Assessing the Effectiveness of Noise Control Regulations and Policies L.S. Finegold [1], H.E. von Gierke [1], R.L. McKinley [1], and P.D. Schomer [2] [1] U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/HECB), 2610 Seventh St., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433-7901 USA [2] U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, Illinois 61826-9005 USA 1. Introduction 2. APPROACH TO Noise Policy Assessment (NPA) noise sources and their respective noise policies . The second (Survey B) would involve periodic noise measurements, combined with noise modeling predictions, to determine how noise exposure is varying over time. The third survey (Survey C) would determine the various objective and subjective effects of noise exposure for individuals, selected groups, and populations over time. The information obtained from these surveys would then be compiled and analyzed to determine what effects are observed from changes in noise policies. All three types of surveys need to be made every five to ten years to evaluate the effectiveness of existing noise Standards and regulations. They would provide the data required to accurately describe and compare various home, occupational, community, and recreational noise environments in different countries. The questions that need to be addressed include: Survey A - The basis for a NPA program would be a survey to catalogue the predominant noise sources and their relevant exposure regulations and policies (Survey A). Gottlob [6], in his comparison of international community noise regulations, and Lambert and Vallet [8], in a similar effort for the European Commission, provide examples of how this might be done. Most emission Standards (such as for automobiles and machinery) and architectural Standards (such as those for noise barriers) are covered by individual ISO and IEC Standards. However, there still remain noise policy differences both between and within individual countries which must be taken into account in implementing NPA programs. Nielsen and Sorensen [9] provide a comprehensive description of the relevant Standards development work of ISO TC 43 - Acoustics and TC43/SC1 Noise. Much of the information in these Standards can be incorporated into a NPA methodology. | |