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Algebra Computer: more books (100) |
141. 9th Rhine Workshop On Computer Algebra: Main Website of the ninthe Rhine Workshop on computer algebra. http://www.math.math.ru.nl/~bosma/RWCA04 | |
142. Education.ti.com - Home Compact, easy to use, reliable computer algebra software. It intelligently applies the rules of algebra, trigonometry, calculus and matrix algebra to solve a wide range of mathematical problems. This nonnumeric approach goes far beyond the capabilities of dedicated statistics packages and equation solvers that use only approximate numerical techniques. http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/derive.htm | |
143. CAS/WWW/Math Workshop, Murphy/Meade/Miller (ICTCM IX, Reno) computer algebra and the WorldWide Web Across the Mathematics Curriculum. computer algebra Systems; Graphing Calculators; Other Resources http://www.math.sc.edu/~murphy/reno96/ | |
144. SAL- Mathematics - Computer Algebra Systems The major purpose of a computer algebra System (CAS) is to manipulate a bernina interactive program with interface to a computer algebra library. http://sal.linet.gr.jp/A/1/index.shtml | |
145. Kan/sm1 Rings and computer algebra software, part of OpenXM. http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/KAN/ | |
146. Computer Algebra Group -- Computer Algebra At RISC computer algebra is that part of computer science which designs, analyzes, While it is arguable whether computer algebra is part of computer science or http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/research/compalg/description/ | |
147. 1997 IMACS Conference On Applications Of Computer Algebra 3rd IMACS Conference on Applications of computer algebra. Aston Wailea Resort, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, USA; 2426 July 1997. http://math.unm.edu/ACA/1997.html | |
148. CANdiensten - Your Partner In Mathematics And Statistics Commercial offshoot of CAN (computer algebra Nederland) specialising in software, courses and consultancy in mathematics and statistics. http://www.candiensten.nl/english/ |
149. Robbins Algebras Are Boolean Mathematics and computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory It is clear that every Boolean algebra is a Robbins algebra, so the interesting http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~mccune/papers/robbins/ | |
150. Gert Vegter University of Groningen Geometric computing, computer algebra, and dynamical systems. http://www.cs.rug.nl/~gert/ | |
151. Boolean Algebra, Computer Arithmetic And Memory http://staff.science.uva.nl/~jesshope/web-site-08123/Boolean_algebra.f/Boole002. |
152. ACA'98, 1998 IMACS Conference On Applications Of Computer Algebra 4th IMACS Conference on Applications of computer algebra. Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic; 911 August 1998. http://www-troja.fjfi.cvut.cz/aca98/ | |
153. NETCA UK Network In Computer Algebra This is the home page for the UK Network in computer algebra, NETCA, which is supported by EPSRC. To join the netca mailing list sent the message subscribe http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/research/groups/tcs/netca/ |
154. Chartwell-Yorke Mathematics ICT computer algebra mathematics software (Derive 5 and LiveMath), Autograph for plotting, coordinate geometry and single variable statistics, CabriGeometre II dynamic geometry software, Fathom dynamic statistics, MathType equation editor. http://www.chartwellyorke.com/ | |
155. Atypical: Integrating Computer Algebra And Reasoning This is the home page for the project Integrating computer algebra and Reasoning Logic and Dependent Types in the Aldor computer algebra System and the http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/Atypical/ | |
156. Leipzig, University Institute of computer Science. Areas of interest include automata and formal languages, natural language processing, computer graphics, image processing, visualization, computational algebra, computer systems, databases, formal concepts, intelligent systems, parallel and distributed systems, and technical computer science. http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/cgi-bin/MakeHTML.cgi?EHTML=/ifi/home.ehtml& |
157. MAS161 Calculus And Matrix Algebra - Computer Information computer equipment and software (the computer algebra package Maple, comes with the textbook by Stewart contains a basic computer algebra System, http://www.maths.murdoch.edu.au/units/mas161/resources/hardware.html | |
158. Felix computer algebra system for computation in commutative and noncommutative rings and modules. Win32, Unix. http://felix.hgb-leipzig.de/ | |
159. Workshop Workshop on computer algebra and Representation Theory Representation theory of groups of Lie type using computer algebra. Lunch break http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~sek/workshop2000.html | |
160. 1999 IMACS Conference On Applications Of Computer Algebra 5th IMACS Conference on Applications of computer algebra. Euroforum, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain; 2427 June 1999. http://math.unm.edu/ACA/1999.html | |
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