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161. Domain Names, Web Hosting, E-Commerce - LWD Internet Web and WAP hosting on Windows 2000 and Linux servers. ASP, perl/CGI, Access, PHP, MySQL and graphical statistics. Also domain registration and ecommerce hosting. http://www.lwdinternet.co.uk/ | |
162. Perl Crawler Search Engine - To Find The Information On Perl And CGI Programming The perl Crawler Search Engine is huge searchable index of all sites devoted toperl and CGI programming, backed up with a stateof-the-art web indexing http://perlsearch.hypermart.net/ | |
163. #1 Personal Web Servers Offers shared hosting and dedicated servers. Supports PHP, MySQL and perl. http://www.1-personal-web-servers.com/ | |
164. Perl & Windows NT Introduction to perl Win32 on Windows NT with IIS. http://www.4images.com/ntperl/ | |
165. Host Byte Servidor com suporte as linguagens php, cgi, perl, asp e flash. http://www.hostbyte.com.br |
166. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Programming Perl, Third Edition A unique introduction to the language and its culture. Covers Version 5.6 of perl.New topics include threading, the compiler, Unicode, and other features. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pperl3/ | |
167. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Learning Perl, Third Edition Quintessential tutorial for the perl programming language. The third edition hasnot only been updated to perl Version 5.6, but has also been rewritten from http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lperl3/ | |
168. Io s, documents, download, mail list. Open Source, BSD......Small, embeddable, objectoriented, prototype-based, garbage collected language; faster than perl, Python, Ruby; supports actors and futures for concurrency. Influences Smalltalk; Act1, Self, NewtonScript; Lisp; Lua. http://www.iolanguage.com/ |
169. Webmonkey | Programming : Perl_cgi perl DBI dbi.perl.orgOfficial site includes documentation, mailing list information, and demonstrations. http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/programming/perl_cgi/ | |
170. Quercus Stellata (Post Oak) Photos of mature tree, bark, twig, leaf, flower, and fruit. http://www.cas.vanderbilt.edu/perl/bioview.pl?genspec=qust&action=View |
171. Perl 6 - Perl6 The official site for the development of perl 6, the next generation of the perlprogramming language. http://dev.perl.org/perl6/ | |
172. Weblogs (by Subject) Features links and commentary by a variety of authors. http://www.oreillynet.com/weblogs/subject/1 | |
173. Linux Magazine Larry Wall s article about the history and evolution of the language. http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-10/uncultured_01.html | |
174. Perl-Service - CGI-Programmierung In Perl, Mod_perl, C++, Flash-ActionScript Und Anbieter von perl/CGI Programmierdienstleistungen, auch f¼r die mod_perl Umgebung. Informiert ¼ber das Angebot und nennt Referenzen. http://www.perl-service.com | |
175. Planet Perl Its an often interesting, occasionally amusing and usually perl related view ofa small part of Since I gave out a copy of Damian s perl Best Practices, http://planet.perl.org/ | |
176. Otras Direcciones Interesantes - Perl/Python Lista de direcciones URL de sitios que explican y ense±an el lenguaje perl. http://www.etsimo.uniovi.es/links/perl.html | |
177. Perl Resources And Reviews A clean well lighted place for perl. Call me Johny perlseed. Wherever I go,and as a consultant I work at a lot of companies, when I see a job for perl http://www.possibility.com/Perl/ | |
178. RISORSE.NET - Guida A Perl <- Pratical Extraction And Report Language La guida va dagli algoritmi alle funzioni aritmetiche, passando per le regular expressions. http://www.risorse.net/perl/ | |
179. Xerces Perl XML Parser Includes a collection of perl5 wrapper objects that internally use their XML4Ccounterparts for Level 1 DOM processing. http://xml.apache.org/xerces-p/ | |
180. Perl Regular Expression Matching Is NP-Hard A discussion of the complexity of regular expression matching algorithms in perl. http://perl.plover.com/NPC/ | |
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