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81. Welcome Skip Intro. http://www.abacus-restaurant.com/ | |
82. Abacus Data Systems Pty Ltd Based in Kenmore, Au. Emphasis on data security, hardware security devices, and networking technology. http://www.abacusdata.com.au/ | |
83. WELCOME TO ABACUS Bon Appetit s Best of the Year 2001 issue named abacus Chef s tasting menu a top pick. Dallas restaurant industry voted abacus Best Restaurant, http://www.abacus-restaurant.com/newsite/indexinner.php | |
84. AbAcUs Wolseley 15/50 Contains photographs, history, information and specifications. http://www.abacus.freeserve.co.uk/ |
85. How To Use SOROBAN(ABACUS) With Java Before starating calculation by soroban(or abacus), hold soroban at its When all top beads up and all bottom beads down, the soroban(abacus) shows zero. http://www.soroban.com/howto_eng.html | |
86. Content Management Products From Abacus E-media Specialise in providing content management systems, portal development, web design and kiosk services. http://www.abasoft.co.uk/ | |
87. Roman Abacus Roman abacus Italy between 2nd and 5th centuries. The word abacus is used to describe one of the earliest calculating devices digital, manually operated http://www.xnumber.com/xnumber/pic_roman_abacus.htm | |
88. The Ways Of Counting Essay on the history of computers from the abacus, logarithm, ENIAC, and massively parallel computers. Written by computer pioneer Philip Emeagwali. http://www.emeagwali.com/essays/technology/computing/history-of-computing-abacus | |
89. Assisi Hotel Abacus Assisi Hotel S. Maria Degli Angeli Umbria Perugia Perugia Um Hotel abacus in Assisi. Book your room in Assisi, S. Maria degli Angeli, Umbria, Italy. Fax Form. http://perugiaonline.com/abacus/ | |
90. Welcome To Abacus Enterprise Solutions abacus Enterprise Solutions is a Canadawide provider of Microsoft Great Plains and related third party business solutions software. http://www.abacusenterprise.ca | |
91. Electronic Journals - Abacus abacus onlineAssociation of British and Chinese University Students. Society aiming to celebrate Chinese culture in Britain. Includes constitution, details of events, http://library.usask.ca/ejournals/display.php?issn=0001-3072 |
92. Abacus Computer Systems, Inc. Great Plains reseller also offers medical billing and club management software. http://abacus.bcentralhost.com/ | |
93. Triumph Of The Nerds: A History Of The Computer The abacus, a simple counting aid, may have been invented in Babylonia (now Iraq) in the fourth century BC. The Antikythera mechanism, used for registering http://www.pbs.org/nerds/timeline/pre.html | |
94. I C MAC ABACUS ACADEMY-INDIA Offers abacus education and children developement programmes. http://www.icmacindia.com | |
95. Venomous Butterfly And Willful Disobedience Venomous Butterfly Publications produces and distributes pamphlets and the insurrectionay anarchist zine Willful Disobedience. http://www.geocities.com/kk_abacus/vbutterfly.html | |
96. Abacus24-7 Printer Ink & Toner Cartridges For Epson, HP, Dell, Canon, Lexmark... Offers Epson, HP, and Canon original and compatible ink and toner cartridges, photo paper and Avery laser labels. http://abacus24-7.com/ | |
97. Chinese Abacus The abacus will then show you step by step the movements necessary to perform the addition or subtraction. Related Links http://www.mandarintools.com/abacus.html | |
98. History Of Computers A collection of web resources sorted alphabetically. Topics include the abacus, Eniac, Charles Babbage and Bill Gates. http://www.hitmill.com/computers/computerhx1.html | |
99. THE ABACUS HANDBOOK The abacus (or Soroban as it is called in Japan) is an ancient The abacus is one of the worlds first real calculating tools and early forms of an http://www.gis.net/~daveber/Abacus/Abacus.htm | |
100. Abacus Computing Services Ltd - Digital Power Supplies - Digital Mother Boards - Source for new or second hand computer equipment. http://www.abacus-computing.com | |
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