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Dedekind Cuts: more detail |
41. Math Forum Discussions If we accept the definition of real numbers as dedekind cuts, between No, Ithink the Dedekind cut definition of the reals makes it an http://mathforum.org/kb/thread.jspa?threadID=1177385&messageID=3871060 |
42. Math Forum Discussions in your lines to obey the property of dedekind cuts that you quoted I thought you were the one who wanted to use dedekind cuts to prove something. http://mathforum.org/kb/thread.jspa?threadID=1177385&messageID=3872599 |
43. Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\dedexxx and integral calculus when the thought of a Dedekind cut came to him. was his redefinition of irrational numbers in terms of dedekind cuts which, http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/biograph/199900/biodedek.htm | |
44. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{latexsym} \newtheorem We have to decide what that means; either $r$ is a Dedekind cut or it is an This is where we should start worrying about dedekind cuts and Cauchy http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masgcs/book1/amplifications/ch8q8_2.txt |
45. Surreal Numbers dedekind cuts are fairly concrete, or at least understandable without too much All the real numbers have been created previously with Dedekind s cuts. http://www.usna.navy.mil/MathDept/wdj/surreal_numbers.html | |
46. MathematicalArgument.html We could, in fact, generalize the definition of dedekind cuts by simply replacingMATH with Be an arbitrary set of dedekind cuts that is bounded above, http://www.umsl.edu/~siegel/SetTheoryandTopology/MathematicalArgument.html |
47. Re: Isomorphism Between Mereology And Boolean Algebra Without Least Elem dedekind cuts, however, are *never* used by working mathematicians. Nobody usesa Dedekind cut to calculate a square root, a cosine, or a logarithm or http://suo.ieee.org/email/msg13184.html | |
48. Re: Isomorphism Between Mereology And Boolean Algebra Without Least Elem dedekind cuts for defining real numbers, however, are different. So Peano saxioms are part of objectlevel math, but dedekind cuts are part of http://suo.ieee.org/email/msg13181.html | |
49. \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \pagestyle our printers \begin{document} \begin{center}{\huge On dedekind cuts inPolynomially Bounded,}\end{center} \begin{center}{\huge $o$Minimal Expansions of http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/events/logic97/abstracts/tressl.txt |
50. Some Number Theory Now we define objects (called dedekind cuts) that consist of two sets of We call the set of dedekind cuts defined above the positive real numbers. http://homepages.cwi.nl/~dik/english/mathematics/numa.html | |
51. Sensei's Library: Toms Technical Introduction To CGT/ Discussion However, the relation between Conway numbers and dedekind cuts is nice. A pageon Nim, and impartial games generally would be good. http://senseis.xmp.net/?TomsTechnicalIntroductionToCGT/Discussion |
52. EEVL | Full Record construction of the real numbers through dedekind cuts, introduction to decimal approximations, qary, isomorphism, dedekind cuts, infinities, http://www.eevl.ac.uk/show_full.htm?rec=1002096535-22422 |
53. AW: Fw: [Fis] Is The Distinction Between Internalism And Externalism Morethan Ap As Koichiro remarks, Dedekind s approach is externalist. get from there tothe reals, unless we assume that the reals are nothing but dedekind cuts. http://webmail.unizar.es/pipermail/fis/2005-February/000920.html | |
54. Fw: [Fis] Is The Distinction Between Internalism And Externalismmorethan Apartic As Koichiro remarks, Dedekind s approach is externalist. get from there tothe reals, unless we = assume that the reals are nothing but dedekind cuts. http://webmail.unizar.es/pipermail/fis/2005-February/000921.html | |
55. On Gödel's Philosophy Of Mathematics, Chapter I Granted, the idea of dedekind cuts is heuristically related to a Gödel isparticularly concerned with dedekind cuts because of his desire to derive all http://www.friesian.com/goedel/chap-1.htm | |
56. 2.4. The Real Number System Construction of R via dedekinds cuts; Construction of R classes via equivalenceof Cauchy sequences . Right now, however, it will be more important to http://www.shu.edu/projects/reals/infinity/reals.html |
57. Dedekind, Richard study of CONTINUITY and definition of the real numbers in terms of dedekind cuts ,the nature of number and mathematical induction, definition of finite http://euler.ciens.ucv.ve/English/mathematics/dedekind.html | |
58. Dedekind Cut: Information From Answers.com dedekind cut In mathematics , a dedekind cut in a totally ordered set S is apartition of it, ( A , B ), such that A is closed downwards (meaning. http://www.answers.com/topic/dedekind-cut | |
59. Dedekind Cut - Definition Of Dedekind Cut In Encyclopedia In mathematics, a dedekind cut in a totally ordered set S is a partition ofit, (A, B), such that A is closed downwards (meaning that for any element x in S http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Dedekind_cut | |
60. Dedekind Cut@Everything2.com So let a dedekind cut be made at some rational point q1. This constructivelydefines some QL1. Then take q2, q3, to create QL2, QL3, with the proviso http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=Dedekind Cut |
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