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101. ABACUS Research AG - Betriebswirtschaftliche Software Wirtschaftliche Gesamtl¶sungen und EShops. Vorstellung der Firma und ihrer Produkte sowie eine Referenzliste und eine Online-Zeitschrift f¼r Kunden. http://www.abacus.ch/ | |
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109. Abacus Child Care - Early Learning Centers - Indiana Certified child care and early learning centers, with locations in Indianapolis, Carmel, and Fort Wayne. Includes philosophy, programs, nutrition and health, curriculum details, and career opportunities. http://www.abacuskids.com | |
110. Mental Arithmetic Courses In India, Brain Development Courses In India, Abacus E Imparts abacus based training on mental arithmetic and brain development for children. http://www.semasindia.com | |
111. Phylogenetic Analysis By Maximum Likelihood (PAML) Phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood. http://abacus.gene.ucl.ac.uk/software/paml.html | |
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115. Abacus PoduzeÄe specijalizirano za mrežna i druga rjeÅ¡enja ukljuÄivo s Internet rjeÅ¡enjima. http://www.abacus.hr |
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119. Home Hersteller von Kassensystemen und L¶sungen zur Verwaltungsvereinfachung, Abrechnung und Kontrolle f¼r die Gastronomie. A2345 Brunn am Gebirge http://www.gastroconsulting.at/ |
120. Port Description For Deskutils/abacus abacus Nurseriesabacus Nurseries of Neath and Swansea UK offer young dahlia plants and tubers of Ball Dahlias, Cactus Dahlias, SemiCactusDahlias, Pompom Dahlias, http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/deskutils/abacus/pkg-descr |
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