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101. Project AppleSeed The easiest way to build and operate a parallel computer Moving parallel For further information about parallel computing, including resources, http://exodus.physics.ucla.edu/appleseed/appleseed.html | |
102. Cluster Computing Resources It contains a wealth of information relatest to cluster computing, parallel computing, high performance computing. It provides presentation slides on cluster computing, book information, how to build cluster. Worth surfing http://www.dgs.monash.edu.au/~rajkumar/cluster/index.html |
103. ICPC (Imperial College Parallel Computing Centre) Provide College workers with dedicated access to powerful parallel computers. News and details of the facilities. http://www-icpc.doc.ic.ac.uk/ | |
104. Oscar H. Ibarra Home Page University of California, Santa Barbara Design and analysis of algorithms, theory of computation, computational complexity, parallel computing, digital libraries. http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~ibarra/ | |
105. Dr. Xuemin Lin University of New South Wales Algorithm design, computational geometry, distributed and parallel computing, databases, data mining, and graph layouts. http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~lxue/ | |
106. Purdue's Adapter For Parallel Execution And Rapid Synchronization: The TTL_PAPER Hardware to reduce latency in communication between nodes of a parallel computing cluster. Paper describes the performance and software interface. http://aggregate.org/TechPub/ICPP95/icpp95.html | |
107. Center For Parallel Computers - Home Page Provides computing resources primarily for Swedish academic research. Information about computing resources and research. http://www.pdc.kth.se/ | |
108. Computer Science Home Department of Computer Science. Research areas include parallel and distributed computing, evolutionary and neural computing, heuristics for combinatorial optimization, computational spectral theory, vision, computational geometry, and federated information systems, objectoriented systems, contraints, data warehousing and data mining. http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/ | |
109. Parallel And Distributed Computing Group Research group at California Institute of Technology. Focus includes faulttolerant cluster computing. http://paradise.caltech.edu/ | |
110. Topic Area Parallel Processing Links to supercomputing centers, high performance computing journals, vendors, conferences, and governmental agencies. http://computer.org/parascope/ |
111. Parallel And Distributed Computing Practices (Journal) Published twice a year by NOVA Science Publishers since 1998. http://www.cs.okstate.edu/~pdcp/ |
112. Wolfgang Schreiner Johannes Kepler University parallel and distributed computing, generic programming, semantics of programming languages, parallel functional languages, symbolic and algebraic computation. http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/schreine/ | |
113. HU Berlin: Institut Für Informatik Department of Computer Science. Research groups focus on system analysis, software engineering, theory of programming, databases and information systems, artificial intelligence, data analysis, computer science in education and society, parallel and distributed computing, automata, systems theory, algorithms, complexity, computer architecture, communication, signal processing, and pattern recognition. http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/ | |
114. Department Of Computing Science Department of computing Science. Research areas include algorithmics, artificial intelligence, communication networks, computer graphics, computer vision and robotics, database systems, multimedia, parallel programming systems, and software engineering. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/ | |
115. Piyush Maheshwari's Home Page University of New South Wales parallel and distributed computing, heterogeneous distributed computing, groupware and workflow, electronic commerce, network computing, software engineering, object-oriented design and technology. http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~piyush/ | |
116. High Performance Compuitng Software Inc. Sells parallel libraries, statistical analysis tools, and provides software development services. http://www.hpcsoft.com/ | |
117. Mike Giles University of Oxford. Development and analysis of numerical methods for partial differential equations, particularly in computational fluid dynamics; parallel and distributed computing. http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/mike.giles.html | |
118. Mississippi State University - Ioana Banicescu Mississippi State University parallel algorithms, scientific computing, scheduling theory, and computational biology. http://www.cs.msstate.edu/~ioana | |
119. GreenTea Software :: Pure Java P2P Distributed Computing Software :: Grid OS Net Can be used for parallel supercomputing, distributed file sharing/searching/storage, distributed storage, and total resource sharing applications. http://www.GreenTeaTech.com/ | |
120. Chilean Computing Week, Punta Arenas, Nov. 5-9, 2001 Including the following events XXI International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society; IX Chilean Congress on computing; V Workshop on parallel and distributed systems; III Congress on Higher Education in Computer Science; II Workshop on Artificial Intelligence; I Workshop on Software Engineering; ACM SouthAmerican Region Programming Contest; Tutorials and invited talks. University of Magellan, Punta Arenas, Chile; 59 November 2001. http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~mmarin/sccc/english.html |
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