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41. Frontios - Future Systems Engineering Works with local Swedish Universities in the area of robotics, applied AI, fuzzy logic, neural nets, software engineering and management. http://web.telia.com/~u30018750/ | |
42. Fuzz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Fuzzy measure theory, a special class of measures. fuzzy logic, an extension of Boolean logic dealing with the concept of partial truth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy | |
43. XpertRule Software Ltd | XpertRule Knowledge Builder For EBusiness, EGovernment, Data Mining, Knowledge Based Systems and the authors of XpertRule KBS software. Specialists in Expert Systems, Rule Induction and fuzzy logic. http://www.attar.com/ | |
44. SMAPI2 - Automation Des Procédés Et Informatique Industrielle A Swiss consulting company for process control, neural network, fuzzy logic, expert system, LIMS, CMMS and Process Database. http://www.smapi2.com | |
45. What Is Fuzzy Logic? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictionary This page describes the term fuzzy logic and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/f/fuzzy_logic.html | |
46. Genewood Information on genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, and artificial intelligence featuring downloadable applications, source code, and links. http://www.genewood.host.sk/ |
47. Www-isis.ecs.soton.ac.uk/research/nfinfo/fuzzy.html fuzzy logic Product InformationMathematica software for creating fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic based systems. Graphics routines enable users to visualize fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations and http://www-isis.ecs.soton.ac.uk/research/nfinfo/fuzzy.html |
48. Yuhui Shi Researcher in Particle swarm optimization, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation. http://www.engr.iupui.edu/~shi |
49. Fuzzy Logic 2 For Mathematica Provides Greater Flexibility For Exploring Fuzzy S May 28, 2003fuzzy logic 2 from Wolfram Research is an impressive update to this fuzzy logic provides a flexible environment for creating, modifying, http://www.wolfram.com/news/fuzzylogic2.html | |
50. ..::Diamond Electric - AS ISITMA SOÐUTMA SAN. LTD. ÞTÝ. ::.. Diamond Electric klimalarının T¼rkiye, Kuzey Kıbrıs ve T¼rk Cumhuriyetleri genel distrib¼t¶r¼; ¼r¼nler, fuzzy logic tekniÄi ve bayi aÄı hakkında bilgiler. http://www.diamondelectric.com.tr/ |
51. FAQ: Fuzzy Logic And Fuzzy Expert Systems 1/1 [Monthly Posting] It is not the place to ask questions about fuzzy logic and fuzzy expert systems; An automatically generated HTML version of the fuzzy logic FAQ is http://www.faqs.org/faqs/fuzzy-logic/part1/ | |
52. Zahidi's Web Site Author of a few books about Internet / Intranet programming and fuzzy logic in Farsi language. Also I am ready to arrange a software team in IRAN and doing any remote projects with the best price (Min. salary). http://www.geocities.com/reza_zahidi/ |
53. Fuzzy Logic Index Subject FAQ fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Expert Systems 1/1 Monthly posting Maintainer Mark Kantrowitz et al mkant+fuzzyfaq@cs.cmu.edu http://www.faqs.org/faqs/fuzzy-logic/ | |
54. RobotFlow Linux/Gnome Open Source robotics simulation toolkit for Overflow. Supports vision, signal processing, fuzzy logic, neural nets, and other control methods. Includes drivers for Pioneer2 robots. Written in C++ and licensed under the GNU LGPL. http://robotflow.sourceforge.net/ | |
55. Fuzzy Logic AI Topics provides basic, understandable information and helpful resources concerning artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on material available http://www.aaai.org/AITopics/html/fuzzy.html | |
56. Tenti Financial Management Sviluppo di trading system basati su reti neurali, algoritmi genetici e fuzzy logic. Analisi sugli investimenti rivolta a banche, fondi d'investimento, assicurazioni e privati. http://www.aafinman.ch/ | |
57. BBspot - Fuzzy Logic Archives A Very Special fuzzy logic Fuzzy Arcade Mollytov Cocktail The Pin Slipped Caution Low Flying Geese Assault on Fort Dortmeyer The Guinea Pig http://www.bbspot.com/comics/fuzzy_logic/ | |
58. MailShield By Lyris: Email Management And Anti-Spam Software Filter that uses fuzzy logic, customizable filters, white/black lists to remove spam. http://www.mailshield.com | |
59. Telemedicine - Quality Healthcare Anytime Anywhere To Anyone Theoretical discussion on telemedicine technology, future possibilities, health level 7, fuzzy logic, use of codes, use of smartcards in medical database management and cybersurgery. http://www.geocities.com/sbbhattacharyya | |
60. Why Use Fuzzy Logic? fuzzy logic is a paradigm for an alternative design methodology which can be fuzzy logic provides an alternative solution to nonlinear control because http://www.aptronix.com/fide/whyfuzzy.htm | |
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