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121. RUG Math & CS: Obsolete Department of Mathematics and computing Science. Research fields include theoretical computer science, high performance computing and imaging, artificial intelligence, parallel and distributed computing, embedded systems, agent technology and neural networks. http://www.cs.rug.nl/ | |
122. CUHK Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Research areas include algorithms, Chinese processing, high performance computing, intelligent systems, parallel and distributed computing, rapid system prototyping, visualization, virtual reality and VLSI/CAD. http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/ | |
123. Welcome To LaBRI Bordeaux. Researchers at the LaBRI are organized into five research teams Combinatorics and Algorithmics (Enumerative combinatorics, maps, physics; Random generation and visualization; Graphs and applications; Distributed algorithms); Logic, Formal Languages, and Applications (Graphs and logic; Formal languages; Rewriting, Databases); Modeling, Verifying and Testing Computerized Systems; parallel and Distributed computing;Image and Sound (Image analysis; Image synthesis) http://www.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/index-en.htm | |
124. PCOMP parallel and High Performance computing (HPC) are highly dynamic fields. PCOMP provides parallel application developers a reliable, onestop source of http://www.npaci.edu/PCOMP/ | |
125. Foundations Of Multithreaded, Parallel, And Distributed Programming - Addison-We This book teaches the fundamental concepts of multithreaded, parallel and distributed computing. Emphasizes how to solve problems, with correctness the primary concern and performance an important, but secondary, concern. (Gregory R. Andrews) http://www.aw-bc.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,0201357526,00.html | |
126. ORNL Distributed Computing Project Oak Ridge National Lab has developed a worldwide reputation for its parallel and distributed computing research. http://www.csm.ornl.gov/cs/DistComp.html | |
127. 18.337 Parallel Scientific Computing Lectures 18.337/6.338 parallel Scientific computing Lectures. Spring, 1998 UC Berkeley CS 267 Applications of parallel Computers by Kathy Yelick. http://www-math.mit.edu/~edelman/18.337/ | |
128. Parallel Distributed Computing Books - Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Works specifically concerned with the design of parallel systems, distributed or networked applications, and the algorithms and techniques required to build, program, and optimize these highperformance systems. http://www.mkp.com/books_catalog/areas/parallel_distributed_full.asp |
129. Quentin Stout Homepage University of Michigan Computer science professor with research in parallel computing, algorithms, scientific and statistical computing, and discrete mathematics. http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~qstout/ | |
130. Department Of Computer Sciences Institute of Computer Science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, graph grammars, visual programming, computational linguistics, evolutionary computation, parallel and distributed systems, soft computing, fault tolerance, object oriented systems, pattern recognition, data warehousing, scientific databases, workflow management, performance evaluation, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and simulation. http://www.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/ | |
131. Computer Science And Software Engineering Department of Computer Science. Research areas include design and analysis of algorithms, computer architecture and VLSI, databases and information systems, mathematics of computation, parallel and distributed computing, artificial intelligence, programming languages and methodology, and theoretical computer science. http://www.cs.concordia.ca/ | |
132. Jayadev Misra University of Texas parallel and distributed computing, specification and design of synchronous and asynchronous systems. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/misra/ | |
133. Parallel Home Page Part of the School of computing at Queen s University, the parallel Computation Group is located on the seventh floor of Goodwin Hall. http://www.cs.queensu.ca/Parallel/ | |
134. Chryssis Georgiou Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus. Design and Analysis of Algorithms; parallel and Distributed computing; FaultTolerance; Survivability of Replicated Objects; Dynamic computing Environments. Publications. http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~chryssis/ | |
135. Buyya, Rajkumar Monash University Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Compilers, Programming Paradigms, parallel and Distributed computing, Cluster computing, parallel I/O. http://www.rdt.monash.edu.au/~rajkumar/ |
136. Home Page For School Of Computer Science And Software Engineering School of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Research areas include artificial intelligence; audiovisual information processing; digital systems hardware; computing education; database systems; distributed, parallel and mobile computing; logic and theory; reasoning under uncertainty; and software engineering. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/ | |
137. Afdeling Informatica, Faculteit Der Exacte Wetenschappen. Vrije Universiteit Ams Division of Mathematics and Computer Science. Research interests center around software engineering; parallel and distributed systems, including programming, distributed shared objects, operating systems support, and wide area cluster computing; agent technology; computational intelligence; knowledge representation and reasoning; lambda calculus; programming language semantics; type theory; and proof checking. http://www.cs.vu.nl/ | |
138. Welcome To Applied Scientific Research ASR provides advanced computational and algorithmic support to the high performance computing needs of government and industrial clients. The core technology of ASR is a gridfree, massively parallel CFD tool, originally developed at M.I.T. http://www.Applied-Scientific.com |
139. MIT CSAIL Parallel And Distributed Operating Systems This group's focus is to build and investigate software systems for parallel and distributed environments. They have conducted research in operating systems, networking, mobile computing, language design, compiler design, and architecture, taking a pragmatic approach we build highperformance, reliable, and working systems. http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/ | |
140. Computing Homepage Redirect Department of computing. Research groups Information systems; AI; Distributive and parallel systems; Foundations of computing. http://www.computing.surrey.ac.uk/ |
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