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Vbscript: more books (100) | |||||
101. VBScript Constants vbscript defines a number of intrinsic constants. You can get information about You create userdefined constants in vbscript using the Const statement. http://www.hostinglogin.com/help/vbscript/vbs5.htm | |
102. EListas.net - Mis eListas: Aspmania Lista de discusi³n sobre ASP, XML, PHP, UML, DHTML, HTML, JavaScript y vbscript. http://www.elistas.net/lista/aspmania | |
103. VBScript Procedures In vbscript there are two kinds of procedures; the Sub procedure and the A Sub procedure is a series of vbscript statements, enclosed by Sub and End Sub http://www.hostinglogin.com/help/vbscript/vbs14.htm | |
104. Pc-WebCrafters Home Page Web design including HTML, ASP, VB, vbscript, Javascript, and database connectivity. http://pc-webcrafters.com/ | |
105. VBSCRIPT TOPIC vbscript. 1 items found, displaying 1 1 part of a book. Transformation After reading this chapter from Graphics Programming with GDI+, you ll http://www.windowsitlibrary.com/Topics/Topic.cfm?TopicID=721&Topic=VBScript |
106. When Setup Isn't Just Xcopy : VBScript (and Jscript) MSI CustomActions Suck I thought I d relate a short story to you why vbscript (and Jscript for that Anyway, hope you enjoyed the stories and remember, vbscript and Jscript http://blogs.msdn.com/robmen/archive/2004/05/20/136530.aspx | |
107. Scriptovore Forums et articles sur le scripting vbscript / Wsh / Wmi / Adsi, l'administration et l'ingenierie pour personnels techniques syst¨me et r©seau. Environnement Microsoft, serveurs web/messagerie Open Source. http://www.scriptovore.com |
108. Hitmill.com - VBScript For Beginners Free online vbscript tutorial about implementing serverside scripts, references for vbscript, and where to find vbscript code examples. http://www.hitmill.com/programming/vbs/vbscript.html | |
109. Microsoft Scripting Technologies A gateway to JScript and vbscript. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/nhp/Default.asp?contentid=280 |
110. WDVL: Back To Basics: VBScript For ASP Interested in making ASP pages but do not know where to start? Learning vbscript for ASP is half the battle, check out this article to become in the know! http://www.wdvl.com/Authoring/ASP/VBScript/ | |
111. Visual Basic, Vb, Active Server Pages (ASP),java, Javscript,c, C++, C__ , Vbscri Collection of scripts and programs, with reviews from other users. vbscript, JavaScript, C, Delphi, Perl, Visual Basic, ASP. http://www.planetsourcecode.com/ | |
112. Fuzzy Software : Newsgroups : Microsoft.public.scripting.vbscript Comprehensive directory of ASP and ASP.NET tutorials, code, applications, examples and more http://www.fuzzysoftware.com/newsgroups.asp?action=showgroup&group=microsoft.pub |
113. Source Code Online Directory of code examples available for download or viewing. C++, COBOL, Delphi/Pascal, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, vbscript, Visual Basic. http://www.sourcecodeonline.com/ |
114. VBScript Here are some examples of programming in the Visual Basic Scripting language (vbscript). vbscript is easy to learn, especially for Visual Basic programmers, http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~tbrown/vb/vbscript.htm | |
115. ASP Emporium - Code Library Collection of free vbscript and JScript snippets for use in ASP applications. http://codelib.aspemporium.com/ | |
116. Introduction à VBScript vbscript est le langage privilégié pour la programmation de pages Active Server Pages (ASP), http://www.commentcamarche.net/vbscript/vbsintro.php3 | |
117. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: VBScript Pocket Reference, First Edition The vbscript Pocket Reference details every vbscript language elementevery statement, function, and objectboth in vbscript itself and in the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library. Consummate quick reference for writing scripts with vbscript. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/vbscriptpr/ | |
118. VBScript Language Reference vbscript Language Reference. vbscript Features, VBA Features not in vbscript, vbscript Features not in VBA. Alphabetic Keyword List http://www.feri.uni-mb.si/vbscript/ | |
119. Paul Mershon: Software Development And Business Solutions Software developer with over 12 years of experience developing applications. Languages Java, Object Pascal, HTML, Javascript, vbscript, Perl, PowerScript, Microsoft C, COBOL, PL/1. http://members.skyweb.net/pmershon-cgi-bin/index.cgi | |
120. VBScript Language Reference This information will help you explore the many different parts of vbscript. Each part of the vbscript language is listed alphabetically under the http://www.html.dk/dokumentation/vbscript/html-vss/vbsTOC.htm | |
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