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61. Merlyn - VBscript Date And Time - J R Stockton vbscript Date/Time. vbscript Date and Time are Gregorian and Local; Summer Time is disregarded. The date range is a daycount from 010001-01 to http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/vb-dates.htm | |
62. PM Design Website and graphic design; Flash, FTP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, ActionScript, and ASP/vbscript. http://www.pmdesign.org/ |
63. Home : VBScript Reference From the Windows Script reference library, vbscript Reference category for Visual Basic Script Reference and Functions. http://www.winguides.com/scripting/reference.php?category=2 |
64. Microsoft VBScript The Microsoft information site on vbscript. (Microsoft) http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/v |
65. VBScript Tutorial vbscript Tutorial. Adding vbscript Code to an HTML Page. vbscript Basics. vbscript Data Types vbscript Variables vbscript Constants http://www.csidata.com/custserv/onlinehelp/VBSdocs/VBSTUTOR.HTM | |
66. DWAM.NT Index par cat©gorie du d©tail du langage par Microsoft. http://www.dwam.net/iishelp/vbscript/htm/vbstoc.htm | |
67. VBScript Language Reference vbscript Language Reference. Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition vbscript Language Reference, vbscript Tutorial Version Information http://www.csidata.com/custserv/onlinehelp/VBSdocs/VBSTOC.htm | |
68. Dieseyer.de: Home Informationen zum Windows Scripting Host und zu vbscript. Bietet neben allgemeinem und Verweisen auf Einf¼hrungen auch Scripte bereit. http://www.dieseyer.de/ | |
69. VBScript - A Whatis.com Definition vbscript can be compared to other script languages that can be used on the Web, vbscript is Microsoft s answer to Netscape s popular JavaScript. http://searchwin2000.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid1_gci213279,00.html | |
70. Simply Scripting Scripts and script snippets, forum, chat, documentation. NTBatch, Perl, Kixstart, vbscript. http://www.simplyscripting.com/ | |
71. VBScript Tutorial - FunctionX This site offers tutorials on vbscript and scripting. http://www.functionx.com/vbscript/ | |
72. Creating Customizable Alert Boxes Using VBScript Click here to learn how to add interactive JavaScript pop up boxes to your site! http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/vbalert.shtml | |
73. WebF1 Consulting Tips, articles, reviews and news for technologies including JavaScript, vbscript, ASP, SQL Server. http://www.webf1.com/ | |
74. Haneng.com ASP Lesson 5 Learn VBScript! An easy intro to vbscript. vbscript is the default scripting language for ASP, and most of the materials published here are things scripted in vbscript. http://www.haneng.com/lessons/5.asp | |
75. Programmershelp : The One Stop Programmers Resource Collection of resources for many different programming languages ASP, Assembly, C, C++, C , CSS, Delphi, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, PC interface, PHP, Perl, Visual Basic, vbscript, XML. http://www.programmershelp.co.uk/ | |
76. O'Reilly Network: VBScript Or Perl? Robbie Allen, author of Active Directory Cookbook and longtime Perl coder, outlines the advantages and disadvantages of Perl and vbscript to help you http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2003/11/18/activedir_ckbk.html | |
77. Welcome To Tekcomp ASP Scripts Collection of free vbscript and Javascript for use with ASP. http://www.tekcompasp.com/samples.asp | |
78. VBScript In A Nutshell: Chapter 2: Program Structure Finally, we ll end the chapter with a discussion of vbscript usage to write First, though, it s important to cover the basic structures of vbscript that http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/vbscriptian/chapter/ch02.html | |
79. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: VBScript In A Nutshell, First Edition Complete and easyto-use language reference for vbscript to create client-side scripts, ASP applications, WSH scripts, or programmable Outlook forms. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/vbscriptian/ | |
80. Resume Of Nathan Cheng Java, C/C++, Perl, VB/vbscript, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, XML, TCL, JSP, ASP, CGI, WebLogic, Blue Martini, COM, and ISAPI. http://nathancheng.com | |
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