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61. Hotscripts.com :: The Net's Largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript And ASP Script Co Extensive collection of ASP, perl, PHP, C/C++, JavaScript, XML, and other CGI scripts and resources. http://www.hotscripts.com/ | |
62. The CGI Resource Index: Programs And Scripts: Perl perl is the scripting language of choice for hundreds of CGI scripts. http://cgi.resourceindex.com/Programs_and_Scripts/Perl/ | |
63. Infos24 Perl PHP XML XSLT XPATH DOM JavaScript Mysql Linux Webdesign Schulungen Handb¼cher,Tutorials und Beispiele zu XML, JavaScript, MySQL, perl und PHP. http://www.infos24.de/ | |
64. O'Reilly Open Source Convention - August 1-5, 2005 - Portland, OR From Linux and perl to security, databases, and more, the 2005 edition of OSCONhelps you get where you need to go with open source. Register today. http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2005/ | |
65. Perl - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia perl, also Practical Extraction and Report Language (a backronym, perl is ageneralpurpose programming language originally developed for text http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl | |
66. Lyhyt Esitelmä Perlistä Jani Hakalan perlesitelm¤. Mukana esimerkkej¤. http://www.jyu.fi/~jahakala/ohjsem99/ | |
67. Libwww-perl: WWW Protocol Library For Perl www.ics.uci.edu/WebSoft/libwwwperl/ Domain Name Registration at Joker.com, Easy to use Control Panel Domain Name Registration at Joker.com, Easy to use Control Panel and ResellerAPI Interface. COM, NET, INFO, ORG, BIZ, DE domains as low as $7.20. http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/websoft/libwww-perl/ | |
68. Web Hosting & Domain Names Provides shared hosting with site builder, ecommerce and FTP. Supports PHP and perl. http://www.webhostxl.com/ | |
69. The Cgi-lib.pl Home Page Very popular perl 4/5 module for simple CGI tasks, such as reading form input. http://cgi-lib.berkeley.edu/ | |
70. USA Domains - Web Hosting - Nationwide Dialup Access Offers shared hosting, domain registration and reseller program. Supports PHP, MySQL and perl. http://www.usadomains.com/ | |
71. Libwww-perl The libwwwperl collection is a set of perl modules which provides a simple This is also the place to obtain the other packes that libwww-perl depend http://www.linpro.no/lwp/ | |
72. Developer.com: An EarthWeb Site Provides link directory, technical articles, news, forum, and online books for Java, Linux, JavaScript, perl, ActiveX, Visual Basic, HTML, DHMTL, XML, ColdFusion, C and C++. http://www.developer.com/ | |
73. Rex Swain's HTMLified Perl 5 Reference Guide perl 5 Reference Guide (in HTML) by Rex Swain. This is an HTMLified versionof the perl 5 Desktop Reference, ISBN 156592-187-9, copyright © 1996 by http://www.rexswain.com/perl5.html | |
74. Eficiència Dels Algorismes. Correspondència Entre Seqüències De Símbols Apunts d'introducci³ a aquest llenguatge. http://www1.imim.es/courses/BioinformaticaUPF/P4/ |
75. Use Perl: All The Perl That's Practical To Extract And Report General discussion of perl and issues relating to it, perl news. http://use.perl.org/ | |
76. Naucte Se PERL A CGI Online kniha o perlu a CGI. http://perl.eurohost.cz/ | |
77. Picking Up Perl, A Freely Redistributable Perl Tutorial Book A freely redistributable tutorial book on perl in text, HTML, pdf and postscriptformat. http://www.ebb.org/PickingUpPerl/ | |
78. Ruby Home Page Interpreted, dynamically typed, pure objectoriented, scripting language for fast, easy programming, from Japan. Simple, straightforward, extensible. Many features to process text files and do system management, as in perl. More elegant than perl, fewer parentheses than Lisp. Japan has more users of Ruby than Python. Open Source http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ | |
79. Jojoxx's Perl Guide Kort l¤robok i perl. http://www.jojoxx.net/perl/ | |
80. Mother Of Perl: Free Perl Tutorials, Tips, Lessons, Tricks, And Code - Webrefere Monthly series of handson perl tutorials focusing on perl for the Web. http://www.webreference.com/perl/ | |
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