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81. Johdatus XML-tekniikkaan (XML) Opas xmlm¤¤rittelyn tekniikkaan sek¤ xml-dokumenttien ja rakennem¤¤rittelyjen suunnitteluun. http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ruini/structure/xml/ | |
82. What Is XML? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictionary This page describes the term xml and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/X/XML.html | |
83. The VNet Class Library Collection of useful Java classes, including an xml generator and a simple editor. Open Source, GPL http://web.vee.net/projects/vnetclasslibrary/ | |
84. Hr-xml HRxml Consortium Signs Agreement With Japanese Chapter The HR-xml Consortium today announced that it has signed an agreement with its first international http://www.hr-xml.org/ | |
85. Object Edge - Financial, Banking, Software, Applications, Frameworks, Objects, S Components and frameworks are used in developing componentbased large-scale enterprise systems using J2EE, xml, and Smalltalk. http://www.objectedge.com/ | |
86. XML Conference & Exposition 2005 | From Syntax To Semantics: November 14-18, 200 The reliable source for everything xml xml 2005 is the largest The xml 2005 Program and Pre-and-Post Conference Tutorials have been posted. http://2005.xmlconference.org/ | |
87. C++ Wrappers For The Expat XML Parser Describes an implementation of a C++ wrapper to the expat xml parser API. http://www.codeproject.com/soap/expatimpl.asp |
88. What Is XML? Dozens of links to a wellchosen variety of sites. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/5957/xml.html | |
89. The XML C Parser And Toolkit Of Gnome A part of the GNOME framework, but does not require GNOME. It provides interfaces similar to DOM and SAX and an XPath implementation. Released under W3CIPR and GNU-LGPL. http://www.xmlsoft.org | |
90. Guardian Unlimited International and UK news and comment. http://www.guardian.co.uk/rssfeed/0,,1,00.xml | |
91. OpenLink Universal Integration Middleware - Virtuoso Product Family Highperformance and compact DBMS server with support for SQL-92, ODBC, JDBC, UDBC, SAX, DOM, and xml. http://www.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/ | |
92. The CoverPages Database containing over 2000 documents pertaining to SGML, xml, and related standards. Features a bibliography for SGML, vendors and service providers, software reviews, mailing lists, user groups, and projects. http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/sgml-xml.html | |
93. Slashdot.org/rss/slashdot.rss More results from slashdot.org SAX (Simple API for xml)Contains Namespace support and is fully configurable and extensible. Open Source, Public Domain http://slashdot.org/rss/slashdot.rss | |
94. Water -- Waterlanguage.org s, documents, news, events, articles, comparisons, services, products, book, community. free trial version......Allpurpose Web services language, platform prototype-based, BASIC easy, LISP powerful, OO xml, Concisexml syntax, OO Capability security. http://waterlanguage.org/ | |
95. XML Pitstop : Largest Source Of XML Examples On The Web xml resources containing everything that a developer needs to know about xml. http://www.xmlpitstop.com/ | |
96. Convert Comma Separated Values (CSV) To XML - Creativyst(R) CSV To XML Conversio Online conversion of Comma Separated Values (CSV) to xml tool. http://www.creativyst.com/Prod/15/ | |
97. Web Design - HTML XML - Web Development - Web Site Design Resources for web designers with weekly featured articles, newsletters, chat and a forum. http://webdesign.about.com/ | |
98. XHTML 1.0: Where XML And HTML Meet (1/8) - Exploring XML - Webreference.com Discussion of XHTML 1.0 and how it improves on the HTML 4.0 standard. Examines the issues involved in the transition between HTML and XHTML. Also explores backwards compatibility to HTML and XHTML modularization. http://www.webreference.com/xml/column6/ | |
99. Wired News: XML: Metadata For The Rest Of Us (Part 1) By Jeffery Veen. Wired Magazine. Includes an interview with Tim Bray. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,4997,00.html | |
100. ZVON.org - ZVON The Guide to the xml Galaxy. xml basics quick start Webmasters, graphic artists Publishers, xml Tutorial translated to Hungarian by Marton Balazs http://www.zvon.org/ | |
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