801,95497,00 | |
72. Fuzzy Logic Provides substantial links related to fuzzy logic. http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/lakes/6007/Fuzzy.htm | |
73. Dan Simon, Associate Professor Professor of Electrical Engineering at Cleveland State University. Site discusses courses offered and research in the areas of control theory, embedded systems, signal processing, neural networks, and fuzzy logic. http://academic.csuohio.edu/simond/ | |
74. EUSFLAT EUropean Society for fuzzy logic And Technology http://decsai.ugr.es/eusflat/eusflat.html | |
75. Article#2 On Fuzzy Logic And Its Uses Everything You ve Always Wanted to know About Designing fuzzy logic Machines But This article describes the procedures required in designing fuzzy logic http://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/~nd/surprise_96/journal/vol2/sbaa/article2.html | |
76. Fuzzy Logic Introduction Additional benefits of fuzzy logic include its simplicity and its flexibility. fuzzy logic can handle problems with imprecise and incomplete data, http://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/~nd/surprise_96/journal/vol2/jp6/article2.html | |
77. Fuzzy Logic fuzzy logic is a branch of machine intelligence that helps computers paint fuzzy logic can model and control nuances overlooked by the binary logic of http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/fuzzylog.html | |
78. Fuzzy Logic List of resources on cellular automata, brought to you by your About.com Guide. http://psychology.about.com/od/fuzzylogic/ | |
79. Inform UK - Vehicle Scheduling Truck Scheduling Optimisation Software INFORM supplies IT systems for intelligent decision support based on advanced optimization technologies including fuzzy logic. http://www.inform-ac.co.uk | |
80. Fuzzy Logic In Environmental Sciences: A Bibliography We are preparing a chapter on fuzzy logic for a handbook in AI. The handbook is being assembled We do not regard fuzzy logic as a technique by itself. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/AIMET/fuzzy_environment/ | |
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