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161. RSS 2.0 Specification All RSS files must conform to the xml 1.0 specification, as published on the There are no stringlength or xml-level limits in RSS 0.92 and greater. http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss | |
162. Dagblog - Blog Nejen Pro Kodery Blog pro kodery a koderky. Programov¡n (Java, PHP, XSL, xml) a opensource projekty. http://www.sweb.cz/pichlik/ | |
163. Boing Boing Recent entries from a magazine about media and popular culture. http://boingboing.net/rss.xml | |
164. WDVL: XML: Extensible Markup Language Includes xml vs. HTML, introductory material, Key references, major sites, and software guide. http://wdvl.com/Authoring/Languages/XML/ | |
165. Google.blogspace.com/index.xml Google Sitemaps (BETA) HelpYour Sitemap index file could be named Sitemap_index.xml. The xml format of a Sitemap index file is very similar to the xml format of a Sitemap file. http://google.blogspace.com/index.xml | |
166. Grom's Homepage Basic information and links on xml and using xml with Java. http://www.geocities.com/grom358/xml.html | |
167. Www.zeldman.com/feed/zeldman.xml FTPOnline.com Home PageGet an overview of XForms in this chapter from XForms xml Powered Web Forms. Learn to parse an incoming xml packet and then store the data in a data http://www.zeldman.com/feed/zeldman.xml | |
168. Mutualiser L'effort De Montée En Compétences Sur XML Ce projet a pour objectif de partager une information dynamique sur les d©veloppements des technologies et des usages d'xml. http://www.mutu-xml.org | |
169. Sleepycat Software: Products: Berkeley DB XML Berkeley DB xml is the native xml database engine for your product. Berkeley DB xml provides XQuery access into a database of document containers. http://www.sleepycat.com/products/xml.shtml | |
170. Guideline XML (gXML) An xml schema structure designed by Edifecs Commerce to allow mapping of EDI messages/transaction sets in xml. http://www.commercedesk.com/ |
171. Www.engadget.com/rss.xml www.joelonsoftware.com/rss.xml http://www.engadget.com/rss.xml | |
172. Xml Database Sys - Startkabel.nl Portal site for xml database systems. http://xml-database-sys.startkabel.nl/ |
173. XML Topic Maps (XTM) 1.0 The XTM 1.0 specification is an xml syntax for expression and interchange of Topic Maps. http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/ | |
174. XML In Der Praxis - Von Henning Behme Und Stefan Mintert OnlineVersion des Buches Professionelles Web-Publishing mit der Extensible Markup Language von Henning Behme und Stefan Mintert. Beispiele und erg¤nzende Informationen werden aufgef¼hrt. http://www.mintert.com/xml/buch/ | |
175. XML, Java, And The Future Of The Web This paper 0 describes the xml effort and discusses new kinds of The applications that will drive the acceptance of xml are those that cannot be http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/sun-info/standards/xml/why/xmlapps.htm | |
176. Tutorial Ed Esempi XML Guida all'xml lezioni guidate con esempi. http://digilander.libero.it/shppotta/ | |
177. Www.kuro5hin.org/backend.rdf Tech Blogs on ZDNet blogs.ZDNet.comSyndicate xml RSS 2.0 All Feeds xml RSS 2.0 Feed for Current Page xml RSS 2.0 Feed of MostPopular Posts. Click Here! ZDNet Blogroll http://www.kuro5hin.org/backend.rdf | |
178. Intershare B.V., Intershare: Diensten: Corporate Identity Support The first webbased xmleditor provided by Intershare. http://www.intershare.nl | |
179. ALTOVA â XML, Data Integration, UML, And Web Services Tools Altova's xml Spy Suite 4.3 now includes Web Services integration testing tools a WSDL validator, a universal SOAP test client, and a SOAP Debugger that supports breakpoints on functions, conditional breakpoints, and singlestepping through web services transactions. http://webservices.xmlspy.com/ | |
180. Wyona Open Source Software OpenSource Content Management and Publishing System written in 100% pure Java. Based on open standards such as xml and XSLT, one of its core components is Cocoon from the Apache Software Foundation. http://www.wyona.org/ | |
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