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121. Internet And Callback Service !! Worldwide !! InternationalInternet And Callback Das internationale Unternehmen mit deutscher Niederlassung bietet Callback, Callthrough, EMail zu Fax, Internetdienstleistungen f¼r Kunden in vielen L¤ndern und ein Partnerprogramm. USA-89121 Las Vegas http://abacus-computer.net/ | |
122. Abacus Studios - Philadelphia Graphic Design For Web, Print And Multimedia Provides presentations for print, web and multimedia. Includes services portfolio, and contact information. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. http://www.abacusstudios.com/ |
123. ABACUS Touristik - Spezialist Für Individuelle Fernreisen Der im Taunus ans¤ssige Reiseveranstalter bietet Rundreisen durch Neuseeland, Australien und die S¼dsee auch individuell zusammengestellt. Pers¶nliche Beratung im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. http://www.abacus-touristik.de/ | |
124. Abacus BV Heeft Per 1 Januari 20 Distributeur van administratieve en logistieke software. Informatie over resellers en producten. http://www.abacus.nl/ | |
125. ABACUS THEATER - Stelten Acts Voor Straattheater Festivals En Evenementen Mobiel visuele beeldende straattheateracts (steltenacts) voor festivals en evenementen, improviserend naar omstandigheden en reacties uit het publiek. http://www.abacustheater.nl/ | |
126. NCTM : Illuminations : Electronic Abacus Applet This applet explores the use of an abacus model for representing numbers and for performing addition. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics http://illuminations.nctm.org/tools/tool_detail.aspx?id=8 |
127. FOOLS.nl Street-Acts And Street-Arts Voor Straattheater Evenementen - Steltenthe Samenwerkingsverband van artiesten die bijzondere kunsten vertonen op publieksevenementen. http://home.hetnet.nl/~abacus-theatre/fools/ |
128. ABACUS HOME PAGE Architecture and Building Aids Computer Unit Strathclyde..abacus is a research group within the Department of Architecture at Strathclyde University. http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/Architecture/abacus/home.htm | |
129. Free Math Help Kid s abacus 2.0 is a Free Math Help Software using a Graphical method of learning the Numbers and Counting from 1 to 100. The free math help software has http://www.caltrox.com/products/abacus.htm | |
130. ABACUS å°ããªä¼ç¤¾åãã®ç´åæ¸ãè¦ç©æ¸çã®ã½ããã¦ã§ã¢ãç¡æãã¦ã³ãã¼ããã§ããã http://www.ion-sw.co.jp/ |
131. SwetsWise: Login IBM Research Projects Atomic and Nano Technology Engineering The world s smallest abacus will hardly be found at a trade fair in the Far East The beads used in the abacus experiment are the amazing soccerballlike http://www.swetswise.com/link/access_db?issn=0001-3072 |
132. Joboptions.co.za, It Jobs And It Recruitment - Abacus Recruitment - The Top Agen IT recruitment agency in Pretoria. http://www.recruiting.co.za/ | |
133. Abacus College The Oxford Language Centre - Redirect abacus College and The Oxford Language Centre. The page you have requested has been moved. Please click on the link below to transfer to our new Web address http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/abacus/ |
134. Abacus Art Gallery. Artists exhibit and sell their paintings. http://www.abacus.itgo.com/ | |
135. Make An Abacus Have each child in your class make their own abacus for pennies. The kids should write their names on the back of their abacus. http://www.galaxy.net/~k12/math/abacus.shtml | |
136. Abacus Nurseries Specializes in many types of dahlias. http://www.abacus-nurseries.co.uk/ | |
137. Beaded Jewelry, Handmade Jewelry, Bead Necklaces, Necklaces, Bead Bracelets, Jew Custom made jewelry by Lisa Hoffman, in a classical style. http://www.abacusjewelry.com | |
138. Abacus-ES Web Works abacus Services, web page design and hosting. Specializing in art galleries, small businesses, and organizations. http://abacus-es.com/ | |
139. Abacus Real Estate. UK And European Real Estate Advisors. Corporate real estate consultancy and database of serviced offices. http://www.property-director.com/ | |
140. SAIC: Technologies We Develop: Abacus® Hyperspectral Image Processing Aerial views of the earth s surface have intrigued Americans since the first experiments in aerial photography occurred from Civil War surveillance balloons http://www.saic.com/abacus/ | |
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