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141. Philippe Rispoli CV Informatique developpement php client serveur web me d©couvrir en ligne xml vb6 merise m'©crire je vous r©pond. http://www.chez.com/rispoliphilippe/ | |
142. Unmatched Section/title It is xml served autoconverted to HTML by Cocoon, so what you read online is You can download the unconverted file (avoiding the .xml filetype which http://www.ucc.ie:8080/cocoon/xmlfaq | |
143. RTF TO XML. Convert RTF To HTML, PDF, XML FO, Converts RTF documents to xml ones preserving initial documents' internal structure and appearance. http://www.rtf-to-xml.com/ | |
144. XML Technology Center Oracle xml Technology Center provides extensive xml documents, tutorials, samples and XDK downloads. http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/xml/ | |
145. Osage - Persistence Plus XML ObjectRelational mapping for JDBC databases, with xml features. Open Source, LGPL http://osage.sourceforge.net/ | |
146. XMLmind XML Editor: XMLmind XML Editor Very good editor for structured documents (like DocBook xml). DTDonly version is free to use and comes with DocBook support. xml Schema enabled version is http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/ | |
147. SOA Architect - J2EE, WebLogic, EJB, Web Services, XML, UML, SOA J2EE, EJB, xml, Web Services, Weblogic and Cajun technologies Internet architect. http://www.kunalmittal.com/ | |
148. Exploring XML - The Webmaster's Reference On XML: Free Tutorials, Tools, Standar Hack into the jungle of this hot new markup language with Exploring xml, a biweekly column featuring tutorials, examples and training in xml, http://www.webreference.com/xml/ | |
149. Xmlf90, An XML Parser In Fortran Written by Alberto Garcia in the F subset of Fortran 95, freely available under the BSD license. http://lcdx00.wm.lc.ehu.es/ag/xml/ | |
150. Introduction To RSS - WebReference.com Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a lightweight xml format designed for sharing RSS defines an xml grammar (a set of HTMLlike tags) for sharing news. http://www.webreference.com/authoring/languages/xml/rss/intro/ | |
151. Sci-Fi Wire RSSfeed of the daily news service of the Sci-Fi Channel. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/rss/index.xml | |
152. LTG Software: LT XML An integrated set of xml tools and a developers toolkit, including a C-based API. UNIX, WIN32 http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/software/xml/ | |
153. SQL XML, SQL/XML, XML To JDBC, SQL 2003, XML SQL: Products: Home A tool that allows Java applications to build xml documents directly as the result of SQL queries. http://www.datadirect.com/products/connectsqlxml/index.ssp | |
154. MARC 21 XML Schema The MODS schema is intended to be able to carry selected data from existing MARC 21 records as well as to enable the creation of original resource http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/ | |
155. Pathfinder-XML: Air Cargo Flight Schedules, Flight Status, Event Notification Creator of a hosted software application that provides information for making and monitoring airfreight routing decisions including flight schedules and notification services. Company, product and technology details. http://www.pathfinder-xml.com/ | |
156. XML JOURNAL SYSCON s xml Journal. Stylus Studio Release 2 Five Traps Of Content Supply Chain Verity K2 Developer Software Embedded in XyEnterprise s xml CMS http://xml.sys-con.com/ | |
157. Opencms.org: OpenCms - The Open Source Content Management System Servlets are used to deliver HTML content created from xml templates. The whole content of the system is stored in a JDBC compliant database. Open Source, GPL http://www.opencms.org/opencms/opencms/index.html | |
158. Xml.oreilly.com -- Welcome To The O'Reilly XML Center -- Computer Books, Xml Boo O Reilly is a leader in technical and computer book documentation for xml programming. The center features xml books, articles, resources, and news. http://xml.oreilly.com/ | |
159. EWeek http://rssnewsapps.ziffdavis.com/tech.xml | |
160. O'Reilly Network -- Developers' Hub -- Web Development, Open Source Development, Web development reference site for developers who rely on O'Reilly computer books to provide indepth technical content on open source and emerging technologies important to them. Links to reference content on xml, P2P, LAMP, Linux, Apache, Java Servlets, MySQL and Perl. http://www.oreillynet.com/ | |
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