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101. SimplytheBest Software Affiliate Programs Scripts Fonts Sounds Drivers Music Web Listing of freeware, shareware, drivers, affiliate programs, fonts, hosting, andother arranged in categories. Search function available. http://simplythebest.net/ | |
102. NetIntellGames Card And Board Games Card and board shareware games cribbage, chess, checkers, gin rummy, spades, and poker. Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP http://www.netintellgames.com/default.htm | |
103. CADdepot.com - CAD Shareware A repository of freeware and shareware tools for use with AutoCAD and other CADsystems. http://www.caddepot.com/ | |
104. Centrum Rejestracji Oprogramowania - Oprogramowanie, Programy, Shareware, Licenc Zajmuje siÄ sprzedaÅ¼Ä komercyjnych licencji na programy rozprowadzane jako shareware. http://cro.skulski.pl/ | |
105. Shareware Solutions : High Quality Windows Software At Affordable Prices! Providing shareware desktop utilities, products consist of CalendarPro, and txtPro. http://www.sharewaresolutions.com/ | |
106. Soleau Software DOS Games Large collection of shareware puzzle games by William Soleau. http://www.soleau.com/dosgame.html | |
107. Networking & Server Software / Hardware For Windows 2003, 2000, NT & Linux - Ser shareware, freeware, and demo software downloads for Windows NT/98/2000/95/CEand Linuxbased systems. http://www.serverfiles.com/ | |
108. CommuniGate Fax Set up a fax server with CommuniGate; freeware for Macintosh http://shareware.netscape.com/computing/shareware/software_title.tmpl?p=MAC& |
109. Categories Of Free And Non-Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundatio For most shareware, source code is not available; thus, you cannot modify shareware does not come with permission to make a copy and install it without http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/categories.html | |
110. Star-Tools GmbH - Products BootStar boot manager supports any PC operating and file systems. DriveStar drive imager saves entire partitions within one file, all file systems. PartitionStar hard disk partitioner with script capability. English and German, DOS and Windows shareware. http://www.star-tools.com/english/ | |
111. Www.simtel.net7775/ WAP shareware WBMP tools, WML editors, WAP gateways, WAP Freeware, shareware, and necessary instruments for WAP developers and peopleinterested in WAP, WML, and WBMP. Resources necessary for WAP developers and http://www.simtel.net:7775/ |
112. RichView Components For Delphi And C++Builder. RichEdit Alternative Pack of native Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing hypertext documents. Freeware and shareware. http://www.trichview.com/ | |
113. Redirect IBM AS400 SHAREWARE SOFTWARE FROM MIDRANGE SYSTEMS DESIGN A few programmer utilities. http://www.5-10.com/msd/shareware.htm | |
114. The SAX - Shareware Author Index The virtual index of shareware products and author information on the Internet. http://mini.net/sax/ | |
115. Hack Systems DataSafe 1.6 backup software for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. PKZip compatible compression. shareware download available. http://www.hacksystems.com/ |
116. PC Shareware, Inc. - Try Before You Buy Software! What is shareware? Frequently asked questions, How to download software, How doI use a ZIP file?, Additional shareware download sites http://www.pc-shareware.com/ | |
117. FlowerBed By Undis Software, Inc. Windows 95/98/NT solitaire game. Download shareware. http://www.undis.com/FlowerBed/FlowerBed.htm | |
118. Bible Shareware Software Collection Includes freeware and shareware. Games, study tools, children s software, links.(Mostly for DOS; most from Softword.) http://www.pc-shareware.com/religion.htm | |
119. Serge Startsev's Home Page Four checkers games for download which play english/american, russian, international and brazilian checkers, respectively. shareware. http://www.gambler.ru/plus/main.html | |
120. Shareware & Freeware Software Archive - Totalshareware, Totalshareware.com - Ind Source for shareware, freeware, downloads Applications, games and utilities forWindows 95/98/NT/2000, Windows CE, Linux. Search database or navigate http://www.totalshareware.com/ | |
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